Friday 25 December 2009

Happy Christmas To All Our Readers

Let me take this seasonal opportunity to express my thanks to our loyal readers who have visited Square Mile News during the past year.

Today is not an appropriate time to publish yet more news of violence and dishonesty etc., but to remind everybody to give thanks for making it through another twelve months, to remember those who unfortunately have not, and to appreciate the friends and family we have around us.

I hope you enjoy the photo of two fine City of London constables patrolling the Square Mile during the recent cold snap and yes they will be out there again today keeping the streets safe when we are opening gifts and tucking into turkey.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and may you all enjoy a wonderful and prosperous New Year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you-- Dear Editor-- for creating this awesome
website; having the courage to go it alone in the world of journalism; we here in the U.S. miss you terribly.


Dear Daddy: We wish you a Happy Christmas!


Oliver; Tadpole and Toddy.