Tuesday 22 December 2009

DJ Nosweat Loses His Cool

A panic-stricken DJ, freaked-out by having to wait an hour for a train at busy Liverpool Street Station, lit up a joint to calm his nerves in front of watching police.

Rory Drew Anderson, 26, of Henham Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, had just completed a recording session in Central London and was on his way home.

Anderson – known as DJ-nosweat – pleaded guilty at City of London Magistrates’ Court today to possessing a small amount of herbal cannabis on December 15.

“He was stressed-out after being left alone at Liverpool Street Station for an hour,” his lawyer Mr. Deepesh Pandit told the court. “He suffers panic attacks and smoked a little to calm his nerves.”

Prosecutor Mrs. Alexa Morgan said: “The defendant was seen by officers smoking a joint in public view and he was approached.

“He admitted smoking cannabis and admitted he had more in a grinder and tin for his own use.”

Mr. Pandit added: “He very rarely comes to London. He is a DJ and had travelled to work at a music studio.

“He was picked up at the station by a friend and they worked on some music and he was taken back to Liverpool Street and hour before the train was due to go back.”

The magistrates fined Anderson £66, with £90 costs and ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis, grinder and tin.

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