Friday 17 May 2013

Police Catch Late-Night Drink-Driver After Prang

A late-night drink-driver, who crashed into the vehicle he was following when it suddenly braked, has been fined and banned from the roads.

Gardener Martin Inman, 42, of Dumpton Park Drive, Ramsgate, Kent boozed during a pal's birthday before jumping behind the wheel of his car.

He pleaded guilty to driving his Peugeot 306 estate, with excess alcohol in his breath, in Waterloo Road, Lambeth on April 4.

Camberwell Green Magistrates Court (pictured) heard Inman had 62 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath – the legal limit is 35.

Police were called to a damage-only accident at 9.45pm and Inman, who smelled strongly of alcohol, failed a roadside breath-test.

He told the court: “The person in front of me slammed on their brakes. It wasn't my fault.

“I am a self-employed gardener and without my vehicle I cannot work. It has severe consequences on my life.

“I bowed to peer pressure, it was a friend's birthday with drinks after work.

“I have built a business up in London over many years and now I will lose that client base.”

He was diqualified for twelve months, fined £300, with £85 costs and ordered to pay a £30 victim surcharge.

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