Tuesday 21 January 2014

Cannabis-Growing Operation Near Crystal Palace Park

Police on routine patrol discovered a large cannabis factory after detecting the tell-tale smell of the pungent drug.
Officers from Bromley's North West Neighbourhood Policing Team were in Crystal Palace Park Road, Sydenham on January 13 when they detected the strong smell.
As officers approached a detached house, they noticed a man placing large bags inside a wheelie bin.
The suspect saw police and immediately ran off into Crystal Palace Park. 

When officers entered the house they found that it had been converted into a cannabis factory, with four large rooms set up with ventilating and heating equipment, and in excess of 500 fully grown plants inside (pictured).

The suspect had been in the process of cropping and moving the cannabis out of the address when disturbed by police.

Sergeant Rob Goodwin from Bromley Police said: “This seizure represents a major and unexpected dent in the network of cannabis supply in the South East London area and was brought about through proactive local neighbourhood policing”.

Enquiries are still ongoing to trace the man. 

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