Sunday 12 January 2014

Fake-Job Rapist Locked-Up

A knife-wielding rapist, who lured a woman to his bed-sit after placing a bogus job ad, has been caged for seventeen years.
Bulgarian national Atanas Miryanov, 38, (pictured) even tried to push the terrified half-naked woman out of a second-floor window as she attempted to escape.
The victim, 26, responded to the online advert Miryanov placed on Bulgarian-language site, seeking women to work at a car wash.
She arrived at his address in Sutton Common Road, Sutton on July 1, 2013, where the heavy-drinking defendant asked her to wait for the manager 'Georgi' as he became increasingly drunk.
The woman, also Bulgarian, eventually asked to leave, but Miryanov grabber her, threw her onto the bed and raped her.
She feigned an asthma attack in a desperate bid to end her ordeal, but this prompted the defendant to try and rape her again while threatening her with a knife.
The victim tried to flee via the upstairs window and clambered onto the ledge, where Miryanov tried to push her out of it and fortunately her screams were heard by several passers-by, who called the police.
Miryanov, who has been in the UK eleven months, was arrested and when quizzed by police claimed he did have sex with the victim, but she had consented.
He was convicted of rape by a Croydon Crown Court jury.
Detective Sergeant Janet Archibald, of the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command, said: "Miryanov subjected the victim in this case to a terrifying sexual assault.
“The victim said she was prepared to risk her own life in order to escape from him and she did this by climbing semi-naked and precariously onto a high window ledge, and fortunately her cries were heard by members of the public.
"I would like to thank those witnesses who assisted this case.
“The victim of this awful crime has shown incredible bravery throughout this investigation and I wish to thank her for helping the Metropolitan Police Service to bring this dangerous and predatory criminal to justice.
“I also wish to appeal to any other women who may have been attacked by this individual and not yet come forward to do so."

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