Tuesday 15 April 2014

Gunman Blasts Guest At 10 Year-Old Girl's Birthday BBQ

Alfie's Got A Gun: Gannon

A gunman, who returned to blast a fellow-guest at a child's tenth birthday party when a row broke out during an impromptu martial arts demonstration, was jailed for seven-and-a-half years yesterday.

Alfie Gannon, 21, was thrown out of the family barbecue, but over five hours later shot 22 year-old Danny Walker through both legs with one bullet as his seven year-old stepson Frankie stood next to him.

Gannon, of White Willow Close, Ashford, Kent pleaded guilty at Croydon Crown Court to inflicting grievous bodily harm, with intent, and possessing a firearm, with intent to commit grievous bodily harm.

A charge of attempted murder was dropped against the defendant, who spent six months on the run after the shooting and successfully disposed of the firearm, believed to be a 9mm self-loading handgun.

"I bear in mind this was a children's birthday party, which and will remain very shocking for those children," Judge Stephen Waller told Gannon. "There was a significant degree of pre-meditation."

The Metropolitan Police's Trident Gang Crime Command investigated and Detective Chief Inspector Lee Watling said: "I am pleased that Gannon will be now serving a substantial custodial sentence for what was a shocking incident at a child's birthday party. Understandably both the children and guests at the party were extremely traumatised by the senseless actions of Gannon."

Scene Of Shooting: Ravenscar Road
Gannon had been invited via his girlfriend Zoe to Ravenscar Road, Bromley on May 18, last year for Daisy Walker's tenth birthday party and at around 4.00pm he was chatting with Danny's brother Dean, 21.

"At some point there was a disagreement between the defendant and Dean Walker," said prosecutor Mr. Tom Nicholson. "It appears it was related to some martial arts moves Mr. Walker was showing the defendant.

"It involved pressure points and the defendant reacted badly to that and was asked to leave.

"He returned with a black handgun and there was a commotion outside as he arrived and Danny Walker came out.

"Mr. Walker heard a loud bang and saw blood running down his leg. At the time his son Frankie was beside him.

"He had been shot through both legs, which had entrance and exit wounds just above the knees and began to bleed copiously from the injury."

Gannon escaped and armed police rushed to the scene where they found Mr. Walker sitting on a sofa with his trousers around his ankles, bleeding heavily.

"Children had witnessed the shooting and the prolonged period Mr. Walker was bleeding heavily," added Mr. Nicholson. "The Walker family were upset and angry and it took a sustained period to be calmed down by police, who were forced to restrain at least one."

Gannon, who has convictions for violence and possessing a knife, was traced to Ashford, Kent, where he was arrested after being tackled to the ground outside his address by police on November 19.

Mr. Walker discharged himself from Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill, against medical advice after just two hours of treatment.

"He says he can't believe someone he was talking to at a family barbecue would come back and shoot him," added the prosecutor.   

Gannon's lawyer Mr. Nicholas Goss said: "He asks me to apologise to the victim and children on his behalf."

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