Wednesday 19 December 2018

Oldest Swinger In Town: OAP Banned For Dancefloor Gropes

An octogenarian has been banned from every nightclub in the country after he was caught celebrating his birthday by groping two young women in a crowded London Bridge bar.

Jaime Arrochela Lobo, 80, who has a heart pacemaker, put his hand up one young woman’s skirt and twice grabbed another’s bum between moves on the packed dancefloor.

The pensioner, who has a partner, told police after he was arrested in the early hours that he enjoyed dancing and chatting to girls.

He was convicted of sexually assaulting a 23 year-old and her 24 year-old friend at St. Christopher Inn, Borough on March 25.

He was placed on a twelve-month community order, which includes a condition he must not attend any nightclub in England and Wales for the next twelve months.

He must also wear an electronic tag to ensure he obeys a six-month night time curfew between 9pm and 6am and attend rehabilitation for up to thirty days.

Camberwell Magistrates Court also ordered Arrochela Lobo to sign the sex offenders register for five years and pay £250 costs.

The first woman told the trial: “I felt a bit sorry for him so said: ‘Hi.’ I thought if I saw someone like my grandfather I’d feel a bit sorry for him. The people in the pub were in their twenties and thirties.

“I turned away and a minute later I felt his hand up my skirt inside my underwear and touching my vagina.

“I turned around very quickly and pointed my finger in his face and called him disgusting. I was very upset and went outside to compose myself.

“I felt vulnerable, angry and violated.”

Her friend said: “This man came up behind me and touched my bottom so I turned around and told him not to do that.

“Later on the same man did it again. It was like a grab.

“It did make me feel a bit uncomfortable and violated and I was a bit angry with him.

“I did question why and old man would be there on his own in a young environment.

“I went outside and my friends very distraught, crying, lots of tears and was really upset.”

Arrochela Lobo, of Brinklow House, Torquay Street, Paddington was arrested at the pub and told police: “I like dancing and speaking with young girls.”

He told the court he has a pacemaker and undergone surgery to replace a heart valve and suffers from involuntary shakes.

Former car salesman Arrochela Lobo said he had “plenty” to drink. “I was dancing with different ladies. I got out of the house because I was a bit upset with my girlfriend.

“I can’t say if what the two woman say is true or not because I can’t remember.”

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