Thursday 29 August 2019

Brexit Supporter Jailed For Abusive MP Phone Calls

A Brexit supporter has been jailed for 18 weeks for verbally abusing eight Tory and Labour MP's.
Robert Vidler, 64, of Vaughan Road, Harrow, was convicted after a trial at City of London Magistrates’ Court.
He was found guilty of all eight offences against him; five of harassment and a further three of malicious communications.
He has also been granted a Criminal Behaviour Order with conditions of; not to contact directly or indirectly any Member of Parliament other than the MP representing a constituency where he is a registered voter.
Between January 8 and 24, Vidler left multiple voicemails on Palace of Westminster phones to Conservative and Labour MP’s, all using abusive language and aggressive threats of significant violence.
All of the voicemails left to MP’s made a reference to their involvements in Brexit and alleged Remain credentials. 
Vidler has since said he does not remember making the calls following his admission that he is an alcoholic.
After the messages had been reported, his arrest was sought by police.
He self-presented at Harrow police station on Sunday, January 27 and was arrested for harassment and then malicious communications.
Data taken from his phone through his internet search history revealed that he had searched the details of MP’s on multiple occasions. 
The number also matched that of messages left on the Palace of Westminster phones’ and call logs further incriminated Vidler in the case.

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