Thursday 28 November 2019

Hooded Sexual Predator: E-Fit Released

Police have released this e-fit of a wannabe rapist, who pounced on a lone woman in the early hours when she got off a bus in north London.
The incident happened at approximately 2.40am on March 10 when the victim, a woman aged in her thirties, got off a bus in Caledonian Road at the junction with Market Road, Holloway.
As she walked along Market Road in the direction of York Way she heard a male voice attempting to get her attention. 
She ignored the voice and continued to walk, but was then grabbed from behind and dragged towards an alleyway by 14 Market Road.
A struggle ensued and the woman managed to fight her attacker off although she sustained a facial injury during the fight. 
The man then fled down Market Road towards York Way.
Anyone with information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact officers in the Central North Command Unit on 101, quoting CAD949/10Mar or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
There have been no arrests and enquiries continue.

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