Saturday, 17 October 2020

Romanian Double-Rapist Strikes For Third Time

A twice-convicted rapist from Romania struck again a week after arriving in the UK – pouncing on a lone woman as she walked home in the early hours.

Mihai Roban, 47, took the terrified 28 year-old victim behind public toilets at 2.40am after she left a local bar.

At Harrow Crown Court he was sentenced to seven years and eight months imprisonment and was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Roban pleaded guilty to raping the woman in Regents Park Road, Finchley on January 20.

He ignored her repeated pleas for him to stop and the alarm was raised by a member of the public who heard the distressed victim calling for help.

Police attended and found Roban with the victim. 

He was arrested and taken into custody, where he refused to make any comment about the incident during an interview with officers. 

He was charged with rape the same day by Public Protection Detectives from the North West Command Unit.

Detective Sergeant Michael Daly, the Senior Investigating Officer, said: “Roban had only been in the country for a week when he carried out this attack. 

When we conducted enquiries with police in his home country of Romania we discovered that he had two previous convictions for rape and prison is the right place for him. 

He maintained his innocence until the week before the trial was due to start, which brought further anguish to his victim.

"The victim has been incredibly strong throughout the investigation and I hope that knowing Roban will be in prison for some time will help her to move on from her horrible ordeal.

"I also wish to thank the member of the public for doing the right thing and calling the police when they heard the victim’s calls for help, as well as the investigation team for their excellent work and their continued dedication supporting victims of rape and bringing the offenders to justice.”

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