Friday 13 November 2020

Bus Race Attack: Walking Stick Suspect Wanted

Police hunting an elderly racist of Indian/Pakistani appearance, who spat at and abused a female pensioner on a bus, have released this image of their suspect.

On Saturday, January 25 at 3.00pm a man boarded a Route 114 bus in Kenton Road, Harrow.

While on board the bus he assaulted, spat at and racially abused a 65-year-old female passenger.

Although the victim did not suffer lasting injuries, she has been shocked and distressed by the attack.

The man is described as Asian, aged in his sixties or seventies, approximately 5ft 8inches tall of chubby build. 

He was walking with a stick and pulling a shopping trolley.

Detective Constable Stuart Giddings of the Roads and Transport Policing Command is investigating.

He said: “This was a truly shocking and spontaneous attack on a woman who was sitting on the bus minding her own business. 

“This type of behaviour cannot go unchecked and I would ask people to look at the image and see if they recognise this man then do the right thing and contact police.”

Anyone who can identify this man is asked to contact police by calling 101, 07826 535 577 or Tweet @MetCC quoting Cad 4623/25Jan.

To remain anonymous please visit or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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