Wednesday 31 March 2021

Machete Robber Locked-Up

A machete robber, who snatched a gold chain from a householder's neck during a violent break-in, has been caged.

Zeke Allen, 20, of Caroline Court, Reading and an unknown accomplice smashed their way into the property in north-west London.

The victim, a man in his forties, was stabbed in the head and shoulder and also lost cash to the duo.

Allen was convicted of aggravated burglary at the address in Broadfields Way, Neasden and inflicting grievous bodily harm, with intent, on June 15, last year.

At Reading Crown Court he received nine years custody.

Officers from the Metropolitan Police's North West Basic Command Unit begun an investigation after the occupier was attacked at around 5.55pm.

They arrived to find the man with stab injuries and he was taken to hospital by the London Ambulance Service, where his injuries were confirmed as not life-threatening.

He told officers two men had broken down the door to his property and demanded money. 

When he told them he didn't have any money, they attacked him several times with a machete.

They pulled a gold necklace belonging to the victim's grandfather from around his neck and stole an amount of money before leaving the property. 

The victim was then able to call for help.

Detectives began an investigation and forensic officers were deployed to recover evidence from the scene. 

This was examined and one of the fingerprints matched with records for Allen.

He was arrested on July 17 and taken into police custody. 

He refused to provide any comment during interview and was subsequently charged and remanded in custody.

Detective Constable Jenny Whelan, said: "This was a shocking attack on a defenceless man who was lucky not to have been seriously injured.”

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