Saturday, 15 May 2021

Eye Doctor Caught Boarding Plane With Bogus Covid Certificates

An Egyptian eye doctor, who tried to board a flight home with her two children using forged Covid test certificates, received a suspended prison sentence yesterday.

Dr. Sohyla Mohamed, 36, of Clarence Road, Harborne, Birmingham was supplied the bogus documents by a friend, who downloaded them from the internet.

She had a total of three forged certificates to cover herself and her two children.

She pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation on April 2, namely producing a false PCR certificate - also known as a Fit to Fly Certificate - at Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 2.

Authentic PCR certificates require an average fee of approximately £120.

Prosecutor David Roberts told Wimbledon Magistrates Court: “A family of three, this defendant and her two children, presented themselves to check-in to travel on an EgyptAir flight with negative Covid certificates.

“Airport staff were suspicious and checked with the clinic, which was said to have issued the certificate and it was confirmed the defendant had not attended that clinic.

“She later attended Heathrow Police Station and when questioned said she asked a friend for the certificate to travel and said she had done the lateral flow test that proved to be negative.”

“She said she didn’t really think about the impact of presenting a fake certificate, but knew she was negative from the lateral flow test.

“The offence has raised culpability and potential harm flying, at this time.

“The Heathrow supervisor says there has been a rise in fake PCR test certificates. 

“She said a friend produced the Covid certificate for free.”

Mohamed entered the UK a year ago when her husband obtained a job here and she is also studying in this country.

Probation Officer Howard Gibbs told the court: “Her work gave her short notice to come back so she was in a hurry to get back to Egypt.

“She says she invited a friend to create the fake PCR test certificate, which was downloaded from the internet and she did not think about the consequences of that.

“She is a doctor and did not think it would be an issue.

“She says she fully understands her actions were wrong and is fully appreciative of what she has done.”

Dr. Mohamed told the court: “I know I am guilty, but I did not intend to do this, but I was in a rush to go to Egypt and that is why I did this.

“I wanted to make sure I was free of Covid and did that lateral flow test. I did not believe it was a very big issue like this.”

She was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment, suspended for twelve months and ordered to perform 60 hours community service and pay £85 costs and a £128 victim surcharge.

Magistrate Susan Daniel-Keisler announced: “The defendant produced false documents at Heathrow Airport and sought to board a flight to Egypt.

“The Covid rules in this country require, in order to travel abroad, one must acquire a PCR test, the lateral flow test is not sufficient.

“Dr. Mohamed knew this was required and found a friend to make a false document.

“She sought to deliberately evade the requirements and she potentially put other people at risk.

“Due to your good character and early guilty plea we will suspend the custodial sentence and it will hang over you."

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