Monday 7 February 2022

County Lines Heroin Runner Caught At Euston Station

A County Lines drug-runner, caught at Euston Station with a £3,000 ball of heroin in his underpants, is starting a four-year prison sentence.

He was stopped by the British Transport Police's dedicated County Lines Taskforce, who observed him wandering around the busy station looking confused.

Gary Morrison, 24, of Brixton Hill, south London appeared at Inner London Crown Court where he pleaded guilty to possession, with intent to supply..

Just after midday on Monday March 22, last year Morrison was observed by suspicious BTP officers, who watched him dashing to a platform to board a train.

His behaviour led to him being stopped by officers who subsequently searched him under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act.

Morrison promptly pulled a small amount of cannabis from his underwear and a short while later pulled a golf ball sized wrap of heroin from the same location. 

Officers also found £390 in cash on him.

As he was being escorted to custody, he remarked, “I was carrying it for someone else”.

Analysis of the 22-gram ball of drugs found in Morrison’s underwear revealed it was heroin.

Detective Inspector Graham Moss said: “Morrison’s shifty behaviour came to the attention of our eagle-eyed officers in plain clothes who followed their instincts and stopped him before he embarked on his journey.

“Their work has resulted in a harmful Class A drugs out of circulation and a drug runner behind bars rethinking his criminal activity.

“Our County Lines Taskforce is devoted to making the railway a hostile environment for criminals to move drugs. 

“We’re continually developing our intelligence picture to tackle this crime type, deploying across the network at a moment’s notice to pursue offenders.”

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