Sunday 30 June 2024

"Dangerous And Hostile" Rambo Knifeman Caged

A “dangerous and hostile” knifeman armed with a fearsome twelve-inch 'Rambo' blade has been locked-up.

Shakai Parchment, 21, of Park Lane, west London fled police on foot, throwing the weapon away, after the Range Rover he was travelling in was stopped.

City of London Police had a report of a suspect entering the vehicle with a large knife and the number plate was triggered by an ANPR camera in the Square Mile.

On Tuesday, June 4 officers in an unmarked car implemented an enforced stop in Goswell Road, Clerkenwell and Parchment exited the vehicle and started to run down the road, chased by officers.

While on a foot chase, officers observed Parchment take a silver-looking metallic object out from his waist band and throw it to the ground. 

Officers identified an immediate danger to the public and used Taser to mitigate the risk.

Parchment was arrested and charged for being in possession of an offensive weapon. 

The knife was recovered where he had discarded it.

At Westminster Magistrates' Court he received six months' imprisonment.

Superintendent William Duffy said: “A dangerous and hostile individual has been taken off of London’s streets, thanks to intelligence-led policing and the professionalism and team work of officers in the City.

After being detected on our network of cameras, Parchment was prevented from escaping in his car, as we conducted a swift, safe and systematic stop. 

Officers acted on an immediate risk to the public and were forced to use their Taser to mitigate the risk.

If you come into the City carrying weapons, then we will deliver an appropriate response. We’ll catch you and bring you to justice.”

Following the deployment of the Taser, Parchment was taken to hospital and discharged before being taken to custody.

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