Monday, 17 February 2025

Drug Dealer Fought Police At Railway Station

A County Lines heroin and crack cocaine dealer, who attacked police when challenged at a railway station, has been caged.

One officer was bitten, another kicked to the groin and the third bashed into a wall at Preston Park Station, Brighton.

Kelvin Thompson, 27, of Cambridge Road, Bournemouth was sentenced at Hove Crown Court to four years and nine months.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of possession, with intent to supply Class A drugs, causing actual bodily harm and two counts of assault, with intent to resist arrest.

The court heard how, on September 3, last year plain clothes officers from the British Transport Police’s County Lines Taskforce spotted Thompson acting suspiciously at the station.

When officers spoke to Thompson, he was evasive in answering their questions and continued to act suspiciously. 

Grounds were built for a search and Thompson was detained. 

He was found to be in possession of three mobile phones, one of which he said belonged to a friend.

Additionally, officers also felt something similar to a package hidden underneath his clothes. 

When this was mentioned, Thompson – still handcuffed – attempted to escape and in doing so managed to get a hand free.

He proceeded to struggle with officers and when on the ground, he kicked one in the groin, caused another to hit their back against a wall and bit a third, refusing to let go.

Officers managed to regain control and Thompson was placed back into cuffs and taken into custody. 

Here, he was searched again and two packages containing crack cocaine and heroin worth approximately £1500 were discovered.

Investigating officer DC Chris May said: “Thompson’s behaviour in this case was totally unacceptable.

We won’t tolerate attacks on our officers, or other emergency workers, and we will seek to prosecute those who choose to attack people for simply doing their job.

Our County Lines Taskforce are specially trained to notice behaviours that will make criminals stand out from everyday passengers and we will ensure they are brought to justice. If you are using the rail network to transport drugs, we will find you.”

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