Wednesday 29 May 2024

"Dangerous Individual" Tried To Throw Young Woman Onto Live Rail Tracks

A “dangerous individual”, who tried to drag a young woman onto live railway tracks when she rebuffed his advances, has been locked up.

Matthew Griffin, 24, of Russell Close, Bexley dragged the woman towards the live rail at New Eltham station, but was thwarted by another passenger and the victim slipping out of her coat.

Investigating officer DC Gemma Lee said: “To say this was a terrifying incident is an understatement. The woman was literally fighting for her life as Griffin tried to drag her onto the tracks.

“The impact of this attack has been immeasurable - she has been mentally scarred from what happened and continues to have flashbacks and panic attacks.

“Griffin is a dangerous individual who is now behind bars. It is hoped this will provide some comfort to this brave woman and allow her to begin her recovery.”

At Inner London Crown Court Griffin received two years and four months imprisonment after pleading guilty to attempted grievous bodily harm.

He must also comply with a five-year restraining order, which prohibits him contacting the victim.

The court heard how on Thursday, October 26, last year, Griffin approached the young woman at the suburban south-east London railway station. 

When he attempted to engage her in conversation and she refused he became aggressive and threatened to throw her onto the tracks.

He repeated the threat before dragging her from behind in an attempt to throw her onto the live rails. 

Griffin’s attack only ended when a member of the public intervened and the woman managed to slip out of the coat she was wearing.

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