Friday 31 May 2024

"Pure Evil": Hospital Health Carer Who Exploited Cancer Patients

A former hospital health care assistant, who went on spending sprees with cancer patients' credit cards, has been locked-up for fifteen months.

Mira Solmaz, 33, of Mare Street, Hackney was described as “pure evil” by one victim – a former NHS nurse – who was fighting for her life while under her care.

She was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court after pleading guilty to five counts of fraud and three counts of possession of articles for use in fraud.

She also pleaded guilty to one count of money laundering, which will remain on file.

Solmaz, who had direct access to the victims’ wards, admitted her crimes following a police investigation, which found the cards were linked to her via email addresses, telephone numbers and home addresses.

Investigators also obtained Solmaz’s screenshots of her transactions.

In early April, 2021, 65-year-old Hazel Longhurst, a cancer inpatient at St Batholomew’s Hospital, became aware of transactional activity from her cards, despite being in hospital at the time. 

The patient’s daughter made a police report on April 7 and it was discovered approximately £1,660 worth of fraudulent purchases were made on those cards.

Hazel said: “She targeted me while I was fighting for my life. For a person who is supposed to be in a position of care and trust to do this is just pure evil.

“I've worked for the NHS as a nurse my whole life, I'm just in disbelief that someone can do what she did and the actions of this one person has made me uneasy and more wary of people now.”

Another cancer inpatient at St.Bart's, Todd Mallonee, 48, realised on December 21, 2020 his credit card and other items were missing.

Solmaz spent £360 on his card and his wife contacted the police. Sadly Mr Mallonee passed away on April 28, 2021.

Detective Constable Stacie Cottrell, of City of London Police said: “Mira Solmaz violated the trust and confidence of two vulnerable patients placed in her care, where the families of the victims expected their loved ones to be looked after.

“I would like to extend my condolences to Todd’s family and friends. I’m saddened that he wasn’t able to see Solmaz brought to justice.

“I’m very grateful to the families of these victims in reporting this to the police and supporting this investigation.”

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