An X-Factor reject has been cleared by a jury of deliberately smashing a wine glass over a young woman's head and knocking her unconscious.
George Gerasimou, 20, (pic.l.) of Giesbach Road, Archway, who famously flopped twice on the talent show in 2009 and last year, became involved in a spilled-drinks row.
"My head was cut open," 25 year-old Samantha Vohmann (pic.r.) told Wood Green Crown Court. "I had to have a scan and they took glass out of my skull and stitched me up."
She and three friends were at the end of a five hour pub crawl at the Maze Inn, Southgate on September 4, last year and complained Gerasimou didn't buy them replacement drinks he spilled.
"I was having an argument and got hit on the head," Miss Vohmann told the jury. "I must have fallen down the steps on to the floor, but I don't remember anything else because I was unconscious."
She admits being "drunk" and "unsteady on her feet" after consuming approximately eight drinks during the evening.
Gerasimou's lawyer Mr. Graeme Wilson suggested his client had been "abused" and "ribbed" by customers telling, the victim: "You and your friends were hurling abuse at Mr. Gerasimou."
Prosecutor Mr. Nana Owusuh told the jury it was 2.30am when the girls left their drinks on a table while they danced.
"They noticed the defendant sit on that table and because of his appearance on X-Factor they recognised him and moved towards the table to be nearer the drinks.
"As one of them approached this defendant stood up and the drinks got knocked over.
"They asked him to apologise and an altercation ensued. There was no apology from Mr. Gerasimou or replacement drinks offered."
Bar staff offered replacement drinks, but the row continued.
"The complainant was close to Mr. Gerasimou and in a second the defendant, who was holding a wine glass, used it as a weapon and hit her over the head with the rim," added Mr. Owusuh.
"She fell to the floor and was knocked unconscious and police and an ambulance were called.
"Mr. Gerasimou ran away from the incident, but security took him back into a holding room and the police spoke to him."
When quizzed the defendant answered "no comment" to officers.
Before the trial Recorder Brian O'Neill QC told the jury: "You will hear the defendant has appeared on X-Factor on two occasions and a number of witnesses recognised him from the television programme.
"You must not attempt to find out any information about his appearances on X-Factor."
Gerasimou was found not guilty to causing grievous bodily harm, with intent, and a lesser charge of wounding.
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