Tuesday 8 October 2024

Support Worker Defrauded Disabled

A heartless Support Worker, who preyed financially on vulnerable physically and mentally disabled residents, has received a suspended prison sentence.

Megan Kirk, 23, of Church Street, Dorking was employed at Hartsbrook House, Ashtead Woods Road, Ashtead.

It provides supported living services to adults with a range of disabilities, including cerebral palsy; learning difficulties; autism; epilepsy and sight loss.

Kirk pleaded guilty at Guildford Magistrates' Court to fraud by abuse of position on or about January 9, last year,namely dishonestly abusing that position to make a gain of £750 from Susanne Gibbins.

She also pleaded guilty to three similar charges relating to £300 from Bryony Webber; £520 from Jonathan Litten and £820 from Andrew Perks on dates between February 13 and July 24.

Kirk received eight months imprisonment, suspended for eighteen months.

The court determined the offences were so serious only a custodial sentence could be justified and Kirk showed a “flagrant disregard for people and their property.”

It was also found she was guilty of a breach of trust over a prolonged period of time and the victims were vulnerable.

She was also ordered to complete 140 hours community service and a rehabilitation activity requirement.

Sunday 6 October 2024

The Thin Blue Wine: Cops Nick Shoplifter

A shoplifter who travelled into the neighbouring City of London to nick bottles of wine has been jailed and banned from the Square Mile.

Fathi Handuleh, 38, of Gibson Close, Tower Hamlets loaded up two bags with ten bottles at Co-Op, Cheapside on August 15.

He received sixteen weeks imprisonment and must comply with a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO), which prohibits him entering the City of London for the next three years.

Handuleh was observed on CCTV walking out of the store with the wine bottles, worth £110 and was arrested by police at St. Paul's Underground Station.

Detective Sergeant Helen Bentley, of the City of London Police, said: We hope that this CBO will give reassurance to businesses, retail staff and also members of the public who shop in the area. 

We will bring those committing crimes in the City to justice. A CBO will help us protect businesses and communities from various offences, including theft and anti-social behaviour, as well as act as a deterrent to others thinking of criminal activity.”

If Handuleh breaches his CBO, he could face further jail time.

Friday 4 October 2024

Ex-Racing Driver Billy Monger Banned For Midnight Speed Crash

Ex-racing driver Billy Monger - who as a teenager lost both legs in a
horrific crash - collided with three parked cars and demolished a garden wall when losing control of his Toyota while speeding, a court heard today.

The 25 year-old left the scene of the midnight crash with his female passenger, leaving behind a trail of destruction after ending up in a home's front garden.

He pleaded guilty at Guildford Magistrates Court to driving without due care and attention in Snatts Hill, Limpsfield, Surrey at 11.55pm on January 19.

The court heard Monger, of Highworth Farm, Stan Hill, Charlwood, Horley, wanted desperately to keep his licence to aid his own restricted mobility and continue training for the Iron Man triathlon world championships.

A witness estimated the speed of his black Supra to be at 40mph-50mph in the 30mph zone and, describing his own parked vehicle as “shaking” as Monger drove past.

A second witness described hearing a “loud raging engine” as Monger sped down the road, clipping a parked car and then barreling into the front driveway of a house, striking two more vehicles.

Monger was disqualified from driving for 49 days and fined £1,846, with £110 costs and a £748 victim surcharge.

Bench Chair Ann Whelan told Monger, who appeared via videolink: “We note your previous driving record and will not depart from the guidelines.

“From this moment in time you are a disqualified driver and cannot drive. If you do so it is a serious offence you could go to prison for.”

At the time of the crash Monger had six penalty points on his driving license for speeding offences on March 7, 2021 and October 28, last year.

Prosecutor Russel Greenhouse told the court: ”This was a damage-only four vehicle road collision involving a black Toyota Supra driven by this defendant  and a silver VW Lupo, a silver VW Golf and a red Citroen.”

The VW Lupo was parked in the road and was the first vehicle struck by Monger and the VW Golf and Citroen were parked in the driveway.

“It is a residential road with a slight gradient and a 30mph limit. Cars are parked on both sides, the weather was fair and the road conditions fine,” continued the prosecutor.

“There were two witnesses to the collision and the first, who was sitting in his car, says the black Supra passed him at high speed and his car shook as it passed at an estimate of 40mph-50mph.

“The vehicle has slightly lost control, scuffed the VW and gone through a bush and hedge and collided with the two cars in the driveway.

“The second witness says they heard a loud raging engine and saw the vehicle losing control, leave the road and come to rest in the garden.”

The witness checked to see if Monger and his female passenger were okay after the crash, which saw both of the Supra’s airbags deployed.

After a short period Monger and his companion left the scene, leaving his damaged vehicle behind.

Monger reported the accident the following morning, but gave no details regarding the circumstances of the crash and confirmed to Surrey Police he was the driver at the time.

The VW Lupo had damage to a rear wheel arch; there was damage to the front bumper of the Golf and rear wing damage and dents to the Citroen.

“The defendant’s vehicle was extensively damaged, with both airbags deployed,” said Mr Greenhouse. “There was damage to the hedge, a wall and damage to a highways sign outside the address.

“There is a fair indication of excessive speed and three other vehicles were damaged and a section of wall, hedge and a sign damaged.

“There was leaving the aftermath of the collision. This was not a low speed loss of control.”

Surrey Police originally charged Monger with failing to stop after the accident, but this was dropped.

His lawyer Duncan Jones told the court: “This is an unusual case, given Mr Monger’s personal background.

“This accident was caused by excessive speed and Mr Monger accepts that he drove without due care and attention and his lapse was driving too fast around the bend.

“He accepts that he was driving too quickly and this accident would not have happened otherwise.”

Insurance has covered all of the damage, the court heard, with Monger visiting the residential property to address the concerns of the vehicle owners.

“Mr Monger wants to make it clear that he does not want to get special treatment, but the impact of a disqualification for a young man with his disability is a relevant consideration for the court,” submitted Mr Jones.

“He has no previous convictions and has shown remorse by his guilty plea and you will see the impact and feelings of guilt this has had on him and he takes full responsibility for it.

“He was a former racing driver and in 2017, just before his eighteenth birthday he was involved in a crash and that accident was very serious and it was very high profile at the time.

“He was a young man with a bright future in motor racing and who knows where that would have gone, but the crash resulted in him spending five days in a coma and sadly both legs amputated.”

Monger was competing in the British F4 Championship at Donington Park on April 17, 2017 when he crashed at high speed in to the rear of another driver.

His inspirational recovery has seen him receive the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Helen  Award in 2018 for outstanding achievement in the face of adversity.

“That recovery was played out in public and replayed again and again and again and he has become known for his resilience, regarding his life,” added Mr Jones.

The court also heard Monger provides expert analysis for Channel Four’s F1 coverage and he raised £3.2m for Comic Relief in 2021 by completing a walking, cycling and kayaking challenge.

He also intends to compete in the world Iron Man Championships in Hawaii and set a new world record time for a double leg amputee.

“He is a role model to young people, particularly young people with disabilities and sadly this lapse in driving is something he has to take responsibly for.

“The reputational damage for a driving accident is punishment enough and he has got to deal with that. A reputation that was otherwise outstanding.

“The accident has also brought back  distressing memories from the racing accident that changed his life, causing anxiety, effected sleep, guilt and uncertainty as to what was going to happen today.

“This is a young man with truly exceptional personal circumstances. 

“He uses prosthetics to get around and he is resilient and resourceful, which  is when he has achieved what he has in his career.

“I would ask you to take an exceptional course and impose five points or less. Perhaps there is no alternative, but a disqualification would have a serious impact on him.”

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Suspected Hate Crime Assault Filmed By Accomplice

A lone tube train passenger was abused by two males, who then attacked the victim while recording the assault during a suspected hate crime.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this image of their suspects and are appealing to the public for their assistance in identifying them.

The victim was travelling alone at approximately 9.00pm on June 26 when two people sitting
opposite began to abuse them.

The target of the mystery duo's abuse departed the train at Wood Lane Underground Station, White City, west London.

The victim was followed off the train and was kicked by one of the males, while the other recorded the assault.

Officers would like to speak to the two individuals pictured as they believe they may have information which could help with their investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to contact BTP by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40, quoting reference 833 of 26 June.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. 

Monday 30 September 2024

Sticky Fingered Beardy Excluded From City Of London

A persistent City of London shoplifter has been locked-up and banned from entering the Square Mile for two years.

Mohamad Ahmadpour, 37, nicked umbrellas, cans of Red Bull, perfume and boxes of chocolates.

At Westminster Magistrates' Court he received twenty-two weeks imprisonment and a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO), which carries the exclusion order.

Ahmadpour, of Colindale, Barnet, was convicted of multiple thefts from shops in the City of London and two common assaults.

On March 17, he stole two bottles of perfume from TK Maxx in the City. 

He was chased down the street by loss prevention officers and when the security guards detained him, Ahmadpour punched one of them in the chest.

He was also convicted of an assault on February 27, when he spat at an enforcement officer from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Detective Sergeant Helen Bentley, of the City of London Police, said: Mohamad Ahmadpour was a persistent thief in the City of London. 

We hope that this CBO will give reassurance to businesses, retail staff and also members of the public who shop in the area, as well as act as a deterrent to others thinking of criminal activity. 

A CBO will help us protect businesses and communities from various offences including theft and anti-social behaviour.

We take such offences very seriously and this is a warning that will bring those committing crimes in the City to justice.”

Ahmadpour was also found guilty of stealing cans of Red Bull from a Co-op store on February 20.

He was also spotted by two City of London Police officers stealing boxes of chocolates from Sainsbury’s on April 12 and was arrested 

He also stole eight umbrellas from Cards Galore on May 17.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Come And Lie On The Coach In Burnham-on-Crouch

An Essex train passenger was kicked in the back and then repeatedly punched and spat on after boarding the carriage.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this CCTV image of the suspect they are hunting.

Investigating officers are appealing to members of the public for their assistance in identifying him.

BTP are treating the incident as assault.

At around 7.20pm on Thursday, August 8 a man was kicked in the back, causing him to fall, shortly after he boarded a train at Burnham-on-Crouch station.

The attacker left the carriage before returning and throwing punches and spitting at the man.

He was then made to leave the service by the train manager at Althorne station

Officers believe the man in the CCTV image may have information that could help their investigation.

Anyone who recognises him, or has any other information, is asked to contact British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 2400086842 of 8 August.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Jailed: Pirvu The Pervert

A tube train pervert, caught pleasuring himself by a shocked passenger and staff on the station platform, has been locked-up.

Dan Pirvu, 26, was also hit with a five-year ban, prohibiting him entering the entire London Underground network.

He was witnessed masturbating with his trousers pulled down on the District Line platform of West Ham Underground Station at 9.05pm on Friday, November 17, last year.

At Inner London Crown Court Pirvu, of Ripple Road, Barking received nine months imprisonment after being convicted of exposure.

He also will also sign the Sex Offenders Register for ten years and be subject to a five year Sexual Harm Prevention Order, which includes the tube ban.

The court heard a member of the public approached a member of TfL staff and reported Pirvu for exposing himself.

The member of rail staff flagged this to the CCTV control room, who could immediately see Pirvu on the platform with his trousers exposing both his bottom and genitals. 

Pirvu was also witnessed by the TfL staff member with his trousers around his knees, exposing himself, and causing members of the public to move away.

Pirvu was reported immediately to British Transport Police, who attended the station and arrested Pirvu at 9.13pm.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Michael Taylor said: “There is no place for this kind of behaviour on the rail network and we will work quickly to apprehend these kinds of offenders.

"I hope this sentence, along with the Sexual Harm Prevention Order will give him time allow him to reconsider his actions and prevent him from offending again in the future."

Tuesday 24 September 2024

RSPCA Trustee Accused Of Hotels And Taxis Expenses Fiddle

An RSPCA trustee funded his “lavish lifestyle” by swindling the animal charity out of over £100,000 during a five-year expenses scam for hotel stays and taxis, a court heard yesterday.

David Mawson, 50, is accused of exploiting the charity’s bank accounts to enjoy hundreds of nights in hotels he was not entitled to, plus free journeys.

“This case is about fraud, we say, Mr Mawson committed over a five-year period between 2012 and 2017,” prosecutor Andrew Hallworth told the Inner London Crown Court jury.

“It was a fraud committed by Mr Mawson when he was a trustee of the RSPCA, so this was a serious breach of trust by him.

“It was a fraud that was committed on a regular basis and involved Mr Mawson fraudulently using the charity’s bank card to fund his own lavish lifestyle to obtain free hotels and free taxi rides.”

The prosecution say Mawson defrauded the charity of approximately £91,300 in hotel stays and approximately £10,000 in taxi fares.

“He had no right or permission to do what he did, despite anything he may say to the contrary and as such he acted dishonestly throughout.”

The court heard it is the local voluntary trustees who make the day-to-day decisions regarding charity shops, local animal welfare projects and have a legal responsibility.

Trustees are allowed to bill for “reasonable and necessary” costs, but the jury were told the money should not be for personal benefit.

Mawson, of Staines Road, Twickenham has pleaded not guilty to one count of fraud by abuse of position between January 1, 2012 and December 21, 2017, namely while occupying the position of trustee he dishonestly abused that position regarding hotel and taxi expenses, intending to make financial gain.

The SELB has three charity shops in West Norwood, Grove Park and Sydenham and Mawson was the SELB Secretary since 2009.

“He exercised control over the SELB’s bank accounts and was, we say, more active in the daily running than others, anyway more busy than he would admit.”

Mawson typically booked Premier Inn rooms and spent over £18,000 on the SELB Barclaycard; over £43,000 on a Co-Op debit card and over £29,000 on a CAF Bank corporate account, the trial heard.

Between 2013 and 2017 Mawson  enjoyed a total of 436 nights at various Premier Inn’s paid for by the RSPCA’s accounts.

“However the true number is likely to be much larger as individual payments through the bank statements may represent more than one nights’ stay,” explained Mr Hallworth.

“There was no charity business going on that would justify these hotel stays or taxi journeys.”

Taxi firm Addison Lee received over £10,000 from RSPCA accounts for journeys booked by Mawson.

Eventually the police were alerted by SELB Chair Gerda Glage and her husband Ivan House and accountants completed a full forensic audit of their accounts between 2012 and 2018.

Mawson was removed from his RSPCA post in September, 2018 and later questioned by police officers.

“He claimed that it was no secret that he was using charity funds for hotel and taxi expenses and that he submitted relevant claims.”

The prosecution also produced a map of unnecessary taxi journeys billed by Mawson.

Mawson said a “dodgy neighbour” who had at least one spell in prison resulted in Premier Inn allowing him to stay for additional nights.

However, Mawson never called the police about any issues with the neighbour, said the prosecutor. 

“Even assuming that charity was aware of this, which is not accepted, and endorsed his use of the charity’s bank accounts for that purpose, which is also not accepted, there were in fact eight-four occasions when the charity paid for Premier Inn bookings when his dodgy neighbour cannot have been an issue to him, because he was in prison.

“So even if you were to give him the benefit of the doubt about some of the expenses it is difficult to see any defence to those bookings where no charity business was taking place or when his dodgy neighbour was in prison.”

The trial is expected to last seven days.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Sleazy University PhD Academic Caught 'Upskirting'

Court on Camera: David Cloarec
A University of Surrey academic tried to escape shoppers, who exposed him as a creepy ‘upskirter’ - using a disguised Go Pro to intimately record ‘young women’.

Dr David Cloarec, 34, a visiting PhD researcher, had disguised the camera with a vape and concealed it within a bag to secretly capture images in Kingston-upon-Thames town centre.

“I am ashamed of my behaviour,” he told Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court, where he was convicted after a trial.

“I came to the UK in 2020 to complete my Phd and I have betrayed my professors with this behaviour, which was disgraceful.”

Dr Cloarec, of Union Street, Aldershot was found guilty of attempting to operate equipment beneath the clothing of another, without their consent on June 10, last year, Contrary to the Sexual Offences Act.

He was convicted of ‘operating a camera in a bag disguised as a vape beneath the clothing of another person, with the intention of enabling him to observe their buttocks, underwear and between their legs in circumstances where they would not otherwise be visible for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification.’

Dr Cloarec is a graduate of the University of Bordeaux, France, where he obtained degrees in Social and Human Sciences, plus Law and Economy Management.

He is also a Master of Science in Law and at the University of Surrey his  academic and research departments were Surrey Hospitality and Tourism Management, Centre for Sustainability and Wellbeing in the Visitor Economy and Centre for Competitiveness of the Visitor Economy.

Since obtaining his PhD around the time of his arrest Dr Cloarec has set himself up as an ‘independent expert supporting destinations and businesses to achieve their projects’ and declares himself open to opportunities.

Prosecutor Jack Williams told the court: “This defendant concealed a camera in a bag as he walked around Kingston’s shopping area and spent some time following young women.

“He was using the camera to observe their bottoms as he walked around behind them.

“He was detected by members of the public and the police were called and there was an attempt to escape, but that was not successful.

“Images were recorded. There was a substantial amount of footage that was taken at the time.”

First-time offender Dr Cloarec reminded the court that police found no suspicious images on his phone or computer, which were also checked.

“I am sorry for what I have done. It was one-time event and it was out of curiosity that I did it.

“There was no continuous ‘upskirting’ but I understand why it violates females and I will not do it again.

“I had to pay legal fees and these significantly impacted my finances and there was emotional stress and impact on my well-being.

“Things have not worked well for me in England and I would like to move on and return to France.

“For now I will remain in the UK until this case is completed. I should be able to work in this country as I work remotely from my office.

“I know I have to be registered on the sexual offences.”

District Judge David Bolton sentenced Dr Cloarec to a twelve-month community order, which includes 120 hours community service work.

He must also complete twenty-five days of a rehabilitation activity requirement; pay £650 costs, plus a £114 victim surcharge and sign the sex offenders register.

“This is a serious offence and I cannot give you credit for pleading guilty as you were convicted after a trial,” the judge told him.

“I know you were of good character, but this was equipment disguised as something else to use as a camera and was a violation of other people, who were subjected to having their body parts filmed.

“The pre-sentence report says you are ashamed and remorseful for what happened.”