teenage cowards, who killed an 85 year-old pensioner they mugged as
she returned to her west London home from local shops, have been
Bartlett, 15, (pic.bottom l.) and Nayed Hoque, 15, (pic.bottom r.)
left Paula Castle (pic.top) with horrific facial injuries after
pushing her violently to the ground.
Mrs Castle, who had a heart condition and was partially-sighted, died
in hospital the next day.
is not known whether there was also a racial motive to the vicious
leaving the pensioner dying the duo mugged another elderly lady the
next day, snatching the 75 year-old's shopping bag.
used the victims' bank cards to buy fast-food trainers and pay for
mobile phone top-ups.
both pleaded guilty to Mrs Castle's manslaughter and robbing her in
Oldfield Lane South, Greenford on November 19, last year and robbing
the scond victim in Napton Close, Hayes on November 20.
each received six years detention.
DNA was found on Mrs Castle's stolen handbag.
stolen bank card was used to to buy trainers and takeaway food in
Barlett's name.
bank card stolen in the second robbery was used to make mobile phone
top-ups on Hoque's phone.
Chief Inspector Russell Taylor, from the Homicide and Serious Crime
Command, said: "These teenage boys attacked two elderly,
vulnerable women for financial gain before spending the proceeds from
their crime on trainers and takeaway food.
Castles's subsequent death has had a devastating impact on her family
and loved ones and I would like to pay tribute to the family for
their courage during this deeply distressing time."
Castle's daughter-in-law, Jane Castle said: "It is always sad to
lose a loved one, but to lose one in such a horrific way such as our
family did makes it so much more difficult to bear.
had coped in the last few years with the sudden death of her husband
and her only child, Brian at the age of 51 years.
had also suffered a stroke.
overcame her stroke remarkably well despite her age; she was
registered blind, and frail, despite all of this she was very
independent and managed her house, garden, and shopping which we all
thought was brave and admirable.
was of course coming back from shopping that she was callously
can only imagine how terrified she must have felt, and this does
distress the family a great deal.
all that Paula had been through and survived in her life, the fact
that she died in such appalling circumstances fills the family with
great sadness, all of our memories of Paula, now and always will be
overshadowed by her tragic death.
have still not come to terms with what has happened.
late son had three children Edward, David and Charles and Paula was
the last remaining link to their father.
boys have found it incredibly difficult to cope with the loss of
their grandmother, who was taken so suddenly and brutally.
still mourn the loss of their grandmother. I am also finding it hard
to come to terms with what has happened. I no longer travel past the
scene as it is too painful.
were all very close to Paula, and I would speak to Paula on a daily
basis and the boys would see their grandmother most weeks.
2012 was especially difficult as Paula was due to enjoy a family
Christmas with her grandsons whom she doted upon, and they upon her.
Paula being taken so suddenly no one had a chance to prepare
themselves for her death, and as a result Christmas was a very solemn
and sad occasion for all. We all miss Paula very much."