Saturday 10 July 2010

Toddlers Tutor Jailed For DIY Gun Factory

A primary school teaching assistant who led a double life as a handgun converter for London criminals – turning starting pistols into live deadly firearms – has been locked-up along with his accomplice.

Tyrone Cox, 26, of Balmoral Road, Enfield ( helped tutor three to five year-olds at an Islington school while using his metal-working skills to produce guns in a garden shed.

He was sentenced to two-and-a-half years imprisonment at Wood Green Crown Court and jobless Lewis Monk, 22, of Chadwell Avenue, Enfield (pic.2nd top) received twenty-five months.

Cox legally purchased pink and orange Olympic 0.38 blank firing revolvers and converted and spray-painted them in the shed (pic.3rd bottom) located in the back garden of a house in Barclay Road, Upper Edmonton.

The pair were caught following an operation by the Metropolitan Police’s Projects Team, part of the Serious and Organised Crime Command.

Trained metalworker Cox enlisted the help of Monk to distribute the converted weapons to criminals.

On December 21, last year officers watched as Monk collected Cox and drove him to a sports shop in Enfield where they bought four Olympic 0.38s and 50 rounds of blank-firing ammunition.

Later that day, officers from the Projects Team and specialist firearms officers from CO19 carried out a firearms warrant on the shed, which acted as a crude firearms workshop.

The workshop contained a large brace drill, various drill bits, spray cans and other tools.

The shed also contained four Olympic 0.38 firearms, all converted, (pic.bottom) and 15 rounds of converted ammunition.

The guns were sprayed to enhance their credibility and increase their street value.

There were eight empty Olympic 0.38 boxes in the workshop indicating that another four firearms had already been converted.

Cox and Monk both pleaded guilty to two counts - possession and distribution of firearms and ammunition and conspiracy to convert firearms and ammunition.

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Stevens from the Serious and Organised Crime Command said: “It is quite clear from these prosecutions that we have uncovered and dismantled what has been a significant firearm distribution network whose members had no consideration for the devastation their gun hoard could cause.

“This operation has resulted in converted guns and ammunition being taken out of circulation and has potentially prevented a number of serious injuries or even deaths occurring on the streets of London.

“It is impossible to overestimate the misery and fear these weapons could have brought if they had got into the hands of those seeking to use them.

“These seizures demonstrate the Serious Crime Directorate's determination to tackle those who are responsible for manufacturing and supplying guns.”

Friday 9 July 2010

Coke Suppliers Jailed After Police Stop

Two cocaine dealers caught red-handed by police with half a kilo of cocaine, worth £35,000, when pulled over in their silver Mercedes have each been jailed for five years.

Driver Leon Reece, 26, of Vancouver Road, Enfield, North London ( and passenger Peter Fricker, 30, of Whitbread Close, Tottenham (pic.bottom) were stopped on October 28, last year in Endymion Road, Finsbury Park.

Police seized a blue carrier bag from the front passenger footwell, which contained 500 gms. of cocaine of 73% purity.

Both men were convicted at Wood Green Crown Court of possessing the cocaine, with intent to supply.

Detective Constable Kerry Burgess of Haringey Crime Squad said: “This was a vehicle stop that resulted in 500 gms of cocaine being taken off the streets and out of circulation.

Peter Fricker and Leon Reece are now facing the harsh consequences of their actions.

“This should be heeded by others as a stern warning that drug possession and supply will not be tolerated.”

Thursday 8 July 2010

Hotel Tycoon In Court Again

A controversial hotelier - cleared of raping a teenager at his Mayfair home - has been fined for a race-hate rant aimed at a top private Romanian dentist during a row over x-rays and fees.

Iranian-born Ali Farhani, 52, of Charles Street (pictured before the hearing) built up a London hotel empire during the nineties and was reportedly worth £75 million.

In April he was cleared by an Old Bailey jury of drugging and raping an 18 year-old girl, but was convicted of false imprisonment after she was locked in his bedroom for a day.

On Thursday at City of London Magistrates' Court Farhani - accompanied by a stunning blonde Estonian - was convicted of threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour that was racially aggravated at Baker Street Dental Clinic on January 9.

Prosecutor Miss Geneveve Almeyda told the court: "The defendant received treatment at the practice on January 8 and was told he would need an x-ray and there was some discussion about the bill.

"He did not want the x-ray and the dentist did try and treat the tooth, with Mr Farhani complaining he was in pain.

"He returned the next day complaining of toothache and Dr. Ovidiu Maurer told him he needed an x-ray and an argument ensued.

"The shouting was so loud by the defendant it was heard downstairs in the waiting area," explained Miss Almeyda.

"Another dentist entered and witnessed the altercation and heard a number of expletives that were racially aggravated such as: 'Eastern European bastard, cunt, gypsy idiot'."

Police were called and Farhani was arrested, admitting to police he lost his temper. "He told officers: 'There was some argument over money and it escalated'."

Farhani was fined £300, plus a £15 victim surcharge and was ordered to pay £100 compensation to Dr. Maurer.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Gun Cops Pat Themselves On Back

Gangbusting cops seized deadly firearms during an early-morning raid on a suspected armourer – chalking-up another success in their battle with violent drug crime in Hackney.

Officers from Operation Bantam – a proactive firearms unit – joined the local drugs squad to execute a search warrant at the East London address in Ryder Mews, Homerton Road, Homerton at 7 am.

They arrested a 34 year-old man and 16 year-old boy, seizing a revolver (pictured), shotgun, self-loading pistol, shotgun cartridges and a small amount of cannabis.

The various police units joined forces under the umbrella of Operation Hassium.

Detective Chief Inspector Gary Bruce of Hackney police said: “These seizures are the result of intensive and ongoing intelligence-led police work under Operation Hassium, Hackney's response to gang crime.

“They demonstrate our intention to remove firearms from the streets of Hackney and officers will continue to identify, target and recover firearms to make the borough a safer place.

“Today's result will undoubtedly have a real impact on tackling gang and gun-enabled crime in Hackney.”

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Knifepoint Sex Attack Near Beatles Studio

This is an E-Fit of a knife-wielding sex attacker who pounced on a teenager as she walked home in the early hours near the iconic Abbey Road recording studio made famous by The Beatles.

The Metropolitan Police’s Sapphire Unit, which specializes in hunting down sex predators, are appealing for anybody who recognizes the suspect to come forward.

The 19 year-old victim was making her way home from work at 2.30 am on April 29 in Central London’s St. John’s Wood when the man approached.

He tried to make conversation with the young woman, who told him to leave her alone.

The suspect pushed the victim against a wall - threatening her with a knife - then assaulted her and demanded cash.

After taking the victim's money the suspect ran away.

The man is described as black, aged between 18 - 25 years-old, approx 5'6" tall, wearing white trainers and dark clothing.

Detective Constable Carl Ryan said: “We would very much like to hear from anyone who recognizes, or who believes they recognize, the e-fit of the suspect.

“We are also keen to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident. It may be that they witnessed the incident itself, or the suspect in the area before the assault, or the suspect leaving the area after the assault.”

Anyone with information can call DC Ryan on 020 7421 0393. If you wish to remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Monday 5 July 2010

Alleged £250M 'Ponzi' Fraudsters Cleared

Two businessmen, accused of running a £250 million-plus international ‘Ponzi’ fraud from a former RAF base, were finally cleared of all charges today (Monday) after two trials totalling nearly fifteen months and a legal bill of over £20m.

Jared Bentley Brook, 40, of Drywood Avenue, Worseley, Manchester, originally from Preesall, Poulton-Le-Fylde, and Lincoln Julian Fraser, 39, of Orford Hall, Brookenby, Binbrook, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, ran Imperial Consolidated, based at RAF Binbrook, Market Rasen, which collapsed in June 2002, owing £150m.

At its peak Imperial Consolidated had ten overseas offices, 350 employees and 3,000 investor clients from all over the world.

The business grew from humble beginnings following a failed venture by the defendants to successfully run the Midland Hotel, Morecambe, Lancashire, resulting in their disqualification as company directors and a string of unhappy creditors.

Both men were found not guilty by a Blackfriars Crown Court jury of conspiracy to defraud investors in investment schemes between January 1, 1998 and June 30, 2002.

Today further not guilty verdicts were entered by trial Judge Mrs Justice Gloster on a similar joint-count of conspiracy to defraud and one count each of fraudulent trading, knowing it was for a fraudulent purpose between May 1, 2000 and June 30, 2002 after the jury remained deadlocked.

The court was told £253.9 million was invested in Imperial Consolidated over four-and-a-half years and over £150 million has vanished, despite investors being convinced by the pair their savings were safe.

The criminal investigation into the defendants began in Summer 2002 and the first trial ended without any verdicts regarding the two defendants in 2008.

The jury was told neither Fraser (pic.bottom) nor Brook ( who lived in Beacon Lodge, near Louth during the fraud, have any accountancy or formal financial qualifications.

Prosecutor Mr. Tim Barnes QC, representing the Serious Fraud Office announced: “It is not in the public interest to proceed with a second retrial in this case.

“That was a decision take at the highest level after consultation and consideration of all the issues. It was not an easy decision for the Director to make.”

The court will return the defendants passports along with two £50,000 securities – one lodged by Brook’s mother – to ensure the defendants appeared.

A third defendant, Imperial Consolidated director William Godley, who pleaded guilty to his role in a conspiracy to defraud investors will be sentenced on August 2 when the Judge will rule on whether Fraser should receive £47,200 and Brook £62,000 to cover accommodation, travel and food.

Afterwards Fraser’s solicitor Mr. Aziz Rahman said: “Mr Fraser has suffered eight years of investigation and a total of 15 months on trial. This has been a great strain on him and his family. 

“Today’s announcement, the second trial’s verdict and the outcome of the first trial restore Mr Fraser’s reputation, but this lengthy saga calls into question the SFO’s decisions regarding whether a trial and then a retrial were justified.

“Mr Fraser is now receiving further advice from us and considering his options. 

“There is no doubt that a third trial could never have been in the public interest.”

Sunday 4 July 2010

Heroin Gang Caged

A callous heroin dealer who joked drugs in a £1.4m deal were so pure they would “kill a couple of people” is starting a lengthy jail term along with his brother and their Polish contact.

Detectives from the Metropolitan Police’s Organised and Serious Crime Command conducted a surveillance operation, which ended in the seizure of 28 kilos of high-purity heroin.

Jobless Paul Channer, 47, of Vernham Road, Greenwich ( was sentenced to fourteen years and lighting engineer Barry Channer, 40, of Azof Street, Greenwich (pic.mid.) received eight years.

Both were arrested on July 23, last year after collecting the drugs at South Mimms Services, Hertfordshire, from jobless Waldemar Nowakowski, 30, of Opal Close, Canning Town, (pic.bottom) who received eleven years.

After collecting the drugs at the M25 services police overheard Paul Channer boast: “This one is ten out of ten so hopefully it will kill a couple of people.”

The brothers had traveled in convoy, driving a Mercedes and Lexus to the rendezvous and were stopped by armed police in Twelvetrees Crescent, Bow, East London and the heroin with a street value of £1.4m seized.

Detective Inspector Sarah Staff said: “This was a long-term proactive operation which has resulted in the dismantling of an organised criminal network.

“The fact that one of these men apparently aspired to kill people with his drugs shows just how callous these dealers were.

“The hugely damaging effects of heroin on society are well documented and it is only right that those willing to profit from its supply face a lengthy prison sentence.”

Saturday 3 July 2010

Brutal Trio Locked-Up For Frenzied Attack

Three boozy vagrants have been caged after launching a brutal knife attack on a college chemistry technician they hoped would put them up at his home.

Victim Anthony Fernandes, 46, of Windmill Road, Croydon, Surrey suffered 15 stab wounds – mostly to his back – and serious head injuries after ordering the trio out of his house.

Homeless Darren Tyrone Liston, 27, ( Paul Maddix, 43, (pic.mid.) and 16 year-old Jason Terry (pic.bottom) were all sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted of murder.

The Old Bailey heard after an afternoon drinking-session on July 28, last year the trio traveled to the victim’s home after Liston said he had stayed there previously.

They smashed their way into the house at 6.20 pm, but were later asked to leave by Mr. Fernandes, who was unhappy they were all in his home.

A heated argument resulted in him being attacked with such ferocity that, despite his attempts to fight-off his attackers blows, he suffered multiple and subsequently fatal injuries.

Maddix dialed 999 and confessed to the killing, ordering his two co-defendants to leave.

Liston fled the scene and was arrested nearby a short time later despite removing his blood stained T-shirt, later retrieved by officers.

Terry went home and washed his hands, but returned to the scene and told police a tissue of lies in a bid to distance himself from inside the flat and the from the attack.

Detective Inspector Dave Wills of the Homicide and Serious Crime Command said: “Anthony Fernandes had in the past kindly welcomed Darren Liston into his home.

“However, on the day of his murder that trust was violated and his home was taken over by three people who then took his life.

“I hope that today's verdict brings some comfort to Mr. Fernandes' family who have acted with such dignity throughout this tragic experience.”

Friday 2 July 2010

Jail For City Shares Gambler

A £25,000-a-week rogue City trader motivated by "pride" and "greed" has been jailed for two-and-a-half years after a shares gamble and cover-up cost his employers over £2.5 million.

Jonathan Bunn, 31, of The Villiers, Gower Road, Weybridge, Surrey, a broker with Bishopsgate-based Lewis Charles Securities Ltd. hoped the share price he would pay after agreeing unauthorised sales would plunge - resulting in huge profits.

However, the price he had to pay rose, wiping out any potential profit, leaving the company in the red and Bunn's immediate boss Stavros Loizou with a £350,000 personal loss.

Twelve staff were also made redundant, wages were slashed by 20% and the company lost £500,000 in annual contracts due to bad publicity.

Bunn pleaded guilty to falsifying a document required for an accounting purpose, namely four trade slips, which was misleading, false or deceptive regarding 4,350,000 HSBC shares between July 22 and 24, last year contrary to the Theft Act.

"People in the financial services industry must know if they behave dishonestly on the end of a phone putting other people's money at risk, in this case over £2.5 million, they will be punished for doing so," Recorder of Westminster Geoffrey Rivlin QC told Bunn.

"These offences amount to a very serious breach of trust and although you did not steal money from the company you were gambling with it in a reckless and dishonest manner.

"You have made a significant contribution in bringing this company, albeit temporarily, to it's knees," added the Judge.

Southwark Crown Court heard economics graduate Bunn, who had been licenced by the Financial Services Authority for ten years since leaving prestigious St. Andrew's University was employed on the Interdealing Broker Desk in March, last year.

"He was employed as a consultant and made and earned fifty per cent commission on sales he made," said prosecutor Mr. David Levy. "One could say he was flying high."

In the three months before the rogue trade Manchester-native Bunn earned £300,000, but also lost £75,000 gambling on share prices on an online spread-betting site.

"Mr. Bunn is a gambler with a personal interest in spread-betting and here he was gambling with his employer's reputation and their commitment to the market and the City and it backfired totally," added Mr. Levy.

"He submitted four fraudulent share purchase slips and handed these slips to the back office with the sole intention of misleading the firm into believing the sales were matched. The next day he didn't turn up for work."

Lewis Charles Securities Ltd. had to honour the trade, costing them £2,557,026, plus a further £322,000 in legal and insurance costs.

Bunn was suspended on August 4, resigned five days later and was arrested by City of London Police's Economic Crime Department on November 5.

"There is an element of greed, he wanted to make a commission," said Bunn's lawyer Mr. Gregory Fishwick. "There is also pride, he was told he was doing a good job and to keep going.

"He had made for himself significant profits and for the company some five hundred thousand pounds.

"He was responsible for the vast majority of the profits, he was propping the company up with the profits he was making.

"He has been thrown out by his wife, is living with his parents in Manchester and has lost his job and FSA registration," added Mr. Fishwick.

Bunn has no known assets and compensation will not be pursued.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Cops Nick Drinker For Hurling Abuse

A boozy late-night straggler who asked police for directions ended his evening in custody after screaming: "Stop and listen you fucking wankers!"

Cops did not take kindly to 27 year-old Ilie Grith's drunken outburst near the Bank of England and arrested him on the spot.

Grith, of Warren Road, Leyton, East London pleaded guilty at City of London Magistrates' Court (pictured) to being drunk and disorderly in King William Street on June 19.

The court heard the defendant, who had been drinking all day at a concert in Victoria Park, Homerton, approached a police car stopped at traffic lights and asked for information about the next train home.

The officers drove away, but quickly doubled-back after Grith's foul-mouthed rant and arrested the "agitated" defendant.

Grith, who was arrested for a similar drink-related offence when trying to get into a club in December, 2008 told the court: "I knew I had to get home. I just felt ignored, that's why I acted stupid."

He was conditionally discharged for six months.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Banned Boozy Driver Binned

A serial drink-driver - caught by police behind the wheel of her car in the West End's busy Oxford Street after another drinking session - sobbed in the dock as she was locked-up for three months.

Dee Dee Menta, 41, of Querrin Street, Fulham was banned from driving after a previous drinks conviction when cops pulled her over with three passengers in her BMW and discovered she was nearly twice the limit.

She pleaded guilty at City of London Magistrates' Court (pictured) to driving with excess alcohol in her breath, driving while disqualified and without insurance on February 17.

The court heard Menta had 66 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

The bench chairwoman told distraught Menta: "This showed a blatant disregard for previous court sentences."

The offence was her third alcohol-related conviction.

Menta was also disqualified from driving for three years and ten months.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Shot Teen's Body Set Ablaze

Police have launched a murder investigation after a teenager was shot dead in a gangland-style execution then set ablaze by his killers in a petrol-soaked car.

Samuel Ogunro, 17, (pictured) was discovered in a burnt-out silver Rover (pictured) dumped in Jowett Street, Peckham, South London.

Emergency services were alerted to the fire at approximately 22.15 pm on June 1 and Samuel’s body was found once the blaze was extinguished.

It is believed that the murder took place in another location with the car having been taken back to Jowett Street with the body of Samuel inside.

The car was found to have significant damage to the front of it, including the bumper, which was hanging off.

Police believe this damage may have been caused by a collision and would appeal to anyone to come forward if they have any information about this.

Following the blaze, two or three youths were seen running from the scene.

They are described as black and were wearing jeans and dark clothing, possibly hooded tops.

Police believe that these youths may have been responsible for setting the fire.

A 16-year-old male youth was arrested on suspicion of murder and bailed to return to a south London police station pending further enquiries.

A 19-year-old man has also been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Monday 28 June 2010

Teen Killing Appeal - Nine Years On

Police investigating violent black-on-black crime are appealing for witnesses nearly a decade on in a bid to solve the late-night murder of a teen shot dead when a car he was traveling in was riddled with bullets.

Operation Trident officers hope the prospect of a £10,000 reward will help nail the killers of 18 year-old Tyrone Rowe (pictured) – shot in Caradon Way, Tottenham, North London on October 7, 2001.

He was a passenger in a red Ford Fiesta with three friends seeking a party in the Alexandra Palace area when they were surrounded by a gang of seven black men – two armed with handguns - who riddled the vehicle with eleven bullets.

Tyrone was hit in the head and hand and died four days later at the Royal Free Hospital.

A post mortem examination gave cause of death as a gunshot wound to the head.

One of Tyrone's friends, the driver of the Fiesta, also received a gunshot to the chest, and survived.

Shortly after the shooting three black men were seen escaping in a lime green people carrier, possibly a Chrysler Voyager, towards the Turnpike Lane area.

The vehicle has never been traced.

"Despite the passage of time, I am confident there are still people in the community who know who is responsible for Tyrone's murder and am appealing directly to those individuals to break their silence and come forward,” said Detective Inspector Steve Horsley.

“Tyrone was not involved in criminality, he was a young man who enjoyed life.

“On the face of it this seems a pointless killing, it may be a case of mistaken identity, maybe something happened just prior to the shooting and the suspects took immediate revenge.

“Perhaps something happened earlier as the boys searched for a party.

“This was a callous crime and we need to bring justice for Tyrone's family, who has spent all these years living with the knowledge that those responsible for his murder are yet to be apprehended.”

Patricia McLarty, Tyrone’s mother said: “After all this time we are still waiting for justice for Tyrone.

“My family has been left bereaved and angry, and we are unable to move on with our lives.

“I miss Tyrone, my family has been ruined, we just want someone to come forward and tell us what happened. I'm begging you, come forward, phone Crimestoppers. It will help us, please.”

Anyone with information is asked to call the incident room on 020 8733 4704.

To remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Sunday 27 June 2010

CCTV Captures Gun Victim On Night Of Death

Police trying to solve the murder of a 37 year-old man in Leyton, East London have released CCTV footage of the victim leaving a late-night convenience store just 90 minutes before he was shot dead.

A £20,000 reward is available to anybody providing information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the killer/s of Errol McKenzie.

He was shot in the chest in the early hours of April 11 in Seymour Road Playing Fields shortly after buying alcohol in nearby Lea Bridge Road at 11.15 pm.

Operation Trident detectives – who investigate violent black-on-black crime - continue to appeal for witnesses and information on the murder.

Police were called at around 00.50 to reports of a man suffering gunshot wounds in the playing fields.

Officers and London Ambulance Service attended, and Mr. McKenzie was pronounced dead at the scene.

A post-mortem examination gave the cause of death as a gunshot wound to the chest.

Detective Inspector Lucy Kilgour said: "We are releasing this footage in the hope that someone will recognise Mr. McKenzie and remember seeing him that night.

“At this stage it would appear that he was a completely innocent victim, and it remains unclear how he has found himself the victim of a callous murder."

Saturday 26 June 2010

Jail For Horror Acid Attack Gang

Three Muslim thugs who left the victim of an “honour” attack scarred for life after pouring sulphuric acid over his face – causing horrific burns – have been locked-up for a total of 52 years.

Awais Akram, 24, (pic.far r.) had struck up a Facebook friendship with one of the defendant’s sister’s who helped him find a flat in Leyton, East London, but then paid the penalty for associating with the married woman.

He was left with 47% burns to his head, face, neck and chest, had both ears amputated and lost the sight in one eye following the brutal attack.

Ringleader Mohammed Vakas, 26, (pic.l.) of Hatherley Road, Walthamstow – the brother of the woman - was sentenced to thirty years imprisonment after being convicted at the Old Bailey of conspiracy to murder.

His cousin, Mohammed Adeel, 20, (pic.2nd l.) of Pearl Road, Walthamstow, received 14 years for grievous bodily harm and 17 year-old Fabian Kuci, (pic.3rd l.) of Abbey Road Estate, St. John’s Wood, 8 years for the same offence.

Detective Chief Inspector Nigel Furness of Waltham Forest CID said: "This has been a complex investigation which has relied upon witnesses coming forward from the community, for which we are extremely grateful, and the strength of evidence given by the victim, Awais Akram.

"Awais is to be commended for his bravery in giving evidence following a brutal attack which has left him severely disfigured for life.

"No words can describe the amount of courage it took for him to stand in court, face his attackers and give his account."

Friday 25 June 2010

Drug-Dealing Dummy's Coke Arrest

Dopey drug dealer David Stevenson was arrested again after walking into his local police station with cocaine in his pocket while on bail for dealing cannabis, a court heard.

The 37 year-old jobless delivery driver of Dower Avenue, Wallington, Surrey dodged jail with a suspended sentence at Croydon Crown Court and was ordered to perform unpaid work.

Stevenson pleaded guilty to possessing 18 gms of cannabis, worth £80, with intent to supply and possessing a small quantity of cocaine in a Sutton street at 2am on November 23, last year.

He also pleaded guilty to possessing a small quantity of cocaine at Sutton police station (pictured) on January 21 and a further quantity of the drug plus cannabis at his home address on the same day.

The court heard night-duty CID spotted Stevenson rowing with another man in his car in the early hours of the morning.

Officers approached and the defendant admitted he was supplying cannabis to the second man and a police search found a small wrap of cocaine along with £435 cash.

While on bail for the offences Stevenson attended the ‘virtual court’ at Sutton police station’s video link facility and like everybody else was routinely searched and the cocaine found.

He was arrested and a later search of his home revealed two further small quantities of cocaine and cannabis.

Stevenson was sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment, suspended for two years, ordered to perform 180 hours community service work and pay £150 costs.