Wednesday 27 October 2021

GP Guilty Of Gay Smears

Dr. Suthan Ulakanathan
A respected GP’s career is in danger after he was convicted yesterday of harassing his builder by advertising his services as a gay escort online when the pair fell out over money.

Dr. Suthan Ulakanathan, 37, twice posted the ‘Gay Escort’ ads on the Vivastreet website under the headline: ‘Free Open Glory Hole All Night And Day,’ Croydon Magistrates’ court heard.

“At the time I wanted to wind him up. I felt he had taken advantage of me and my family,” said the doctor, dismissing the posts as a “harmless prank.”

However, Deputy District Judge Adrian Turner did not agree and convicted Dr. Ulakanathan after a trial of harassing ex-soldier Steven Hay, 30, between September 9 and November 14, last year.

“A lot of thought went into how you got your own back,” he told Dr. Ulakanathan, who now faces a General Medical Council professional misconduct probe. “This was not a sudden reaction. It was planned and calculated.”

The University of London graduate, a partner at Downhill Medical Practice, Guards Avenue, Caterham was fined £2,000, with £720 costs and ordered to pay a £190 victim surcharge.

The trial heard Dr. Ulakanathan, of Holmwood Avenue, South Croydon added the builder’s name, genuine mobile phone number and residential address in Stafford Road, Croydon to the posts.

He added the words: ‘young 30 year-old male, all types welcome, confidential, if free come to mine, will be in all day most days,’ to both adverts.

Dr. Ulakanathan’s lawyer Susannah Stevens told the court: “There are proceedings before the GMC and whether he has got a job after this remains to be seen.

Steven Hay
“It has already been published in full technicolour with his photograph. His name has been ruined. His neighbours and patients will read about this.

“It is utterly humiliating. He has been punished.”

The builder told the court the pair fell out over a fence installation with the doctor only paying £300 of the £600 bill, however the GP claims he and his family were threatened into paying  an excessive amount.

Prosecutor Melanie Hardwick told the court: “The defendant employed Mr Hay, a roofer, back in late August, last year to do work on a fence. There was a dispute and the parties went their separate ways.

“Mr Hay received a phone call from someone saying that they got his phone number from Vivastreet, which advertises gay escorts and asked him if he wanted to meet up.”

The builder was enjoying a drink in the pub when the first text arrived. “They texted: ‘Hey You,’ with a kiss and I thought it may be an ex-girlfriend,” he told the trial.

“They proceeded to ring me and it was a man with an Indian accent who said he found me on Vivastreet.

“He said: ‘Do you want to meet up for a good time?’ and it continued from a number of people at different times and was quite intense for the first month, everyday and late at night and the early hours of the morning.

“It got fifty to sixty calls and texts for three months,” added Mr Hay, saying the anxiety triggered his PTSD. “I lost sleep and friends because I did not know who was doing it and missed work.”

On one occasion a man turned up at his house in response to the advert and spoke to Mr. Hay’s mother, causing the builder to dash home.

“The bloke was so embarrassed and I felt for them. I told the police it was a hate crime because these people would not know I might have been homophobic and attack them.”

The first ad was live for five days and the second two days.

“One person turned up at his house asking for sexual services and that made him anxious at a time his mother was at home shielding,” said the prosecutor.

On February 13, this year Dr. Ulakanathan was arrested and told officers Mr. Hay was a “cowboy” who failed to complete a fence job for a memorial garden dedicated to his late father.

“He fully accepted setting up the two accounts and did not think the first was saved properly and did it a second time and then wanted to delete them but did not know how to,” explained Ms Hardwick.

“He said the complainant was a cowboy builder and the work had to be redone.”

Mr Hay admitted: “I messed him about a bit,” confirming he walked off the job because the doctor did not want to pay for more labour and materials to finish the fence.

The ten-year GP told the court of his motives. “To peev him off in a harmless, childish way, a prank. 

“I thought he would find it silly and irritating. It was never my intention that anyone would come to his house or for him to be threatened or distressed.”

Dr. Ulakanathan said PTSD caused by the covid deaths of his father Ulaganathan Subramaniam, 65, uncle Sivananthan, 56 and cousin in quick succession last year was responsible for his behaviour.

He told the trial he was known for childish, silly pranks from his university and medical school days and one of his court references referred to his “childish sense of humour.”

He said the first advert was posted on his wedding anniversary and the second on a Hindu “auspicious day” when his toddler daughter was dressed in a traditional outfit bought by his late father.

“There were emotions I never fully understood at the time, leading me to behave in an inappropriate way.

“The emotions that I was going through triggered me to react in such a way and be childish an immature,” he told the trial.

Married Dr. Ulakanathan has a two year-old daughter and his wife is expecting their second child at there end of this year.

He claimed the stress of running his medical practice, where he has been a partner for five years, under covid conditions and seeing patients, who were positive had increased his anxiety.

The GP insisted Mr Hay threatened him and his family when demanding another £300 for the job, after he agreed and paid a total of £1600.

“I was scared he might do something and was prepared to pay anything to end the drama. He said if I did not pay him £300 he was going to tear down my fence and he knows where me and my family live.”

The doctor knew about Vivastreet from once searching for a pregnancy massage kit for his wife, but claims he only posted twice because he did not know if the first post was successfully published.

“I put it on there and did not get any confirmation it had gone through.

“Several months later I went back and searched on Vivastreet using some of the words I used to make the advert and I could not see anything in the gay escorts section.

“I thought it hadn’t gone through, that it had not worked so I put it on again.”

Police arrived at the family home to arrest Dr. Ulakanathan. “I was changing a nappy and getting ready for work when there was a knock on the door and I saw the police van from upstairs and thought: ‘Has something happened to my mother and sister?’

“Three police officers came into the house and took me into my living-room and in front of my wife and daughter told me I was under arrest and I was put in a police van and I was in a cell for several hours.

“It was a surreal, horrible experience. I was very confused and did not know what was going on.

“I thought what I posted was not abusive or threatening and Mr Hay’s name, address and phone number was already published on a public forum, that’s how I found him.

“I did not hide my details or hide my IP address. I did not disguise.”

The GP was asked what would happen if he knew it was a criminal act when he posted the ads. “It would be the end of my career,” he told the court.

“It was the grief that led to me acting in a childish and silly way.”

When cross-examined Dr. Ulakanathan insisted: “I wanted to wind him up. It was never my intention to get back at him.

“It’s not in my character to do that, to get revenge. I was not even expecting anyone to call him for these services to be honest.”

 Convicting Dr. Ulakanathan Deputy District Judge Turner announced: “He is a man with a distinguished professional record, a medical practice, is of good character and is highly regarded by his professional colleagues.

“The wedding anniversary was some sort of trigger against Mr. Hay that day. When you give someone’s name, phone  number and address it’s to cause maximum inconvenience.

“The means chosen for revenge were chosen for maximum effect. This was in no way a prank and it was never meant to be a prank at all.

“This was very, very serious and I have no hesitation saying it is conduct deserving to be marked by a conviction.

“It grieves me to see a man in his position, his background and of his character where he is now, but I can’t allow that to effect me.”

Tuesday 26 October 2021

'Dog Whisperer' Guilty Of Having Martial Arts Weapon

An award-winning self-styled ‘Dog Whisperer’ caught with a martial arts weapon failed to dodge the charge yesterday by claiming he needed it to ward off “vicious” pooches.

On his professional profile Bruce Clanford, 46, describes himself as: “the ONLY qualified and registered Dog Whisperer in the World!”

He told police when taken into custody for having the wooden baton - known as a ‘Tonfa’ - : “I took it out years ago when I was dealing with vicious dogs.

“I am a genuine, harmless guy, a pillar of the community. I am a Dog Whisperer.”

Clanford, of West Road, Emsworth, Hampshire, who graduated from the University of Greenwich with a degree in Animal Behaviour and Ethology, was stopped by police for parking on a double yellow line.

When officers searched his blue Mitsubishi Lancer they found the foot-and-a-half long weapon by the drivers’ seat.

He did not appear for his trial at Croydon Magistrates’ Court, where he was convicted of possessing an offensive weapon in Bristow Road, Sutton on March 3.

Clanford is the Managing Director of Dog Whisperer World and a registered therapist specialising in aggression; barking; anxiety; separation issues; pulling on the lead and recall.

He charges £75 for one-on-one dog counselling and other services are available on application on a base-by-case basis.

A warrant was issued for his arrest and police may pick him up when collecting his 2021 gong for ‘Dog Behaviour Specialist of the Year’ at the Prestige Awards for small businesses, hosted by Corporate LiveWire.

PC Julie Mustart told the trial there were suspicions concerning Clanford’s female passenger and the vehicle was subjected to a drugs search.

No illegal substances were found.

However, the martial arts baton was found lying next to the drivers’ seat and Clanford told police at the roadside: “I didn’t know it was a problem. I do training.”

PC Mustart told the court: “He’s a dog trainer, he said. Quite well-known as a dog behaviourist.”

Clanford claimed in his police interview he did not even known the baton was by his side and had just transferred all of his property from an old car into this new one.

He claimed to have brought it with him once to treat an aggressive Rottweiler, who had hospitalised four members of the same family.

“I have scars and scratches on my arms from when I have handled vicious dogs.

“It is what I have done for twenty years and I thought it would aid my protection when dealing with vicious dogs and would save my arms.”

However the magistrates ruled Clanford had no lawful reason to have the weapon in public and convicted him.

Monday 25 October 2021

Mask Row Bus Passenger Wanted For Spitting

A bus passenger, who refused to wear a mask, spat on the glass front door when ordered off the service in north-west London.

The passenger also verbally abused the driver and police have released this image of their suspect and are appealing to the public for assistance in identifying him.

A man boarded an 83 bus near Wembley Stadium at 10.40pm on Friday, April 16 and was challenged by the driver for being unmasked.

He promised to put a mask on and took a seat upstairs.

At the Lakeside Shop, Empire Way the driver lost patience and told the passenger he would have to get off the bus for refusing to wear a mask.

He walked to the front of the bus, shouted insults at the driver and spat on the glass front door.

PC Matt Cannon, of the Metropolitan Police’s Roads and Transport Policing Command said: “Bus drivers have worked throughout the pandemic at great risk to themselves, providing an essential service to key workers and others who rely on public transport to get around.

“Any assault against a driver doing their job is unacceptable, but spitting, given the threat posed by Covid-19 and what we know about how it is transmitted, is particularly appalling.

“We have been pursuing alternative lines of enquiry to identify this man but so far, it has not been possible to locate him.

“I’m hopeful the public hold the key to finding out who and where he is.”

Anyone who can identify the suspect is asked to call 101, quoting reference 1908495/21.

Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Sunday 24 October 2021

Bus Passenger Robbed: Do You Know This Suspect?

A bus passenger was threatened onboard a west London service and robbed of his phone and cash.

Police have released this image of their suspect and are appealing for the public’s help in identifying him.

The male victim boarded a 452 bus near Kensal Rise travelling to Vauxhall at 7.35pm on Sunday, July 25.

He took a seat on the lower deck and the suspect boarded a few stops later and sat next to him.

While travelling through Ladbroke Grove the unknown male threatened the passenger and took the items while making threats.

Detective Inspector John Millward said: “If you recognise this man or have any information about his whereabouts, please contact police right away. It is vital we identify him.

“We believe he is a mixed race male, age approximately eighteen to nineteen years-old, approximately 5’10” tall, of slim build with black wavy shoulder length hair.

“No piece of information is insignificant and could help us with the investigation.”

Anyone who can identify him is asked to tweet @MetCC or call 101 referencing CAD 6213/25JUL2021.

To remain 100% anonymous, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Saturday 23 October 2021

Abusive 999 Caller Banned From Insulting Operators

An obsessed 999 caller, who rang emergency services hundreds of times – abusing the operators – has been convicted.

Petras Narbutas, 31, of Horn Lane, Ealing, west London has been made subject to a five-year Criminal Behaviour Order, prohibiting him repeating his actions.

Today at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court he was convicted of making malicious communications and was conditionally discharged.

The court heard between June 1 and July 21 Petras called 999 a total of 497 times. 

Petras did not make any requests for any kind of support, but did insult both exchange operators and operators at the Metropolitan Police Control Centre. 

In a number of these calls Petras was racially abusive to the operators.

Due to the number of hate crime offences, Petras was one of the highest repeat hate crime offenders in the Metropolitan Police.

His actions have caused a number of staff to feel personally effected by the calls and the sheer number of calls to the 999 service caused a sever backlog in calls, potentially putting other members of the public at risk. 

The Criminal Behaviour Order – commonly known as a 'Crimbo' – will give the courts additional sentencing powers if breached by Narbutas.

PC Pete Trueman, West Areas hate Crime performance officer, said “The Metropolitan Police Service stands strongly against all forms of hate and will not tolerate its staff being abused or harassed, purely for doing their job.”

Friday 22 October 2021

Vauxhall Predator Hunted

Two woman were attacked in Vauxhall within a six week period earlier this year and police suspect the same unknown male is responsible.

This image of the suspect has been released and the Metropolitan Police are requesting the public’s assistance in identifying him.

During the first incident a 24 year-old woman’s screams alerted other members of the public when she was followed from Vauxhall Station to Fentiman Road at 11.50pm on January 16.

A man grabbed her from behind, assaulted her and pulled her to the ground and fortunately members of the public chased him away.

Shortly afterwards, police believe the same suspect was seen exposing himself and committing an indecent act in Exchange Square.

He is described as a heavy set male, wearing a black puffer jacket, grey jogging bottoms and a black and white face mask.

The second incident was at 7.05am on Monday, March 1 when a 28 year-old woman was pushed to the ground by a man as she walked through Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.

The suspect assaulted the victim before she managed to flee.

At the time he was wearing a black puffer jacket with white Versace lettering, black trousers and Nike Airmax trainers.

Anyone who can name the suspect are asked to call the police on 101 or tweet @MetCC quoting 7946/16JAN.

To remain 100% anonymous contact or call 0800 555 111.

Thursday 21 October 2021

OAP Banned From Local Park After Sexual Assault

Grange Park
An octogenarian has been banned from his local park after admitting he sexually assaulted a woman.

Brian Roberts, 83, cannot go within fifty metres of Grange Park, Coulsdon for the next twelve months.

At Croydon Magistrates' Court he pleaded guilty to intentionally sexually touching a woman at the park on August 16, last year.

The court bailed him for a Probation Service interview and preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Pensioner Roberts, of Forge Avenue, Coulsdon was sentenced to a twelve-month community order, which carries the requirement that he cannot go within fifty metres of the park.

He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation to the victim, plus £85 costs and a £95 victim surcharge.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

"Odious" Train Pervert Locked-Up For Five-Year Exposure Campaign

A man has been jailed for multiple counts of exposing himself in front of women on the railway network, following an extensive British Transport Police investigation.

Tajinder Sabherwal, 40, of High Street, Bedford, was found guilty of seven counts of outraging public decency, and one count of assault against an emergency service worker, between 2016 and 2021 at stations and on trains around London and Surrey.

He was sentenced to a total of 18 months in prison and handed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) at Inner London Crown Court.

The court heard of multiple cases of women reporting Sabherwal touching himself inappropriately or exposing his genitals while sat opposite them on a train or at a station.

CCTV footage showed him changing into a different set of clothes halfway through his journeys to change his appearance after committing an offence.

On April 3 Sabherwal was arrested at St Pancras station after a woman travelling on a service from London Bridge to Cambridge reported that he sat opposite her on an empty carriage and began touching himself indecently while looking at her. 

After she challenged him, an off-duty officer stepped in and took him off the train. 

Upon his arrest, officers found he was carrying several items of clothing, including different outfits and hats that matched CCTV stills from previous incidents.

Nine weeks earlier on Saturday January 30, an off-duty WPC boarded a train from Redhill to London Bridge. 

As she sat down, Sabherwal moved from a different carriage to sit across the aisle from her. 

She noticed him touching the inside of his shorts and pointing his phone towards her. 

She challenged him and told him she had called 999. 

When the train arrived at Coulsdon South station he got off and the officer followed, he then violently pushed the officer away and ran out of the station.

Investigating officer in the case, Detective Constable Olivia Hill, said: “Sabherwal’s odious actions were evidently pre-meditated and for his own sexual gratification.

“These incidents will have had a serious impact on the victims’ lives, and we believe no one should be subject to such vile behaviour on the railway.

“I’m pleased to see he’ll have plenty of time to reflect on this in prison.

“I would urge anyone who witnesses or experiences sexual harassment on the railway to report it to us – no report is too small or insignificant and we will always take you seriously. 

Text us on 61016 or call 0800 40 50 40. In an emergency, always dial 999.”

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Police And Westminster Fail To Ban Troublemaker Great-Great Grandson Of King George V

Police and Westminster council have tried to ban an aristocrat, who is 65th in line to the British throne, from the borough after years of violence, threats, criminal damage and racist behaviour.

However, today a judge ruled 43 year-old Rowan Nash Lascelles, the son of The Hon. James Lascelles, The Queen’s first cousin, once removed would simply ignore the order and take his offending to other neighbourhoods.

Refusing the Criminal Behaviour Order application - commonly known as a ‘Crimbo’ - Deputy District Judge Olwen Davies ruled: “An order will not deter him due to his entrenched criminality.”

Lascelles, whose great grandmother was the daughter of George VI, fled City of London Magistrates’ Court minutes before the hearing and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

“He is plainly a persistent offender, who leaves misery in his wake,” announced Judge Davies. “He is either unable or unwilling to change and ignores the criminal law.

“An order excluding him from Westminster would simply be ignored. If he does not obey the law he will not obey a Criminal Behaviour Order and simply offend in other London boroughs and transfer his misery to Camden or Wandsworth.

“I doubt Mr Lascelles gives consideration to his behaviour and it seems to be spontaneous, possibly associated with ADHD.

Earlier, Westminster’s rough-sleeping co-ordinator George Bossman, told the court he has tried to house Lascelles since August, 2016. “He has always ended up losing his accommodation due to his inappropriate behaviour and has now exhausted all of his options.

“Support has not worked and placement in hotels has not worked. It costs a lot of money to place him in a hotel, but there was constant anti-social behaviour and criminal damage.

“There have been frightening aggressive outbursts and racist behaviour and he has been engaging in the illicit use of substances and buying it in Westminster. 

“I have engaged with his father, who has now accommodated him in a hotel in Victoria.”

The court heard  Lascelles is addicted to powerful synthetic marijuana ’Spice’ and mixes with the users and dealers who congregate in Westminster, particularly around The Strand.

“If this behaviour continues in Westminster there could be a fatality,” added Mr Bossman. “He engages with rough sleepers, resulting in fights and he has caused a number of incidents at the drug and alcohol treatment centre in Wardour Street, Soho.

“We have tried everything in the book to contain his behaviour, with mental health and drug and alcohol teams attempting to help him.”

The only break Westminster gets from  Lascelles are his occasional trips to France. “His parents have a very, very big farm there and when he works there it calms him down.

“However, when he does not like something he gets extremely angry and abuses people and we need to put boundaries in his place to control his behaviour.”

Lascelles has multiple convictions for racially-aggravated criminal offences and was once banned from Sainsbury’s in The Strand for telling staff: “Go back to where you come from. I’m going to kick you out of the country. You’re not English.”

He recently lost his accommodation at the King George’s Hostel in Great Peter Street, Victoria - ironically named after his great-great grandfather King George V.

The ‘Crimbo’ application was supported by Westminster’s anti-social behaviour officer Anna Hows, who told the court: “There is a history of Mr  Lascelles returning to places he has once engaged with and causing harassment, alarm and distress to the people, residents and businesses.

“He says he is not happy with the support he has been offered regarding housing and removal from the borough would give him a fresh start.

“Westminster is the hub of rough sleeping and Spice use and it is in his best interests to be removed from the borough and for the respite of the community.”

The Metropolitan Police also threw their weight behind the application to ban Lascelles and PC Zak Ali told the court: “It is quite a lengthy history when it comes to his offending pattern.

“We are seeking an order on behalf of the businesses and residents of Westminster to offer respite from this individual, who has convictions for anti-social acts and criminal damage.”

The officer said on August 10 police were called to a fight outside Italian restaurant Prezzo in the West End. “One of the individuals was Mr  Lascelles and he threw a bar stool, causing significant injury and was arrested for grievous bodily harm.

“That is just one. There are others and he would commit a number of offences on the same day and be arrested numerous times in one week.

“He is a burden on the Metropolitan Police and many violent incidents are not reported to the police, particularly from outreach services and the council.

“He is a Spice addict and Westminster is the epicentre of Spice dealing. This order would prevent him legally from doing that.”

However, Judge Davies ruled the ‘Crimbo’ could not be used as an additional punishment and would not control Lascelles.

“My reservation is that it is not going to stop him coming back to Westminster. He is not going to be deterred.”

Lascelles was also due to be sentenced for an offence of criminal damage after pleading guilty to vandalising a door on April 27 at Look Ahead Housing & Care in Vauxhall Bridge Road, Victoria and this will be dealt with when he is arrested.

Monday 18 October 2021

Train Passengers Attacked With Glass Bottles

Passengers onboard different trains are suspected to have been violently attacked by the same group within hours of each other.

British Transport Police (BTP) are investigating and have released these images of their suspects.

They are appealing to the public for assistance in identifying them.

The first violent incident occurred on Saturday, September 11 on a train travelling from Dartford, Kent to Charing Cross in central London.

At approximately 5.45pm the female victim and a separate group boarded the train in Slade Green, south London.

Individuals within that group began yelling at one another and causing a disturbance on the train.

The victim asked them to quieten down a little, but in response was threatened by one member of the group, who also deliberately barged into her.

The victim fled to another carriage, but was pursued by the group, who then started attacking her – kicking her in the head and hitting her with glass bottles.

She managed to get off the train at Erith station with other passengers, who provided first aid before she was treated at hospital.

The group stayed on the London-bound train.

In the second incident, at approximately 7pm, the victims, a couple, were on a Charing Cross to Dartford train when a group of people they didn’t know started verbally abusing them.

One girl from the group started attacking the female victim with a wine bottle before the rest of the group attacked them both.

Both victims were pulled to safety by other passengers, who were also assaulted by the group. 

The victims got off the train at Belvedere station and the group stayed on the train.

The victims were treated for facial and head injuries at a local hospital.

Officers believe those in the images may have information which could help their investigation.

If you recognise them, or have any information, please contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 492 of 11/09/21.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Police Hunt Four-Times-Flasher

Transport cops are hunting a tube train sex pest, who flashed four victims within a few hours.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this CCTV image of their suspect and are appealing for the public's help in identifying him.

The offences all occurred on the London Underground.

On Friday, September 10 between 1pm and 8pm a man on-board a Piccadilly Line train exposed himself inappropriately to victims on four separate occasions.

On each occasion he rustled a carrier bag and made noises so the victims would look at him.

If you recognise the suspect or have any information, please contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 2100068053.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Boozy Train Sex Pest Hunted

A lone female passenger was quizzed about her love life by a lager-swilling train sex pest, who then exposed himself to her.

British Transport Police are investigating and have released these images CCTV of their suspect.

At just before 7pm on Saturday, September 11 the victim boarded a train at Staines railway station, Surrey, travelling towards Chertsey and sat down.

A short while later, a man came and sat in a seat nearby and started looking at the victim and laughing repeatedly. 

He then asked her if she had a boyfriend.

She ignored him and looked out the window before the man exposed himself to her. 

The victim then got up and walked away from the man.

Officers believe the man in the images may have information which could help their investigation.

If you recognise him, or have any information, please contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 631 of 11/09/21.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Friday 15 October 2021

Eight Years For Party Predator Trainee Lawyer

A trainee solicitor at one of the world’s largest law firms, who sexually assaulted two sleeping graduate women at a work colleague’s house-warming party, was jailed for eight years today.

Tom Hagyard, 29, had just started at the City of London commercial law practice when he molested a “nine or ten out of ten” drunken law student in the party host’s bed.

However, he told the jury the sexual activity was consensual: “I was enjoying this moment because she was enjoying it. I would not have continued for a moment if she wasn’t.”

Minutes later Hagyard, who graduated with a First Class philosophy degree, groped a medical student, who was asleep on the living-room couch, telling the jury: “She seemed to be enjoying it.”

Recorder Simon Russell Flint QC told him: “Nobody thought it was going to be anything other than a normal party for young people to get to know each other with drinking and dancing and fun until your actions brought to an end how that night would be remembered.

“The first victim had a lot to drink and was put into bed and out of kindness and regard for your comfort you also were invited to sleep in the bed, although why you were still there at 5am when others had left has not been explained.

“You almost immediately started to touch her. This young lady was sound asleep when you began to touch her sexually and she did not kiss you or give you any encouragement.

“She had no idea what was happening to her and could not identify who it was. You were a stranger to her and she did not consent to what you were doing and neither did you believe she was consenting.

“You went ahead and did what you wanted to do to this woman and getting little or no satisfaction went looking for another victim.

“You went into the living-room, where the second woman was asleep on the couch and you pushed aside her shirt and bra and touched her breast. You woke her up by your hand being on her breast.” 

Earlier that same night Hagyard treated his parents and two sisters to a celebratory three-course meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant with his first pay cheque in the legal profession before making his way to the £700,000 Fulham Road flat in west London.

Hagyard, of Fylde Road, Southport was convicted of two counts of assault by penetration in relation to the first woman and two counts of sexual assault in relation to the second woman.

The jury failed to reach a verdict on one count of raping the first women and were discharged.

In her victim impact statement the first woman said: “I cannot unhear the claims made by his defence during the trial that I consented even though I was unconscious. This is re-traumatising and haunting.”

She said the night left her “with chronic stress, anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks,” adding: “The nightmares I have in relation to the assaults are impossible to shake off.

“The defendant’s actions have destroyed my trust and personal faith in other people. I have felt ashamed that I did not fight back and still berate myself about it.”

The second woman, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, said: “Tom Hagyard, I don’t hate you. You are a stranger to me.

“I hope you can explore why you are the way you are and seek resolution so you do not harm anyone else. I am grieving for the loss of my old self, I miss her deeply.”

She revealed that she stared at a train station’s railway tracks and was treated for a paracetamol overdose at the very hospital where she trained as the trial date approached.

“The last four years have been torture with the anticipation of being in court.”

Isleworth Crown Court heard he arrived at the party with a bottle of wine, which consumed, on October 15, 2017 and in the early hours the first 26 year-old victim woke with Hagyard on top of her.

“We got very drunk and I don’t remember a lot. I took myself to bed and I woke up and there was a boy sort of on top of me,” she told the trial.

Now working for an intellectual property-specialist law firm the woman added: “I was going in and out of consciousness and did not think I could move. I froze a bit, I didn’t fight him off or anything.

“I remember trying to push him away. I was staring at the wall for a while.

“I felt very drunk, nine or ten out of ten drunk. I kept my eyes closed for a bit and I remember feeling confused.

“He was on top of me and I was in pain. I felt like I could not move or fight him off and my memory goes in and out, I have flashes.”

Hagyard claimed the second woman, also 26 and now a fully-qualified doctor, who attended the same £15,000 a year south coast private school as the first victim invited him onto the sofa, where he began massaging her chest.

“She seemed to be enjoying it and was breathing pleasurably and I slipped my hand under her top and unbuckled her belt,” Hagyard told the jury.

However, prosecutor Richard Job said: “She had also had a bit to drink and was sleeping in her clothes. She was woken at 5.30am by someone touching her chest.

“The top of her bra had been pulled to one side and a man’s hand was on her breast. She felt his mouth next to her ear and the words: ’Shush. It’s okay.’

“He was crouched by her and having touched her breast he moved his hand to her belt and began to undo the buckle.

“She was scared and she got up and went quickly to the host’s bedroom.”

Recorder Russell Flint told Hagyard: “You have concocted an account you hoped would be accepted and you have caused each of them severe psychological harm, plus harm to your more than loving supportive family.

“Your family will have to face the reality their son, who was destined to be a highly successful solicitor, is a sex offender, who preyed on two young women.

“You have ruined your professional ambitions. You passed your exams, got your First Class degree and passed your law course and despite enormous competition secured this training contract.

“This has all gone, due to your conduct in that hour that has caused so much devastation to peoples lives.

“This is a tragic case for those two ladies and tragic for what you have brought on your family.”

Hagyard complained about how his potentially “distinguished career” was destroyed before it even started. “It has been difficult. I lost my job at the law firm.

“I told the senior partner I had been arrested, but did nothing wrong and I had no idea it would take this long.

“They suspended me on full pay and after a few months asked me to resign,” added Hagyard, who also told his parents and two sisters what happened.

“They were devastated of course. I told them all that had happened. I do believe I was innocent and had done nothing wrong.”

Hagyard claimed the party host invited him to sleep in her bed, where the first woman was already passed out and the host remained asleep during the consensual sexual activity instigated by the victim.

“She was moving with excitement and anticipation and I put my hand between her legs,” he told the trial, believing there was mutual physical attraction. “She was moving with excitement and anticipation and I put my hand between her legs.”

Hagyard always insisted full sex never occurred. “I was fully-clothed for the whole thing.”

He said the second woman caught his eye when he crashed out in the living room. She said: ‘You can share the sofa with me.’ It was a very small sofa and I got on as best I could.”

Hagyard’s lawyer Karina Arden told the court: “This is a terrible tragedy not just for the complainants, but for the defendant and his family, who have accompanied him throughout the trial.

“His mother and father have been in tears much of the time and his girlfriend intends to stay by him during his time in prison.

“His professional life that he worked so hard for is over. He has changed from being a confident young trainee solicitor who was ambitious and dreamed of a career in commercial law.

“For the last year he has worked in a cycling business and he has suffered everyday for the last four years and regrets the incident that night in that flat and it will remain with him for the rest of his life.”  

Hagyard will remain on the sex offenders register indefinitely and must serve two thirds of the sentence before he can be considered for parole.

Thursday 14 October 2021

Trainee Solicitor Guilty Of Party Sex Assaults

A former trainee solicitor was today convicted of early hours sexual assaults on two sleeping women after a house-warming party.

Graduate Tom Hagyard, 29, muttered to himself after the Isleworth Crown Court jury returned their verdicts after two days of deliberation.

He struck at the £700,000 two-bedroom west London flat in Fulham Road, where he was invited by another trainee solicitor at the world-renowned City of London corporate law practice. 

Merseyside native Hagyard, of Fylde Road, Southport was found guilty of two counts of assault by penetration in relation to a 26 year-old student, who had passed out fully-clothed on the host’s bed.

The jury convicted him by an 11-1 majority on both charges.

He was also found guilty of two counts of sexually assaulting another 26 year-old student, who was sleeping on the living-room couch.

The jury convicted him by a 10-2 majority on both charges.

They failed to reach a verdict on a charge Hagyard raped the first woman and the jury were discharged on that count.

As the jurors left the courtroom and filed past the defendant he shook his head slightly towards them.

Hagyard was questioned by the police on October 17, 2017, just two days after the party and throughout the two-week trial insisted the sexual activity was consensual.

Regarding the first woman Hagyard said in evidence: “She was actively participating the whole time,” and regarding the second he said: “She invited me to join her on the sofa.”  

Recorder Simon Russell Flint QC announced: “This clearly serious offending, passing the custody threshold.”

He bailed Hagyard overnight to be sentenced the following day.

“He will understand he can be sentenced in his absence if he did not attend and a warrant would be issued for his arrest and he would be on the run.

“The whole thing is a tragedy for all those concerned, but I will deal with sentence tomorrow.

“Others will have suffered, sadly. There was a trial and the jury returned a verdict and there can be no credit for a plea of guilty.” 

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Teenage Sexual Predator Strikes Three Times In Three Hours: E-Fit Released

Three women were sexually assaulted in as many hours by a teenage boy in south-east London.

The victims have assisted in compiling this e-fit of the suspect, who is being hunted by police.

All the incidents took place in the Lewisham area between 5pm and 8pm on Thursday, September 2.

The first victim was walking in Malyons Road and was followed by a young male into the communal area of a block of flats.

Inside he grabbed her jacket, sexually assaulted her and ran off.

At 7.45pm in Chudleigh Road the second woman was approached from behind and subjected to sexually-explicit comments.

The suspect intimated he was armed with a knife and sexually assaulted her.

Shortly afterwards in Malyons Road the suspect approached the third woman and sexually assaulted her and when she resisted he pulled her hair, ripping some out, and walked off towards Ladywell Road.

The suspect is described as a light-skinned black male, aged around 13-15 years-old and of average build.

He has short black hair, with waves on top and was wearing a knee-length dark grey puffer jacket.

If anyone can identify this male they are asked to contact police on 101 or tweet @MetCC, quoting CAD6855/21SEP.

Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.