A father facing eviction has been jailed for life after slashing the throats of his two children as they lay in their beds during a weekend visit.
Jean Francis Say, 62, (pic.bottom) of 33 Empire Square, Southwark will serve a minimum thirty years for the murders of Regina, 8, and her brother Rolls, 10, (pic.top).
Shortly after 8:00am on Sunday, February 13 Say called 999 and told police he had killed his children and then called his wife with the same devastating news, telling her to collect the bodies.
Minutes later police officers arrived to find the bodies of the two children in their beds - their throats had been cut and Rolls had also suffered a serious head injury.
Both children had clearly fought for their lives because of the evidence of defence wounds.
In 2008, Mrs Say and the children moved out of the family home and Jean was allowed custody of Rolls and Regina at the weekends.
At the time of the murders Say was facing eviction by the council from the property because as a sole occupier he was not entitled to such a large home.
Detective Inspector Paul Clack of the Child Abuse Command, said: “Say’s actions were cruel, brutal and abhorrent and the sentence he received reflects the gravity of what he has done.
“It cannot of course wipe away the terrible loss of these two young children.
“Nor can it in any way compensate for the unimaginable loss suffered by Regina and Rolls’ mother who has displayed great courage, dignity and strength throughout this ordeal.
“I would like to pay tribute to her and the close friends and family who have helped support her. I would also like to request on her behalf that her privacy is respected through this incredibly difficult period.”
Rolls and Regina Say’s mother said: “I have been asked to write a statement to allow others to understand how losing my two children Rolls and Regina has impacted on me.
“This request, I believe is an almost impossible task.
“How does a mother begin to find the words to explain the immense pain of losing two most precious children under the most horrific circumstances.
“My son Rolls and my daughter Regina were the most beautiful, thoughtful and fun loving children who brought so much joy into my life.
“To have them taken from me so cruelly by their father has left what I can only describe as a huge void in my life.
“Not one moment goes by that they are not in my thoughts.
“My home is now so empty and quiet.
“It should be filled with the sounds of Rolls and Regina laughing, singing, dancing and playing.
“Each time I leave the house there are so many little reminders of the children.
“I cannot walk past a McDonalds, a park or Church without memories flooding back to the children.
“I cannot shop in a supermarket without seeing the children run to their favourite isles, Rolls to the Belgium Chocolate and Regina to the Jammie Dodgers.
“Simple moments we shared of which so many of us take for granted, I will treasure them forever.
“Despite their tender years both children were very mature, sensitive and thoughtful.
“They encouraged me to move on with my life. “Go Mummy”.
“The children gave me the strength to move forward, to build a better life. I will never forget the children returning from school one day and explaining that we were BFF - Best Friends Forever.
“I never imagined that forever would amount to such a short space of time.
“Rolls was an entertainer, a born performer who was very creative often writing scripts for his friends to perform at school. He liked Beyonce.
“Regina was very protective and always looked for answers. She was a big fan of JLS. When I see or hear either on the television or radio it reminds me that they are no longer here.
“Rolls and Regina were taken away from me on 13 Feb 2011 by their father who was supposed to love them, look after them and nurture them so they could grow and reach their full potential.
“Since their passing I have had to endure the pain of being unable to celebrate Rolls 11th birthday on 16 June and Regina’s 9th birthday on 17 July.
“I have had to go through the pain of Mother’s Day without my children, the Easter holiday’s alone, and soon Christmas will be upon us.
“The joyous occasion of Christmas and the celebrations the children loved so much has been snatched so cruelly from my beautiful and innocent children.
“Christmas 2010 had been such a lovely time and is one of my most cherished memories of time spent with Rolls and Regina. Rushing out to buy a tree together and the fun we had decorating it.
“The only thing I have left is my memories and the little comfort I have knowing that Rolls and Regina are at peace and no longer able to feel the pain.
“Jean Say destroyed so much. Over the years he has taken from me all the photographs of the children from birth and even destroyed the video of their Christening.
“He cruelly ended their lives. He stole their childhood and snatched away their futures.
“Following their passing his actions prevented me from grieving, from being able to hold my babies and to comfort them at a time when they needed their mummy more than ever.
“Say has taken from me the most two precious things in my life, Rolls and Regina.
“I have very little physically to remember my children but the one thing he cannot take from me, in spite of his attempts are these wonderful memories which will live in my heart forever.”