Sunday 6 May 2018

Violent Ex Caged For Terrifying Home Invasion Attack On Former Girlfriend

A violent ex who broke into his former girlfriend's home, armed himself with a kitchen knife and viciously beat her when she jumped from an upstairs window, has been jailed.
Racine Ndiaye, 43, of Cresswell Road, Croydon received 13 years imprisonment for the attack, which resulted in the woman suffering a broken ankle from the drop.
He was found guilty at Croydon Crown Court of wounding, with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, burglary with intent to commit grievous bodily harm and common assault.
At around 8.00am on November 21, last year Ndiaye attempted to break into the woman's Croydon home and shouted through the front door, threatening to kill her.
In fear for her life she called the police and Ndiaye fled the scene prior to their arrival.
Hours later, at approximately 11.00am, Ndiaye returned to the house and broke in through a window.
Ndiaye took a knife from the kitchen. and the victim locked herself into an upstairs bedroom.
When she began climbing out of the window in an attempt to escape, Ndiaye kicked down the door and grabbed her as she dangled from the window ledge.
She fell to the ground, suffering a broken ankle.
Ndiaye then ran outside and began repeatedly punching and kicking her, despite the intervention of members of the public.
Police were called by a member of the public.
Ndiaye fled the scene prior to police arrival.
The victim was taken to a south London hospital with significant facial injuries, as well as the fracture.
Ndiaye was arrested later that evening at 9.35am and was charged on November 22 and remanded in custody.
Detective Constable Milo Horvath, of Croydon CID, said: “This lengthy sentence reflects how seriously police and the courts take vicious attacks such as this.
“We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure violent individuals such as Ndiaye are placed before the courts.”

Saturday 5 May 2018

Online Sex Predator Who Targeted Underage Girls Is Caged

An online sexual predator, who targeted three girls – aged 14-15 years-old – with promises of booze and drugs has been sentenced to eight years.
Mohamed Mohamoud, 31, of Uxbridge was found guilty of two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and one count of attempting to incite a child to commit sexual activity.
Mohamoud identified young females through Facebook, and then contacted the victims seeking to obtain their phone numbers.
He subsequently made attempts to meet the girls for sexual activity, offering drugs and alcohol and the promise of taking them shopping.
Police were first alerted to Mohamoud by a teacher at a secondary school in Hayes who had been told by a 14-year-old girl about messages that she'd exchanged online.
Officers investigated this information and two further female victims of around the same age were identified who had also been contacted by Mohamoud.
Thankfully, none of the three girls met with Mohamoud.
Mohamoud was arrested on July 26, 2016.
During the police investigation and the trial, Mohamoud showed no remorse and attempted to blame others for his actions.
Detective Constable Mike Evans, of the Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command, said: "Mohamoud's sentence demonstrates how serious these offences are, and the Met's commitment to the investigation of online abuse towards young people.
"By speaking to the police and providing their evidence, the three female victims have helped to ensure this man, who is a danger to youngsters, cannot harm anyone else while he remains behind bars.
"I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that further information on how their children can stay safe online is available on the following websites; The Met, Childline, NHS Choices, CEOP"

Friday 4 May 2018

'Survival Of The Fittest' Star Facing Five Years For Stun Gun Arrest

A finalist of ITV2’s ’Survival Of The Fittest’ is facing five years imprisonment after being caught with an electric stun gun.

Fitness trainer and model David Lundy, 26, appeared for the first time at Wimbledon Magistrates Court yesterday.

He made the final of the show - dubbed Love Island’s winter alternative - which was shot in South Africa featuring teams of Boys v Girls.

Lundy, of Aragon Road, Morden is charged with possession of a prohibited weapon at his address on December 21, last year.

It is described as a hand-held electric shock device stun gun.

He is also charged with possession of a small quantity of cocaine on the same occasion.

Declining jurisdiction due to the seriousness of the offence and his limited powers District Judge James Henderson announced: “It is a minimum mandatory sentence of five years.”

Lundy was bailed to appear at Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court on May 30.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Failed LibDem Politician Nearly 3 Times Drink-Drive Limit When He Crashed Into Parked Cars

A failed Liberal Democrat politician crashed into four parked cars at midnight while driving three times the drinks limit.

Maths teacher Reetendra Nath Banerji, 44, of Fern Hill Road, Oxford, the former assistant head at Westminster Academy, admits consuming six drinks during a lunchtime business meeting.

He stood as the LibDems official candidate in 2014’s Tower Hamlets mayoral election and as their parliamentary candidate for Salisbury and South Basildon & East Thurrock in the General Elections of 2015 and 2017.

He finished sixth, fourth and fourth respectively.

Yesterday Banerji pleaded guilty to driving his blue two-litre Alfa Romeo with excess alcohol in his breath in Grena Road, North Sheen on April 16.

Wimbledon Magistrates Court heard he had 104 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

He was driving back to a family address he also resides at in Woking Close, Putney.

Prosecutor Caroline Mungal told the court it was 12.20am when a resident of the quiet side road alerted her paramedic boyfriend to the crash.

“She was woken by a loud bang and a scraping noise outside her house and heard someone trying to start a car.

“He attended the location and saw the defendant sitting in the driver’s seat of a car in the middle of the road, which had substantial damage to one of the front wheels.

“There were four vehicles on the road that had been damaged, consistent with the defendant’s vehicle hitting them in succession.

“The witness smelled alcohol on the defendant and said his speech was slurred and his pupils were dilated.”

Probation Officer Tony Healy told the court: “He is very apologetic and remorseful. He had been out drinking in the afternoon and thinks he had about six drinks during a business discussion.

“He does not believe he has alcohol issues, but has seen his GP with depression and anxiety and got quite emotional about some recently deceased family members.”

Banerji’s lawyer Mr. James Hare said: “He was at a business meeting and did not intend to drink to excess, but got carried away and took the risk because it was such a short journey.

“His memory is of his tyre exploding having caught something and he went into the other cars. He stayed at the scene and called the AA.

“There was not any attempt to leave the scene.

“He’s currently not earning much money. Ten years ago he gave up a lucrative career in IT to take up a career in teaching.”

Banerji was sentenced to 80 hours community service, disqualified from driving for two years and ordered to pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

District Judge Barbara Barnes said: “It’s aggravated in terms of the accident caused and the extensive damage to other peoples parked vehicles.

“The alcohol in your body was well over the legal limit,” she told Banerji. “You are a danger on the roads and to other people when you are in that condition as shown by the accident you caused.”

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Secret eBay Dealer Took Extra £30K From Taxpayers

A benefit cheat was secretly making extra cash by flogging items on eBay during a three-year £30,000 swindle.

Mother-of-two Cilen Gurzap, 41, will repay by having her current benefits deducted by £42 per fortnight - meaning it will take nearly twenty-eight years to compensate taxpayers.

The Turkish single-parent, of Batsford House, Durnsford Road, Wimbledon received a suspended prison sentence.

She pleaded guilty to two counts of dishonestly failing to notify a change of circumstances to Merton Council and the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) between December 16, 2013 and February 26, last year.

Wimbledon Magistrates Court heard Gurzap obtained £23,686 in Housing Benefit and £6,873 in Income Support while the undeclared money was going into her bank account.

Prosecutor Ms Caroline Mungal told the court Gurzap claimed to be the sole carer of her mother, leaving her unable to work, even though both her parents reside together.

“She failed to declare to the DWP that she was in receipt of self-employed income and she questioned initially denied the additional income.”

Her online business resulted in a second prosecution last year, with Gurzap being conditionally discharged for dishonestly handling a stolen jewellery box.

Gurzap denies she was “self-employed” but admits not declaring sums paid into her account by her father and eBay customers.

This was the same bank account into which her benefits were paid.

She was employed in the travel industry, but quit due to child care costs for her boys, now aged 12 and 14 years-old.

Magistrate Sarah Brown told Gurzap: “These two offences are very serious. It is a serious act of dishonesty that went on for a long period of time.”

Gurzap was sentenced to twenty-four weeks imprisonment, suspended for twelve months and ordered to complete 150 hours community service.

“It was a deliberate act that took money from the public purse,” added the magistrate, also ordering her to pay £85 costs and a £115 victim surcharge.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Tube Train Passenger Banned From Morning Commute

Hare Leaving Westminster Magistrates Court
A tube train passenger has been banned from his rush hour commute for two years after he was caught filming female travellers' legs on his phone.

Harry Joseph Hare, 32, of Old Park View, Enfield was travelling on the busy Northern Line towards Moorgate Station.

He pleaded guilty when he appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court to two counts of outraging public decency on November 3 and December 14, last year.

The court heard the first-time offender targeted a woman whose handbag was between her legs during the morning commute.

This resulted in her legs being slightly open and Hare pointed his phone towards them.

He was challenged and the one-minute clip was found on his mobile as well as a similar clip from the previous month.

Yesterday Hare was sentenced to a total of six months imprisonment, suspended for two years, with the court ruling the custodial threshold had been passed due to “sexual intrusion” of the two women.

During two years supervision by the Probation Service he must also obey a Prohibited Activity Requirement, namely not travel on the London Underground between Finsbury Park and Moorgate between 8am and 9am until April 29, 2020.

He must also participate in the Horizon Sex Offender Group Programme for 100 days and any Probation Service-recommended Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for up to 60 days.

Hare must also pay the one known victim £400 compensation, a £115 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Monday 30 April 2018

Teen Sexually Assaulted After Late-Night Pick-Up: CCTV Released

Police hunting a sexual predator, who picked-up a teenager and took her back to his flat have released this CCTV image.
The eighteen year-old young woman was outside her hostel in Willesden, north-west London on April 12 when she was approached by the suspect.
She agreed to join him at his flat and says she was seriously sexually assaulted at around midnight.
The teenager says she was able to escape and alert a friend, who called the police.
Anyone who recognises the male is asked to call police on 101, or contact Police Constable Nicola Devlin, of the Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command, on 07769280577.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Knifeman's Fisherman's Excuse Fails To Get Him Off Hook

A knifeman's poor driving and lack of fishing equipment has seen him locked-up pending sentence for having the weapon and drugs in his car.
Daren Weekes, 33, of Upper Clapton Road, Clapton was stopped by undercover police patrolling his neighbourhood in unmarked cars.
He pleaded guilty at Thames Magistrates Court to possessing an offensive weapon and cannabis and was remanded in custody for sentencing at Wood Green Crown Court on May 11.
His excuse for having the knife for fishing fell apart when no rods, nets or equipment were found in his car.
On April 11 officers spotted Weekes' dark coloured Audi driving carelessly at 9.40pm at the junction of the A10 with Clapton Common.
Police followed the vehicle, which proceeded onto Geldeston Road and came to a halt.
The officers spoke with Weekes, who was driving the vehicle.
He admitted he had cannabis.
A search was conducted under the Misuse of Drugs Act and he then admitted to being in possession of a knife.
During the search, the cannabis and lock knife were recovered from his trouser pocket.
Weekes also had a 'man bag' containing further cannabis.
When questioned about the weapon, Weekes claimed it was a fishing knife.
He was challenged about the whereabouts of his fishing equipment and claimed he didn't have it with him.
He was arrested and taken to an east London police station.
The court heard that the defendant had a previous conviction for possession of an offensive weapon.
On July 24, 2016 he was found in possession of a machete.
He was sentenced to six months at Wood Green Crown Court on October 10, 2016.
Detective Inspector Paul Ridley, the borough knife crime lead from Hackney CID, said:"This case clearly demonstrates the importance of using a range of tactics to tackle knife crime.
The covert officers decisively acted when they observed the vehicle which has led to another knife being taken off the streets.
"The excuse Weekes used for being in possession of the weapon was pure fiction.
“The magistrate has clearly recognised the seriousness of this offence and immediately directed the case to be heard at the Crown Court, refusing bail.
"Hackney officers and the Metropolitan as a whole will continue using these positive tactics whilst people believe they can blatantly carry knives without consequences.
“We have recently sadly witnessed the horrific effects of these weapons.
"If you are aware of any knife carriers then report to police or anonymously via Crimestoppers - you will almost certainly save a life."

Saturday 28 April 2018

Drug Dealer Caught By Gang Police

Gangbusting cops pounced on a drug dealer being driven around north-west London, who is now starting a three-year prison sentence.
Brent Gangs Unit pulled over a blue Audi containing Romarne Young, 24, of Stafford Road, West Kilburn on August 27, last year.
He was sentenced at Harrow Crown Court for offering to supply crack cocaine and heroin and possession of cocaine.
At approximately 7.40pm, officers patrolling Albert Road, Kilburn spotted the car acting suspiciously.
When officers stopped the vehicle, Young was found inside with two mobile phones in his hands.
The vehicle was searched and cocaine was found under the driver’s seat.
The 24-year-old driver of the vehicle attempted to flee the scene but was detained.

When the driver was searched he was found to have concealed cannabis in his mouth and mobile phone and was later jailed for eight weeks.
Text messages on the mobile phones of both men identified them as supplying drugs.
Investigating officer, Detective Constable Jo Trist from the Brent Gangs Unit said: “I am pleased with the sentence given.
Young played a significant role in the supply of drugs across London.
“I hope the sentence handed down will give him adequate time to reflect on his criminal activity.”

Friday 27 April 2018

Two Thugs Who Inflicted Devastating Skull Injury Jailed

Two thugs, who battered an acquaintance so severely part of his skull had to be removed to alleviate bleeding on the brain, have been locked-up.

Ahmed Amizane, 44, (pic. l.) and Stuart Battams, 46, (pic. r.) left their victim needing 37 staples to hold his skull together, pending further surgery.
They were both convicted at Blackfriars Crown Court of inflicting grievous bodily harm and Amizane received 33 months and Battams 31 months.
The court heard how on October 1, last year they were both with the victim, Dennis Clarke, near Camden High Street.
The three men walked to Carlow Street where Amizane and Battams subjected Mr. Clarke to an apparently unprovoked attack.
A member of the public came to Mr. Clarke’s assistance and stayed with him until officers and London Ambulance Service (LAS) arrived.
The victim was taken to an east London hospital where he underwent major surgery to release the pressure from a bleed on the brain.
A large section of his skull was removed and he required 37 staples to his head.
He now wears a protective helmet pending further surgery later this year to replace the segment of skull.
Detectives identified Amizane from CCTV and arrested him on October 6.
Mr. Clarke Needs More Surgery  
He was found to be in possession of the victim’s mobile phone.

Battman’s was arrested on October 17.
Detective Constable Colin Anderson, from the Metropolitan Police's Central North Command, said: "Both Amizane and Battams gave no consideration to the severity of their actions and the ultimate consequences on both the quality of life for Mr. Clarke, and the impact on those who witnessed it.
"They did now show any remorse for their actions during the trial."
Detective Inspector Thomas Kearney, added: "I am proud of the work by the first responders and detectives from Central North.
“With the support and quick thinking of the public and officers first on scene, Mr. Clarke was able to receive the treatment he so desperately needed.
"There is no doubt that the consequences to Mr. Clarke would have been more severe without this intervention.
"In addition, two more violent people are currently off the streets. I hope this provides confidence to our community that we will pursue and bring offenders to justice for their actions.”

Fatal Cannabis Fire: Pair Sentenced

Ricky Bowen
Two people prosecuted after a fatal fire claimed the life of a man suspected of growing cannabis in a council block’s caretaker room have been sentenced.

Ricky Bowen, 31, of Nunhead Grove, Peckham was originally charged with unlawfully killing 25 year-old Grant Fenn, who spent three months in a coma after the explosion and arson.

However, at Blackfriars Crown Court he was only convicted of producing cannabis and was sentenced to six months imprisonment, suspended for twelve months.

The victim reportedly suffered 98% burns and was placed in an induced coma at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where he passed away on August 2, 2016.

In the early hours of April 11 the caretaker’s room at Coniston House, Wyndham Road, Camberwell burst into flames.

Father-of-one Mr. Fenn was airlifted to hospital with another man, who was also treated for injuries and discharged.

Afterwards police revealed the room was being used to cultivate cannabis.

Katherine Granger
Also charged alongside Bowen was 24 year-old Katherine Granger, of Draper House, Wyndham Estate, Elephant and Castle.

She was originally charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice by giving a false witness statement to the police on May 13, 2016.

However, following a jury trial she was only convicted of permitting the supply of cannabis at her home address on April 10 and received a three-year conditional discharge.

The pair originally appeared in the dock together at Camberwell Green Magistrates Court.

Because the case involved a fatality they were both sent for trial to the Old Bailey, which then transferred it to Blackfriars Crown Court.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Brothers Jailed For Teen Stabbing

Ardit & Marcel Sokoli
Two brothers involved in stabbing a 16 year-old just after he got off a bus in south-east London have each been jailed for twelve years.
Ardit Sokoli, 20, and Marcel Sokoli, 18, both of Hither Green, Catford carried out the vicious attack in Lee High Road on September 20, last year.
They were convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of inflicting grievous bodily harm.
They must serve at least two-thirds of the sentences in custody and will be on license for seven years upon release.
The court heard that around 6.00pm a London Ambulance Service crew called police to Cressingham Road, Hither Green, following reports of a stabbing.
Officers attended and discovered the teenager at the scene suffering from a stab wound to the shoulder.
He was conveyed to a south London hospital where he was treated.
His injuries were deemed to be not life-threatening or life-changing.
Officers began an investigation into the incident and established that the victim had exited a route 122 bus in the Lee High Road area.
He was approached by a group of males who attacked him before he was able to flee, eventually ending up in Cressingham Road.
CCTV enquiries identified the brothers as responsible for the attack.
They were arrested at their home address on October 5 and charged the following day.
It is suspected that the victim was known to the attackers but this could not be proven.
Detective Constable James Farrimond, of the Trident and Area Crime Command, led the investigation.
He said: “Now more than ever we need sentences like this to deter youths from carrying knives.
Thankfully this was not a fatal incident, but it is just as needless and alarming.
Now these two brothers will spend some of the best years of their lives in prison when they could have done so many other positive things.
“I would urge any youth concerned in carrying a knife to think whether this is what they want to happen to them.”

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Police Seize Knife After Chase Ends In Back Garden

A teenager was arrested after a foot chase with police, who recovered this fearsome knife in east London.
Neighbourhood officers on patrol in Newham borough approached a suspicious group of males near Church Avenue, Manor Park at 2.55pm on April 7.
As police approached the males ran off.
Following a foot chase, one of the males, aged sixteen years-old, was detained in a rear garden on Church Avenue and a knife was found discarded nearby.
The suspect was arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon and held in custody at an east London police station.
Inspector Paul Stubbs of Newham Police said: "Thanks for the quick actions of my officers, a potentially lethal weapon has been taken off the streets.
"As the Commissioner has spoken about this week, the Met is committed to tackling violent crime and this is just one example of the type of work officers throughout the Capital carry out on a daily basis."

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Office Stabbing: CCTV Released

Police are hunting this suspect after a young man was stabbed at his Ealing office in an unprovoked attack.

Police were called at 3.34pm on Thursday, March 22 to a commercial premises in Norbreck Parade, Hanger Lane to reports of a male stabbed.

Officers attended along with the London Ambulance Service and the victim, aged 22 years-old, was found at the scene with stab wounds.

The attacker ran off towards Lytham Grove and Cleveley Crescent.

The victim was taken to a central London hospital with stab injuries, later deemed as being not life threatening and he was discharged.

There have been no arrests at this stage.

Officers from Ealing CID are investigating and are treating the incident as an attempted murder.

Detective Constable Leanne Ticehurst said: This was a shocking unprovoked attack on a young man in his place of work.

The victim thankfully did not sustain serious injury, but the outcome could have been far worse.

Enquiries into the circumstances continue, and it is important that we trace the attacker as soon as possible.

If you recognise the man in the picture, we could urge you to call us right away and give us a name.”

The man is described as a white male aged 35-45 years-old, with an Eastern European accent.

He was wearing a black beanie hat, black jacket and dark boots and trousers.

If you have information that may assist the investigation, call Ealing CID on 07825 114 094 or 101, quoting 4909/22march.

Alternatively, call independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you could prefer not to give your name.

Monday 23 April 2018

Failed Algerian Asylum Seeker Jailed For £370K Benefit Fraud

Boudemagh: £370k Benefit Fraud
A failed Algerian asylum seeker, who used five other identities during a £370,000 benefit fraud, has been jailed for five years.

Saif Boudemagh, 41, used a forged French identity card to illegally enter the UK in March, 2000 and when his asylum appeal failed he successfully obtained residency via marriage to a UK citizen after another appeal.

The father-of-one, who was given a one-bed council flat at Blake House, Brecknock Road Estate, Upper Holloway immediately began claiming benefits once he received his National Insurance number.

Between June, 2007 and April, 2015 he made multiple claims in fake French identities for Housing Benefit, (HB); Council Tax Benefit (CTB); Income Support (IS); Carer’s Allowance (CA); Incapacity Benefit, (IB); Employment Support Allowance, (ESA) and Disability Living Allowance, (DLA).

Remarkably Boudemagh was still in receipt of HB and Child Tax Credits up to the day of his imprisonment, but he will not face confiscation proceedings because no assets have been found.

The Department of Work & Pensions say the only way they can recover any money is by making small deductions to any benefits he receives after his release.

Boudemagh, who received full British citizenship in October, 2007 was convicted of twelve counts of fraud by a Blackfriars Crown Court jury and acquitted of five more, totalling £100,000.

As well as his own bogus applications Boudemagh also claimed £16,798 in CA for looking after non-existent pal Jamel Bensaid, 42, whose id pocketed £25,618 in IB; £16,849 in ESA; £32,104 in DLA; £95,443 in HB and £5,790 in CTB.  
He Even Enjoyed Free Disabled Travel

A fake French passport was used by Boudemagh to establish identity.

Prosecutor Mr. Andrew Evans told the jury: “However, this was not a genuine document and the Home Office has no record or trace of an identity in that name.

“There is conclusive evidence that some of the forms relating to benefit claims in that name were completed in the defendant’s handwriting.”

Boudemagh told the jury he was innocently completing benefit claim forms as an English-speaker for members of the close-knit north London Algerian community.

Benefit claims also made in the name of Sidhamad Ayad, 39. “A false French passport was also submitted as proof of identity in support of these claims and the photo on this passport is that of the defendant,” said Mr. Evans.

“His mobile phone number is given as the claimants’ contact number.”
Another Forged French Passport

This identity received a total of £41,746 in IB and ESA after Boudemagh concocted a bogus tale this claimant needed a walking stick and toilet hand rails.

Another £14,251 was paid out in DLA and £22,519 in HB.

He also used fake French identity documents to make benefit claims in name of Allel Zerabib, 44, and Taric Ziad, 45, and “hijacked” the genuine identity of Frenchwoman Nadia Regad, 42.

By now she was a married mum-of-two living in Paris, but her identity was used to claim £4,235 in CA for ‘Mr. Zerabib’ who received ESA totalling £16,172 and £17,195 in DLA.

This id was also exploited to collect £46,172.15 in HB and CTB.

Boudemagh pocketed a further £14,626 in DLA using the Ziad identity.

The Department for Work & Pensions paid benefits on the basis the claimants had depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, varicose veins, lower back pain and in one case a disabled finger.

Boudemagh’s flat was raided on April 7, 2015 and documents were found in the names of the false claims and bank cards for accounts the money was paid into.

He even used a disabled Freedom Pass in a false identity to enjoy free transport around the capital.

“This defendant played a leading role in the offending, involving at least one other,” said Mr. Evans. ‘It was a sophisticated offence requiring planning and the hijacking of identities to claims benefits and completion of medical evidence.”

Benefit fraud was a family affair, with his brother Redouane Boudemagh, 46, an illegal immigrant, receiving three years imprisonment for a £218,000 scam last year.

Boudemagh applied for asylum on arrival in 2000, which was refused and he was issued with a notice for removal from the UK.

On January 30, 2002 he applied to stay as a spouse of British citizen, which was refused, but Boudemagh successfully appealed on April 15, 2004.

He immediately began claiming benefits as the carer of his wife, Paula Boudemagh, and since February, 2009 claimed Income Support as single-parent of their son, now aged fourteen years-old.

He claimed HB and CTB at three different addresses they have resided at since.

After the police and DWP raid he refused to answer questions at Islington Police Station. 

Judge Jane Sullivan told him last week: ‘It cannot be said you showed remorse. You fought the case in the face of overwhelming evidence.”

Sunday 22 April 2018

Croydon Bus Pervert Hunted After Woman Groped

Police hunting a bus pervert of Indian/Pakistani appearance, who groped a female passenger, have released these CCTV images of their suspect.
At around 5.30pm on Monday, December 18, last year the 29-year-old woman boarded a 109 bus travelling towards Brixton at the Whitgift Centre stop in Croydon.
She sat on an aisle seat on the bottom deck of the bus by the driver’s cabin.
A man boarded the bus at West Croydon Station, at around 5.45pm and stood close to the woman before sexually touching her.
She managed to get out of her seat and left the bus at the Broad Green Avenue stop in Croydon.
The suspect got off the bus at the same stop, but went in a different direction.
The suspect is described as being an Asian man in his thirties, around 5ft 8ins tall, with short dark hair and a short beard and moustache.
He was wearing a grey hooded jumper with white writing on the front which said: “Made for fitness” and dark tracksuit bottoms.
He was also wearing dark coloured trainers with white soles and was carrying an orange carrier bag.
If you can identify this man, or can offer any information to progress this investigation, please contact police on 101 or tweet @MetCC.
Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

Saturday 21 April 2018

Drug-Dealing Gunman Caged

An audacious gunman, caught by police with a loaded weapon stuffed down his trousers a few months after he was busted for drug dealing, is starting a fifteen-and-a-half year prison sentence.
Brian Odour, 27, of Richford Street, Hammersmith was arrested by police from the Organised Crime Command in a targeted operation.
He was convicted by an Isleworth Crown Court jury of possessing a firearm, with intent to endanger life and possessing ammunition, with intent to endanger life.
Odour had already pleaded guilty to possessing a blade, which officers found during a search of his car.
He was stopped by officers on September 26, last year on suspicion of having a firearm.
He was searched and, in the waistband of his trousers, the gun was found.
The firearm was examined and was found to be in full working order with four rounds of ammunition.
A few months earlier, on May 11 police found cocaine, ecstasy and Ketamine during a search of his car and Odour pleaded guilty to possessing those drugs, with intent to supply.
Detective Constable Richard Vanderpuije, of the Organised Crime Command, said: "As a result of a proactive investigation a dangerous firearm has been taken off the streets of London.
“The lengthy sentence handed to Odour reflects the potentially fatal consequences of having a firearm in a public place."