A confused stranger was killed outside the front door of Bedford knifeman's flat, which was emblazoned with the words 'Danger of Death. Keep Out' - a jury has heard.
Alcoholic Inderjit Singh, 36, - known as 'Raj' to pals - had his throat slashed on a freezing Christmas night as a struggled to find a friend's flat and bled to death.
Sheet metal worker David Folley, 35, of 28 Calshot Walk has pleaded not guilty at Croydon Crown Court to murdering Mr. Singh (pictured) in the early hours of December 25, 2010.
"The prosecution say this defendant took a knife from his flat and cut the throat of Inderjit Singh, leaving him to die on the staircase of the block of flats," prosecutor Mr. Stuart Alford told the jury.
"The defendant's flat was searched by the police that night and they found a large stash of knives and other weapons.
"They found hunting knives, a crossbow, baseball bats, swords and a rifle of some sort.
"There was also a t-shirt with a British National Party logo on it, which read: 'Fuck off. We're full.'
"There was also a BNP poster or flyer and one of the knives had a Nazi swastika emblem on it."
After riding the buses all day to keep warm and attending the late-night carol service at Brick Hill Baptist Church Mr. Singh tried to find his friend's flat at 82 Exeter Walk.
"Mr. Singh had a flat in Bedford, but often slept rough and slept in hostels or enjoyed the charity of friends. He was an alcoholic and lived a chaotic and disorganised life," said Mr. Alford.
However, he ended up outside Folley's flat drinking a bottle of whisky.
"The next thing we know is that he was outside that address dead."
Meanwhile, Folley had left the nearby Bluebell pub after an all-day drinking session in which he consumed up to fourteen pints and arrived home just after 1am.
He called the police at 1.55am and the recording was played to the jury in which Folley tells the operator: "There is a bloke lying in my hallway, I think he is dead.
"He is lying in a pool of blood, he's not moving. There is blood everywhere."
Police searched the area and a kitchen knife inside a carrier bag, which had the defendant's fingerprints on it, was recovered from Folley's allocated dustbin in the communal area.
There were no fingerprints or bloodstains on the knife, but a pathologist identified it as the potential murder weapon.
Folley's clothing was analysed and tiny spots of airborne blood from the victim were found on his jeans.
"The blood of Inderjit Singh was airborne only at the time he was killed," added Mr. Alford.
Folley was arrested the same day and denied stabbing Mr. Singh.
The jury are due to visit the scene today.
Trial continues...............
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