A sadistic killer, who roamed North London parks and woods randomly attacking lone men, has been caged for life – with a thirty-five year minimum.
Walkers and joggers were head-butted and repeatedly punched by evil Ali Koc, 30, (pic.bottom) who would also armed himself with a tree branch to inflict devastating injuries.
Jobless Turkish immigrant Koc, of Lightfoot Road, Hornsey - enraged by a stop to his dole handouts - is known to have attacked seven men – murdering two of them – all in January, last year.
He was convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of murdering Keith Needell, 84, (pic.top) who died in hospital on July 16, after being attacked on January 31 in Queen’s Wood.
Koc was also found guilty of murdering Victor Parsons, 67, (pic. 2nd and 3rd top) who died in hospital on February 25 after he was attacked on January 5 near the gates of Alexandra Park in Alexandra Palace Way.
He was also convicted of inflicting grievous bodily harm against a 29 year-old and 37 year-old in Alexandra Park on January 21 and 22; a 35 year-old in Priory Park on January 23; a 63 year-old in Queen’s Wood on January 28 and a 59 year-old in Downhill’s Park on January 29.
Detectives are not ruling out the possibility that Koc may have attacked other people.
Anyone who thinks they may have been a victim or anyone with information is urged to contact the incident room on 020 8358 0400. If they wish to remain anonymous they can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Senior Investigating Officer Detective Chief Inspector Tim Duffield, said: “We must not lose sight of the most important people in this case, the victims of Koc and the bereaved families of Victor Parsons and Keith Needell, who have had to come to terms with the brutal and sadistic manner in which their loved ones were attacked.
“The dignity and courage they have shown has been most humbling.
“Koc has never shown any remorse for this wanton spate of attacks committed throughout January last year. There was no motive.
“This was simply violence for violence sake, randomly-inflicted upon law abiding people who happened to be walking or jogging through their local parks.
“Tragically, two of society's most vulnerable members, Victor Parsons and Keith Needell, would pay with their lives for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“There can be no doubt that Koc is a highly dangerous and predatory individual who derived some warped sense of gratification from carrying out these abhorrent attacks.
“I am pleased with today's sentencing and hope it will bring some small measure of solace to Koc's victims - including the families of Mr Parsons and Mr Needell - so that they might begin the difficult task of rebuilding their lives.”
Victor Parsons’ sister Rosemary, said: “He was a good brother who stood by me when I needed him. He will be sadly missed.”
Keith Needell’s wife, Mary Needell said: “Keith is greatly missed by all his family, friends and those whose lives he touched and enriched. Such a kind and gentle man should never have suffered in such a brutal and senseless manner.
“In fifty-seven years of marriage he never once uttered a cross word. His aim in life was to help others and contribute towards a better life for all.
“His interests in the wider world were many and varied and if he could see a way of helping others it would give him pleasure to do so in as unobtrusive a way as possible.”
Keith’s son John Needell, speaking on behalf of himself and other family members, said: “We are very sad that there are individuals who would rather inflict hurt than provide a positive contribution to the society they live in.
“We are, however, very glad that through the thorough efforts of the police and all others involved in the prosecution, this murderer is now unable to inflict pain and suffering on anyone else.
‘We would also like to thank everyone who has supported Keith and the family since the attack, from the medical teams, the police and criminal justice system, to individuals who gave their time, love and support to the family.
“It was wonderful to see how good people will go out of their way to help. We now have to make the best of the situation we find ourselves in, and we will certainly miss Keith acutely as we go about our lives.”
At approximately 10:00am Victor Parsons was found unconscious near the gates of Alexandra Park by a member of the public.
He had sustained multiple and serious head injuries and was taken to the Royal London hospital by ambulance.
He remained in Intensive Care for several weeks before he died. A post-mortem gave cause of death as head injuries.
At approximately 2:30pm a 29-year-old man was walking his dogs in Alexandra Park when he was head-butted and punched several times in the face by a lone male.
The victim was treated at the Whittington Hospital for cuts and abrasion to the head. He was discharged the same day.
At approximately 12:00pm a 37-year-old man was jogging in Alexandra Park when he was head-butted and kicked repeatedly by a lone male.
He was treated at the Whittington Hospital for cuts and abrasion to the head. He was discharged the same day.
At approximately 9:30am on a 35-year-old man was jogging in Priory Park when he was racially abused by a lone male who then repeatedly punched him and struck him several times with a tree branch.
The victim was treated at the Whittington Hospital for cuts and abrasion to the head. He was discharged the same day.
At approximately 10:00am a 63-year-old man was attacked in Queen’s Wood.
He was struck around the head and body several times with a tree branch by a lone male. He did not require hospital treatment.
At approximately 1:35pm a 59-year-old man was walking through Downhill’s Park when he was attacked by a lone male who punched him several times and kicked him as he lay on the ground.
The victim was treated at North Middlesex Hospital for cuts and abrasion to the head. He was discharged the same day.
At approximately 2:10pm police were called by the ambulance service after a member of the public found Keith Needell with serious head injuries in Queen's Wood.
He was taken to the Royal Free hospital where he remained in a critical condition for several weeks. A post-mortem gave cause of death as aspiration pneumonia and head injuries.
On February 2 an incident room opened under DCI Tim Duffield of the Homicide and Serious Crime Command and Koc was arrested that evening.
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