student Juan Calderon, 32, of Kidderpore Avenue, Hampstead pushed his
hand inside the woman's jeans before leading her off the bus in the
early hours.
Kings College London student was convicted at the Old Bailey of rape
and assault by penetration after a five-day trial.
woman, aged in her thirties, had enjoyed a saturday night out
drinking with friends and boarded the N13 bus at 2.00am on October
26, last year.
who was also on the bus, sat down next to the victim and within a
minute of doing so, sexually assaulted her by putting his hand down
her jeans.
victim has no recollection of the events on the bus or going back to
Calderon's flat.
first recollection is of Calderon raping her and her saying no, and
trying unsuccessfully to push him off her.
victim then left, went home and called police.
Constable Jacqui Burns from the Met's Sexual Offences, Exploitation
and Child Abuse Command, said: "Calderon took advantage of a
vulnerable woman who had been on a night out.
she travelled home, he sexually assaulted her, took her back to his
home and raped her.
would like to take this opportunity to praise the victim for her
courage and bravery in coming forward and I am pleased that he is now
behind bars.
would encourage other victims of this type of crime to come forward,
whatever their circumstances."
Inspector Neil Rawlinson said: "The streets of London are that
little bit safer now that Calderon has been imprisoned.
targeted a vulnerable woman and I want to assure the public that we
will pursue all such offenders and bring them to justice.
would encourage anyone who has suffered in this way to report the
matter to the police in the knowledge that they will be fully
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