Friday 25 March 2022

Violinist Kept Downloading Child Sex Pics

An award-winning violinist continued downloading sick images of children after a police raid on his home for identical offences, a court heard this week.

Christian Halstead, 45, who studied at the prestigious Royal College of Music, admitted having nearly seven thousand indecent pictures and movies of youngsters.

He is leader of the Whitehall Orchestra, which is due to perform at St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico tomorrow.

Halstead, of Appleton Road, Blackheath, who has also performed with the London Mozart Players and City Chamber Orchestra, appeared on bail at Bromley Magistrates Court.

He pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children on various dates between March 2, 2017 and March 18, 2019.

These were 1482 Category A images, the most serious and involving sexual abuse; 1950 Category B images and 3439 Category C images.

Prosecutor Emek Yagmur told the court: “The defendant was arrested in 2017 after reports of internet activity from his premises.

“Police attended and seized a number of items and while under investigation this defendant has used the internet to download more images from facebook; Kick and Tumblr.”

The maximum custodial sentence at a magistrates court is restricted to six months and the prosecutor added: “Your powers are wholly insufficient to deal with this.”

The court heard Halstead has no convictions for similar offences.

Bailing Halstead to Woolwich Crown Court magistrate Phiroze Neemuchwala announced: “We agree our sentencing powers are wholly insufficient.”

He told Halstead: “You have pleaded guilty and you are being sent to the Crown Court and we are going to ask the Probation Service to write a report on you.”

While at the Royal College of Music Halstead won the Concerto Award, plus other prizes and performed before poet and author Lady Ursula Vaughan-Williams.

He has also performed as a freelance violinist with St. Paul’s Sinfonia, was a founder member of the Southbank Sinfonia and was First Violin with the Abraxas Ensemble.

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