Monday 24 June 2024

County Lines Pair Enslaved 15 Year-Old Drugs Courier

Two drug dealers that enslaved a 15 year-old boy to deliver crack cocaine and heroin via the train network have been locked-up.

The ruthless pair were investigated by British Transport Police (BTP) County Lines Task Force investigators as part of Operation Verdin.

Karen Seddon, 38, of Hassocks Gate, West Sussex received a prison sentence of two years and four months.

Peace Bello, 21, received a sentence of four years and eight months.

Both pleaded guilty at Inner London Crown Court to supplying crack cocaine and heroin and being concerned in human trafficking and forced labour.

On September 22, 2022 the 15 year-old was spotted by officers at London Bridge station looking dishevelled and vulnerable.

Safeguarding procedures were immediately implemented and the child admitted to be carrying heroin.

Days later, officers raided an address and arrested Seddon and Bello for being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs and Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery offences. 

Bello was found to be in possession of a County Line drugs line at the time of arrest.

Detective Inspector Matt Davies from the BTP County Lines Task Force said: “We will relentlessly target those crime groups who cowardly exploit vulnerable people and children. 

“Working alongside our colleagues from other forces enhances our capabilities to catch those orchestrating these County Lines.

"Our County Lines Task Force works hard to tackle drugs on the railway network and to protect children and vulnerable adults who are often exploited by gangs into selling or moving drugs.

“This result should send a powerful message to those involved in this sort of activity - we will find you; you will be arrested, and we will disrupt the distribution of drugs by County Lines dealers.”

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