Saturday 31 August 2024

Shoplifter Jailed And Banned From Square Mile

A shoplifter who plagued the City of London has been jailed and banned from the Square Mile.

Oyas Ali, 53, of Barnet Grove, Shoreditch regularly made the short journey to Boots, Moorgate in particular, stealing over £1600 worth of goods.

Described by City of London Police as a “professional thief” he already had twenty-five convictions when sentenced for five new counts of theft.

Ali received fourteen weeks imprisonment and was made subject to a five-year Criminal Behaviour Order 'CRIMBO', which bans him from entering the City.

Inspector Dan Green, of the Proactive Acquisitive Crime team said: “This is another great result in banning a prolific thief from coming into the City and a reminder to criminals that we will bring them to justice.

“We will use all our resources in keeping businesses and members of the public safe. 

“Oyas Ali had committed these offences and anti-social behaviour, with no thought or consideration to anybody he had come across.

“This Criminal Behaviour Order will act as a deterrent to reoffending. If Ali breaches it he could face further jail time.”

The Proactive Acquisitive Crime Team focuses on crimes such as theft of bags, phone snatches and shoplifting.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Female Canada Water Passenger Sexually Assaulted

A female passenger at Canada Water Underground Station has been molested while queuing for an escalator.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this image of their suspect.

Investigating officers are appealing to members of the public for their assistance in identifying him.

At approximately 7.20pm on Saturday, July 20 the woman was waiting in a line of fellow-passengers at the to use an escalator at the Docklands station when she was sexually assaulted by an unknown man.

Officers believe the person in the image, who they are anxious to trace, has information that could assist their enquiries.

Anyone who recognises the mystery male or has any information is asked to contact BTP by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40, quoting reference 653 of 20 July.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Sex Crime Detective Molested Female Colleague At Police Xmas Party

Croydon Magistrates' Court
A Detective Constable attached to a specialist sexual offences unit, who drunkenly molested a female officer during an off-duty Christmas party, has been sentenced.

Jose Poonsawat, 39, was attached to the Metropolitan Police’s Sapphire unit, which investigates rapes and serious sexual assaults in the capital.

He pleaded guilty at Croydon Magistrates’ Court to sexually assaulting the woman at the Lambeth event on December 15, 2022.

Poonsawat, of Schoolhouse Yard, Bloomfield Road, Plumstead, who was sacked three weeks ago for gross misconduct, received a four-month alcohol ban as part of the sentence and will wear an electronic ankle tag monitor.

It was a case of brief one-off inappropriate touching, which the fast-tracked police disciplinary hearing heard left the victim “horrified”.

Poonsawat was made subject to a Community Order, which includes an alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement until December 21.

He must also comply with a four-month electronically monitored curfew and remain at home between 8.00pm and 6.00am until the same date.

Poonsawat was also ordered to pay £85 costs and £114 victim surcharge.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Mum's Drink Drive Crash

A mother-of-two, who crashed into another car while over twice the drink-drive limit and with a pair young children in her vehicle, has received a court-imposed alcohol ban.

Ramune Gaigalaite, 37, was seen swerving all over the road and into the path of oncoming traffic before the collision.

“Police officers noted she smelled of alcohol, her speech was slurred, her eyes were glazed and she was unsteady on her feet,” prosecutor Pamela Ciesla told Croydon Magistrates’ Court.

Gaigalaite, of Rokewood Apartments, High Street, Beckenham pleaded guilty to driving a Vauxhall Mokka in nearby Westgate Road on June 13 with excess alcohol in her breath.

Her reading was 85 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

She also pleaded guilty to being drunk while in charge of two children, namely boys aged five and seven years-old, who cannot be identified.

Gaigalaite was sentenced to a Community Order, which includes a sixty-day Alcohol Abstinence Requirement monitored by the Probation Service.

She must remain dry until October 21 or can be prosecuted for breaching the order and re-sentenced - possibly to imprisonment.

Gaigalaite was also disqualified from driving for eighteen months.

“She was witnessed by officers driving erratically,” explained Ms Ciesla. “She was all over the road and crossed the centre line into oncoming traffic and collided with a black VW Golf.”

Gaigalaite failed a roadside breath-test and was arrested.

“She seemed incapable of keeping control of the children and the police officers had to ensure they did not step into the busy road.

“The offence is aggravated by carrying passengers and being involved in a collision.”

The first-time offender’s lawyer Bruce Reid told the court: “They are not the most serious offences, although I choose my words carefully because there are aggravating features to the excess alcohol charge.

“She was feeling overwhelmed and was drinking at home although she says alcohol is not a problem for her.

“She was under extreme pressure, looking after the children.”

Friday 23 August 2024

GUILTY: Priest Convicted Of Nicking £200 Mass Collection

Court Out: Father Pantisano

A parish priest has been convicted of stealing £200 from his church’s Sunday collection after being caught on CCTV helping himself to the cash.

Father Fortunato Pantisano, 44, fought the charge, but was so unconvincing in the witness box magistrates said his evidence assisted the prosecution case against him.

The Italian-born priest, who was ordained at Westminster Cathedral in 2013, was based at Our Lady of Perpetual Help church in Tynemouth Street, Fulham.

He was found guilty at City of London Magistrates Court of stealing the money, which was never returned, after the second mass of the day on January 7.

Father Pantisano, who has had to move to accommodation at St. Edward’s Convent, Harewood Avenue, Marylebone, was bailed for a pre-sentence report.

The trial heard he was reported to police by parish volunteer John McGranaghan, who had placed the two wicker baskets in a locked office, which could also be accessed from the priest’s house.

“This was the collection from the parishioners for the two masses that morning,” he told the trial. “We went back to count the offertory and there were two empty baskets and the collection had gone.”

He suggested collection money had been going missing at the church recently. “Because of what had been happening in the previous weeks I decided to go back to count the money that day.”

Fortunately CCTV in the office showed Father Pantisano enter via an adjoining door, remove the two baskets containing cash from the room, then return them empty.

Called Police: John McGranaghan

The Diocese of Westminster Director of Resources, Robert Walker told the court there are strict rules regarding the cash collections and individual priests cannot simply help themselves to the money.

“Basically I see the money going from one hand to the other and it is taken without authorisation,” he said regarding the CCTV. “He is taking individual notes from the baskets and leaves with the money.

“There is no reason for him to be in there at that time, particularly as he was suspended.”

Father Pantisano was arrested on April 30 and gave a ‘no comment’ interview at Hammersmith Police Station.

He told the trial he was not suspended and was entitled to be in the office, but could not recall if he had taken any of the collection money.

“I do not remember taking any money. If I did it was not my intention to be dishonest, it was to buy food maybe, I don’t remember.

“Sometimes there are emergencies like homeless needing money or charities or the priests need to buy food.”

Sermon: Father Pantisano

Prosecutor Nathan Paine-Davey asked the priest: “It is not credible to say you do not remember taking the money, is it? It is what has brought you here today.

“You have gone into that office by unlocking the door from your side and taken that money. That’s the truth isn’t it?”

Father Pantisano replied: “I am the parish priest and I have a right to be there. The money is given for the priests to decide what to do.

“I deny stealing and I have no other comment.”

Mr Paine-Davey told the magistrates: “The defendant cannot tell you why he had his hands in the baskets and took them out of view. That is not credible.

“The purpose of removing the baskets was to steal money out of sight of the CCTV and only today we hear this vague, rambling account of what happened.

“You just can’t put your hand in a collection basket. That is dishonesty.”

Guilty: Father Pantisano

Father Pantisano’s lawyer Nina Reinach said: “To be found guilty of this offence would be incredible serious. This is a man of good character who has never been in trouble and that has to be counted to his credit.”

Finding him guilty bench Chairman Stuart McCaighy told the priest: “You took money and envelopes of money from the wicker baskets into a room outside the view of the CCTV.

“You took money from those baskets and you could not give us any reason why you were in the office or a credible explanation why you were taking the money.

“You gave no reason for handling the money or any examples of why the £200 was missing. Your lack of credibility strengthened the case against you.

“We are sure beyond reasonable doubt you dishonestly appropriated this money. The bench find you guilty of this offence.”

In his impact statement Mr Walker said: “This has caused an incredible amount of mistrust between the church and the parishioners. It only takes one person to do something wrong to ruin the reputation of the rest.”

Mr Paine-Davey added: “Clearly this defendant holds a position of trust within the church community. That is an aggravating factor as far as sentencing is concerned.”

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Two Eleven Year-Old Schoolgirls Molested On Underground

Two eleven year-old schoolgirls were molested while travelling together on a Central Line tube train.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this image of a mystery male they are hunting.

Investigating officers are requesting the assistance of the public in identifying him.

BTP are treating the incident as two sexual assaults.

Sometime between 3.00pm and 3.30pm on Tuesday, July 16 the girls were travelling between Bethnal Green and Holborn stations. 

During that journey they say they were molested by a unknown man.

As they left the train at Holborn the man then attempted to grab one of the girls and pull her towards him, but she managed to get away.

The man left the train at Holborn and boarded a Piccadilly Line train.

Officers believe the man in the image has information that could assist their enquiries.

Anyone who recognises him or has any information is asked to contact BTP by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40, quoting reference 491 of 16 July.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Monday 19 August 2024

Smoker Thumped OAP When Challenged On Train

An illegal smoker on a late-night Elizabeth Line train twice punched a 75 year-old OAP in the face when challenged.

The elderly victim suffered a black eye and a cut to his eyebrow.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this CCTV image of their suspect.

Investigating officers are appealing to members of the public to assist identifying the mystery male.

Shortly before 11.45pm on Monday July 8, the victim challenged a man who was smoking on the service from London to Twyford.

The man threatened the victim and then punched him twice in the face as he left the service at Maidenhead.

Officers believe the man in the CCTV image may have information that could help their investigation.

Anyone who recognises him, or has any other information, is asked to contact British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 830 of 8 July.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Mum Jailed For "Pimping" 11 Year-Old Daughter Online

Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court 
A mother is starting a twelve-month prison sentence after she was caught discussing the sexual abuse of her 11 year-old daughter and sending explicit images of her to a dangerous paedophile.

“You were pimping your eleven year-old girl for sex to dangerous people online,” Judge Subhankar Banerjee told the 34 year-old. 

“You said to a now convicted and very dangerous convicted paedophile that you would like your daughter tied up with rope. This case is in a category all of its own.”

The mother, of Station Road North, Egham, Surrey pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children.

Sixty-two were the most extreme, Category A, plus twenty-two Category B images and eight Category C.

She cannot be named, in order to protect the identity of her daughter.

Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court heard seventeen of the images were of the woman’s daughter and the remainder were of extreme content she found online.

She also pleaded guilty to publishing an obscene article regarding the sexual abuse of her daughter, plus a charge of distributing two Category C images of her child.

Sordid Online Chats: Kevin Walsh
Her sordid online chats were with 59 year-old Kevin Walsh, currently serving a sentence of eight years and eight months for other child sex offences.

Surrey Police began investigating the mother on March 15, last year after finding evidence of sexualised conversations about her daughter online.

She was traced and arrested at Heathrow Airport and officers found sexually explicit images of children on her phone and laptop, including two year old pictures of her daughter when she was just nine years-old.

Prosecutor Thomas Ford told the court: “This is a particularly distasteful case of taking indecent pictures of her daughter and forwarding them to strangers while discussing the sexual abuse of the girl.

“There were discussions with Mr Walsh about them both abusing the daughter and this defendant told him her daughter’s name and sent images of her.

“She invited him to ‘breed us’ and when Mr Walsh said restraints would be necessary for the girl this defendant suggested rope could be used.”

The mother was questioned by police regarding her invitations online to ‘destroy us both’ and ‘abuse us both.’

“She claimed she was just saying things people wanted to hear to feel loved and wanted,” added the prosecutor.

The girl’s father told police he was “in tears and physically sick” at the defendant’s “disgusting actions.”

The mother’s lawyer Robert Slinn said: “Fortunately Mr Walsh was over the limit and not able to drive to the defendant when they discussed meeting.

“This can be described as exchanges of a grotesque fantasy.

“She said to the pre-sentence report officer that looking back the details make her feel sick and accepts it was abuse.

“Her relationship with her daughter is forever tarnished and orders of this court and the Family Court means access is permanently barred.

“The child is no longer in her care and there is no prospect of a return.”

Judge Banerjee told the woman: “The bond between a mother and daughter is a uniquely special one. She was entitled to trust you provide love, affection, protection and guidance.

“You abused the trust she had in you in the most grotesque way imaginable. Sexual images of her were found on your phone over a period of two years.

“You distributed those images with her face showing and real name to Mr Walsh, an extremely dangerous man and that was the world into which you plunged yourself and daughter.

“She may never recover from the abuse you inflicted on her. Her image is out there now, obscene images.

“She feels fear from that and has already started to self-harm by cutting herself.”

The obese mother showed no emotion during the sentencing hearing, which was attended by many family members.

She was also made subject to a ten-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order and must sign the sex offenders register for the same period.