Wednesday 21 February 2018

Bus Pervert Appeal: Suspect In Court Charged With Sexual Assault

Abdi Ikken 
An alleged bus sex pest, accused of molesting two young women, has appeared in court after a police appeal to identify their suspect.

Abdi Wahab Ikken, 41, of Sycamore Road, Dartford, Kent denied the charges when he appeared at Camberwell Green Magistrates Court today.

He pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting a 17 year-old female on a number 96 bus in Woolwich on August 28, last year and a second young woman on number 53 on September 25.

Prosecutor Mr. Brinkman May told the court: “Both victims are assaulted on a bus sexually by this defendant. 

“He is identified via CCTV. There was a national appeal for his identity and police received information and they go to an address and arrest him.

“The Oyster card is linked to him travelling on those buses.

“The charges relate to him sitting next to them and rubbing against them and on one occasion placing his hand on the thigh of one of the females.

“He is rubbing himself up against the ankles of one lady. Rubbing against the leg and touching the thigh of the other.”

That trial will take place at Croydon Magistrates Court on April 16.

Ikken, who needed an Arabic interpreter, is also accused of using a bogus French passport to illegally secure employment and that case was sent to Inner London Crown Court.

He is charged with fraud by false representation between October 1 and December 24, 2013, namely dishonestly gaining employment at Southwark Council, Unit 9, 57 Sangate Street, Peckham.
Bus Pervert Appeal CCTV

Ikken is further charged with possession of an identity document, with intent to establish personal information, on January 19, 2015.

He is also charged with stealing an Oyster card and £55 credit between July 1 and July 31, last year.

Detectives from the Roads and Transport Policing Command led the enquiry into identifying their suspect, who boarded the 96 bus outside Dartford Magistrates Court at 6.30pm.

The suspect sat upstairs next to the 17 year-old despite other seats being available and touched her.

She confronted him and got off at Plumstead Corner and the suspect alighted shortly afterwards.

Ikken was bailed on condition he resides at his address, reports three times a week to Bexleyheath Police Station and does not board a number 93 or 53 bus.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Theatreland Rapist Hunted By Police

Police hunting a West End rapist, who pounced on a woman in the early hours, have released this e-fit of their suspect.
The victim was raped by the unknown male at around 1.30am on October 25, last year in the busy Charing Cross Road area.
he managed to flee and reported the incident to police after assistance from members of the public.
The suspect is described as a black male, aged in his mid to late twenties, with short black hair.
He has mottled skin or cigarette scars on his face and arms, with a tattoo of wording on the side of his neck.
Detectives from the Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command investigate.
Any witnesses or anyone with any information is asked to call the Metropolitan Police's Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command on 020 8733 5999 or 101.

Monday 19 February 2018

Uber Driver Convicted Of Grooming 14 Year-Old Passenger For Sex

An Uber driver, who groomed a tipsy 14 year-old schoolgirl for sex, was warned by a judge he faces being locked-up after a jury convicted him today.

Spyros Ntounis, 35, of Luminosity Court, 49 Drayton Green Road, West Ealing was later black-listed by the company after complaints from three others female passengers.

“It is troubling, the circumstances of this offence, particularly as I heard about his previous behaviour in an Uber taxi that the jury did not hear about,” said Judge Timothy Lamb QC.

“His services were dispensed with by Uber because of complaints by three females about his conversation in the car.”

The Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court jury unanimously convicted Ntounis of one count of attempting to meet a child after sexual grooming between April 21 and 25, last year.

He showed no reaction as the guilty verdict was read and will be sentenced on March 19.

“You have been convicted by the jury, I need a report on you,” Judge Lamb told him. “I’ll give you your liberty for the moment, but don’t think that because I’m doing that you will avoid a custodial sentence.

“You could be going to prison.”

Ntounis’ lawyer Miss Laurie-Anne Power asked: “In the circumstances and because of the nature of the offence my application is for a pre-sentence report.”

The court heard Ntounis has one previous conviction from Harrow Crown Court for dishonestly making a false representation, for which he received twelve months imprisonment, suspended for two years on October 13, 2014.

During the trial the girl told the jury: “He was saying that I was hot and I had nice lips. I thought he was being nice, but then I thought it was a bit odd.

“As he got close to my house he started driving slowly because he said he wanted to spend more time with me, which I thought was odd.”

Prosecutor Mr. Allister Walker said: “At the time of the offence the defendant was a mini-cab driver working for Uber who collected the complainant from her friend’s address at 9.30pm.

“During the short journey he made inappropriate comments and obtained her phone number and over the next few days he sent her messages, asking her to meet him.

“The prosecution say this was for some kind of sexual activity.”

GPS tracking proves Ntounis slowed his car to a crawl of 5mph as the journey concluded and he admitted to police this was to extend his time with the teen.

“She had drunk some rum and coke with her fiends and says on a scale of drunkenness she was ‘five or six’ out of ten.”

Her 15 year-old boyfriend had seen her off on the cab ride from Barnes to Kingston-upon-Thames and her middle-class parents confiscated her phone because she exceeded her curfew.

“The driver, this defendant, asked her how old she was and how old her boyfriend was and she told him she was fourteen.

“He put the internal light on and looked at her via the rear-view mirror and told her she was ‘hot’ and had ‘nice lips’ and gave her chewing gum.”

This was to mask the smell of alcohol on her breath from her anxious parents.

“He told her to text him her name and during the journey the complainant sent a message to her friend, indicating her discomfort.”

Balding Ntounis knocked nearly a decade off his age, claiming to be only twenty-six, the jury heard and over the next few days sent WhatsApp message to her.

“He said: ‘I can give you lessons in whatever you want’ and: ‘When are you out next time.’

“He asked: ‘Do I pass the age test?’ and: ‘I would love it.’

“The complainant blocked him on WhatsApp and told her mother, but the defendant then began sending ordinary phone texts.

“He wrote: ‘We can be friends and I can help you if you want with a taxi. I can give you a free ride sometime.”

Ntounis handed himself into Islington Police Station a month later and told officers he recalled little of the journey.

“He now admits the texts, saying there were innocent motives and he wanted to support her,” added Mr. Walker.

“However, the prosecution say he took advantage of his position with her and the motive was to have sexual contact.

“His intention was to meet her later for sex.”

The girl added: “The next day I had a text from him and he started asking to meet up with me and I got a bit concerned so I blocked him.

“He was sending me quite a few texts, one after the other and he told me he was twenty-six and I told him I was a bit young.”

The court made a temporary Sexual Offenders Prevention Order, which bans Ntounis from having a female passenger in his car, aged under eighteen years-old, without permission from her parent or guardian.

He must also notify his Public Protection Unit officer of any passenger of that age and identify any vehicle he drives to that officer.

Ntounis must not contact any person under eighteen via the internet or via any other mobile device.

Transport For London have removed his licence, but Ntounis is still potentially free to work as a mini-cab driver outside the capital.

“If he disappears he will be sentenced in his absence,” announced the judge, ordering Ntounis to reside at his home address; obey a nighttime curfew; not contact the complainant or apply for travel documents.

Sunday 18 February 2018

Police Hunt Knife-Wielding Mugger Who Stabbed Lone Victim Four Times

Police hunting a knife-wielding robber, who chased and stabbed his 20 year-old victim four times in the early hours, have released this CCTV image.
The victim was walking home at 3.45am on February 3 in Marcia Road, near Old Kent Road, Walworth after a night out when he was grabbed from behind.
A knife was held to his throat and the suspect demanded that he hand over his mobile phone.
The victim initially managed to escape but fell while running.
The suspect caught up to him and stabbed him four times before fleeing without the victim’s mobile phone.
The victim's injuries were not life-threatening and he has since been discharged from hospital.
Detective Constable Samuel Cafferty, from Southwark CID said: "It was fortunate that the victim in this case did not sustain more serious injuries.
The level of violence used against him was shocking when weighed against the suspect's aim of stealing a mobile phone.
"I am very keen to hear from anyone who can name this person.
“Although the image is not particularly clear, I am convinced that anyone who knows him would recognise him from the image and I urge them to contact me immediately."
The man pictured is believed to be a black male, aged between 20 and 25 years old, with a goatee beard and what is described as a south London accent.
He was wearing a black ‘puffa’ style jacket with hood, baseball cap, light-coloured jeans and trainers.
The CCTV still shows the suspect walking along the southern part of Dunton Road, just off Old Kent Road, following the attack.
Anyone with information should call Southwark CID by calling 020 7232 6120 or 101, contact police via Twitter @MetCC or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Romanian Pimp Jailed After Police Raid Brothel

A Romanian pimp, who worked three young women from a suburban brothel, has been locked-up for 11 months.
Ionut-Daniel Bosoi, 29, fought the case, but was convicted by an Isleworth Crown Court jury of exploiting the woman for sex.
Police raided the brothel in Spring Grove Road, Hounslow on August 29, last year after a tip-off.
On arrival, Bosoi answered the door to officers and let them in, stating he had friends inside.
It was soon identified that Bosoi was making money from sexually exploiting three women.
He was arrested at the address on suspicion of managing a brothel.
During a search of the property, officers identified price lists and cash hidden under mattresses.
The investigation formed part of the Metropolitan Police's Operation Pathway - an initiative in Hounslow involving police, specialist charities and the local authority, to help individuals find a safe way out of the sex trade.
The lead investigating officer, Police Constable Imran Malik, said: "After coming to the UK from Romania in early 2017, Bosoi sought to make money by exploiting young women.
"The Met takes a hard line on sexual exploitation and this type of organised crime will be dealt with robustly."
Bosoi was ordered to remain in immigration detention after serving his prison sentence until he's deported to Romania.

Friday 16 February 2018

Uber Driver Denies Grooming 14 Year-Old Passenger For Sex

An Uber driver groomed a 14 year-old schoolgirl for sex after picking-up the tipsy teenager from her friend’s house one night, a court heard yesterday.

Spyros Ntounis, 35, of Luminosity Court, Drayton Green Road, West Ealing, complimented the youngster on her looks and messaged her repeatedly, urging they meet up, the jury were told.

“He was saying that I was hot and I had nice lips,” she told Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court. “I thought he was being nice, but then I thought it was a bit odd.

“As he got close to my house he started driving slowly because he said he wanted to spend more time with me, which I thought was odd.”

Prosecutor Mr. Allister Walker said: “At the time of the offence the defendant was a mini-cab driver working for Uber who collected the complainant from her friend’s address at 9.30pm.

“During the short journey he made inappropriate comments and obtained her phone number and over the next few days he sent her messages, asking her to meet him.

“The prosecution say this was for some kind of sexual activity.”

GPS tracking proves Ntounis slowed his car to a crawl of 5mph as the journey concluded and he admitted to police this was to extend his time with the teen.

“She had drunk some rum and coke with her fiends and says on a scale of drunkenness she was ‘five or six’ out of ten.”

Her 15 year-old boyfriend had seen her off on the cab ride from Barnes to Kingston-upon-Thames and her middle-class parents confiscated her phone because she exceeded her curfew.

“The driver, this defendant, asked her how old she was and how old her boyfriend was and she told him she was fourteen.

“He put the internal light on and looked at her via the rear-view mirror and told her she was ‘hot’ and had ‘nice lips’ and gave her chewing gum.

“He told her to text him her name and during the journey the complainant sent a message to her friend, indicating her discomfort.”

Balding Ntounis knocked nearly a decade off his age, claiming to be only twenty-six, the jury heard and over the next few days sent WhatsApp message to her.

“He said: ‘I can give you lessons in whatever you want’ and: ‘When are you out next time.’

“He asked: ‘Do I pass the age test?’ and: ‘I would love it.’

“The complainant blocked him on WhatsApp and told her mother, but the defendant then began sending ordinary phone texts.

“He wrote: ‘We can be friends and I can help you if you want with a taxi. I can give you a free ride sometime.”

Ntounis handed himself into Islington Police Station a month later and told officers he recalled little of the journey.

“He now admits the texts, saying there were innocent motives and he wanted to support her,” added Mr. Walker.

“However, the prosecution say he took advantage of his position with her and the motive was to have sexual contact.

“His intention was to meet her later for sex.”

The girl added: “The next day I had a text from him and he started asking to meet up with me and I got a bit concerned so I blocked him.

“He was sending me quite a few texts, one after the other and he told me he was twenty-six and I told him I was a bit young.”

Ntounis has pleaded not guilty to one count of attempting to meet a child after sexual grooming between April 21 and 25, last year.

Trial continues…………….

Thursday 15 February 2018

Benefit Cheat Sub-Let Council-Funded Flat In £64,000 Swindle

A benefit cheat, who lied she was a single-parent with little money, was secretly living with her husband and sub-letting her council-funded flat during a five-year £64,000 swindle.

Kenyan-born Gladys O’Brien, 44, collected money from tenants who rented her in-demand flat in Gilbey Road, near Tooting Broadway Underground Station.

She was also collecting housing benefit for the property while living on the other side of the capital in Lavender Grove, Hackney.

Now residing at a family address in Ibbertson Road, Bournemouth O’Brien pleaded guilty to dishonestly failing to notify a change in circumstances to the London Borough of Wandsworth.

Between April 26, 2010 and November 8, 2015 she did not inform the council she was in receipt of rental income.

Prosecutor Miss Amanda McCabe told Wimbledon Magistrates Court: “She was not entitled to that benefit because she was living with her partner at another address.”

O’Brien submitted the housing benefit claim on January 24, 2007 on the basis she was “a single-parent on a low income,” but began renting it out three years later.

“The defendant had not declared she was sub-letting the flat while living with her husband.”

Mum-of-two O’Brien married in 1997, but says she left her husband and successfully applied for a non-molestation order before reconciling and moving back in.

On March 7, last year she was called into a Jobcentre for interview, where she admitted living with her husband.

“She did deny renting out the flat in Gilbey Road and receiving rental payments for it since 2010 and continuing to sign new tenancy agreements with the landlord while sub-letting it.

“She accepted her actions were selfish.”

O’Brien initially repaid Wandsworth Council £1,777 per month until October 30, last year, but that has dropped to £50 per week since February 2.

“She informed the benefits agency she became unemployed.

The magistrates committed her to Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court for sentencing.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Benefit Fraudster's Secret Bank Accounts Revealed £27K Swindle

A benefit cheat grabbed his laptop and desperately began transferring money to his daughter’s account when investigators exposed his four-year £27,000 fraud. 

Francis Bowen, 65, had kept secret three bank accounts and a £20,000 lump sum payment he received from his former employers while claiming Employment Support allowance, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.

The father-of-two, Baker House, Winstanley Estate, Battersea yesterday received four months imprisonment, suspended for a year.

No order for compensation was made as Bowen, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is currently re-paying the Department of Work and Pensions £60 per fortnight and a lesser weekly sum to the London Borough of Wandsworth.

He pleaded guilty at Wimbledon Magistrates Court to three counts of of dishonestly failing to notify a change of circumstances in relation to the three benefits on dates between June 5, 2012 and August 1, 2016.

Prosecutor Miss Amanda McCabe told the court Bowen’s savings disqualified him from receiving benefits and he should have declared all the money in his bank accounts.

“In April, 2012 he received a lump sum of twenty thousand pounds, his occupational pension from Lambeth Educational Department.”

He had an excess of £16,000 - the cut off point for benefits - split between three different bank accounts he never declared and was confronted with the evidence by investigators.

“He got angry about this in interview and got out his own computer and started transferring sums to his daughter’s account,” explained Miss McCabe.

The court appearance was the first time Bowen has left the council flat, at which he rides alone, in eight months.

He was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £115 victim surcharge.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

GUILTY: Gin Heir Sir Walter Gilbey Convicted Of Throwing His 95 Year-Old Mother To Floor

The heir to the world-famous Gilbey gin empire has been convicted of assaulting his 95 year-old mother by “violently” lifting her up and throwing her heavily to the floor.

Sir Walter Gavin Gilbey, 68, inflicted a large amount of bruising to Lady Elizabeth Gilbey when visiting her countryside home.

He pleaded not guilty to the assault at the £950,000 property, Little Paddock, Bury, Pulborough on August 26, last year, but was convicted after a two-day trial.

He also snapped her walking cane into several pieces during the row, which he claimed was about her continuing to drive with poor eyesight.

Sir Walter, of Torwood, Stafford Road, Dornoch in the Scottish Highlands gave police a prepared statement when quizzed, claiming: “She was in the process of assaulting me.”

However Horsham Magistrates dismissed his account and fined him £339, with £625 costs and ordered him to pay £200 compensation to his mother as well as a £33 victim surcharge.

He was also made subject to a restraining order prohibiting him from contacting Lady Gilbey for the next month and following that period only in the presence of her housekeeper or carer.

As well as the driving dispute Sir Walter - known as Gavin to friends - claimed the fabricated assault account was encouraged by his sister Lady Camilla Frederick, 64, in her quest to control their mother’s estate.

The magistrates rejected his evidence as “not truthful,” describing Sir Walter as evasive in the witness box and not calm during the incident.

Bench chairwoman Lesley Overington said: “In a moment of anger and frustration he intentionally assaulted Lady Elizabeth by grabbing her arms, pulling her out of the chair and he flung her to the floor face forward.

“Sir Gavin’s evidence was considered and not truthful. His answers to cross-examination were often evasive and off-point.

“After the incident and during his 999 call to the police he was advised to redial 999 for an ambulance, or phone 111.

“He did neither, despite his mother having gone to the neighbour’s house, where she was screaming, shouting and making accusations.

“We don’t accept he was calm during the incident. We find he did break the walking stick as described by Lady Elizabeth.

“As magistrates we have found this to be a very sad case to hear. Having assessed all the evidence we find Sir Gavin Gilbey guilty of assault by beating.

“We heard live evidence from Lady Elizabeth, whom we found to be credible on the issue of whether her son assaulted her. She was very clear about the details of the assault.”  

At the start of the trial prosecutor Miss Amanda Burrows told the court: “This is concerning the assault of 95 year-old Lady Elizabeth Gilbey. The defendant is her son, Sir Gavin Gilbey, who is 68 years-old.

“Essentially on the twenty-sixth of August, last year Lady Gilbey was at her home address. The defendant had been staying with her some days and her housekeeper was away and there was nobody else in the house.

“Lady Gilbey says the defendant came into the room where she was watching television and they started arguing and she says her son came towards her in a threatening manner.

“She placed her walking cane in front of her and he snatched it and broke it into several pieces.

“He grabbed her violently from her chair and she fell to the ground so hard her hearing aid fell from her ear.”

Lady Gilbey went looking for her neighbour Mike, who spoke to Sir Walter and the police were not called.

She contacted police on September 1 and the investigation began.

“There are photographs of Lady Gilbey’s chest, which the Crown say are consistent with what she said and they were taken by her daughter Camilla Frederick.

“Lady Gilbey suffered significant bruising to the left side of her chest, the breast area.”

She saw her GP Dr. Timothy Fooks on September 5. “He observed an area of large bruising on Lady Gilbey’s chest and took an assessment of her mental capability and reaches conclusions about that.”

Sir Walter’s lawyer Mr. John Blandford told the court Lady Gilbey invented the allegation in revenge for her son hiding her car keys to prevent her driving.

“Lady Gilbey was driving on a regular basis even though she has glaucoma, which she should have informed DVLA about.

“The defendant was very concerned she was driving and causing a risk to other road users and on two occasions took her car keys away.

“This led to rows and threats and that is the reason for the false allegation.” 

Miss Burrows told the court Sir Walter refused to answer police questions after giving his statement. “He failed to account for how the cane was broken.”

Sir Walter told officers: “I deny assaulting my mother in any way whatsoever. I have not acted in any way that is considered threatening or intimidating.

“I did not cause any injury or bruising to my mother.”

Lady Gilbey, who has a history of falls, saw her GP with her daughter. “I was told ten days prior to her attending she had been in an altercations with her son at her home,” said the doctor.

“During that event she told me she was pulled forward in such a way that she fell on to her chest an that’s how the bruise was caused.

“I observed quite a large bruise on her breast. The injury I was shown was a significant bruise in keeping with what I had been told and I stand by that.”

Sir Walter is the 4th Baronet of The Gilbey Baronetcy and the title’s seat is Elsenham Hall, Essex.

The title was created on September 4, 1893 for the wine merchant, stock-breeder, agriculturalist and philanthropist Walter Gilbey.

He was chairman and co-founder of W & A Gilbey, established in 1857, a wine merchants and distillers most famous for London dry gin.

The brand is now owned by industry giants Diageo.

Twice-divorced Sir Walter is known by his middle name Gavin and the Eton-educated businessman was a director of Giblet’s International Inc between 1986 and 1992.

He succeeded as fourth Baronet on October 29, 1991.  

Monday 12 February 2018

Gilbey Gin Heir Describes Sister As "Menace" To Their Mother

Sir Walter Gilbey told the trial his sister Lady Camilla Frederick, 64, was an ex-drug user determined to get her hands on their mother’s estate and supported the bogus assault allegation.

“My sister was just trying to control, take control of my mother’s money. She’s had a lot of problems, she a recovering heroin addict I witnessed giving marijuana to her children.

“A complaint was made to the Public Guardian that I was stealing my mother’s money. My sister made the same complaint to the police, a doctor and her daughter.”

Sir Water was cleared of the allegations. “My conduct was exemplary. I’d like to think I’m a good man of moral character.”

Sir Walter Gavin Gilbey, 68, of Torwood, Stafford Road, Dornoch denies assaulting his 95 year-old mother Lady Elizabeth Gilbey on August 26, last year at her home in Little Paddock, Bury, Pulborough.

Trouble began when he snatched his mother’s car keys from the ignition two days before the assault claim. “She responded by wailing, screaming and pounding the steering wheel with her fists.

“She said: ‘You’re ruining my life. I hate you, I will get you for this.

“The second time I did it she got out of the car and started hitting me with her stick and that’s when I broke it in two pieces.”

He said of the assault allegation: “This is fantasy. My sister has been nothing but a perpetual menace to my mother this last year.

“I believe without any doubt my sister has groomed our mother to gain control of our mother’s assets. This is the motive.”

Sir Walter said the bruise must have been caused by an innocent fall. “She’s done it several times before. I’ve seen her staggering, stumbling, she’s very unsteady on her feet.”

His sister Lady Camilla said of her mother: “The fear and terror is etched into her brain.

“How would you feel about your brother doing this to your mother?” she asked, rejecting Sir Walter’s claim she was jealous of him.

“I did not want him or myself to have POA or be executors of the will to end the family dispute.”

She dismissed her brother’s suggestion she plotted with her mother to frame him, telling defence lawyer Mr. John Blandford: “Don’t be so ridiculous, that’s laughable.

“You’re a joke, you’re a joker. I totally reject it, it is nonsense, ridiculous.

“I’m a mastermind? I did that did I? To insinuate I did that is disgraceful, disgusting, you’ve been instructed by someone quite weird.”

The trial, at Horsham Magistrates Court, continues.........

Sunday 11 February 2018

Gilbey Gin Heir Sir Walter Claims Sister Encouraged Assault Claim To Seize Mother's Estate

The mother of gin heir Sir Walter Gilbey told the trial, via a video link, how her son angrily confronted her and dragged her out of her seat during a row.

Lady Elizabeth Gilbey, 95, who shares her home of twenty years with her 86 year-old housekeeper, told the court it was approaching 5.30pm when Sir Walter assaulted her.

“I was sitting on my sofa in my little sitting-room, reading. He came into the room, we had an argument and he came back into the room with a rather menacing look on his face.

“I raised my stick to defend myself and he has mentioned that I hit him, which I never did, I don’t even hit my dog.

“He snatched the stick from me and broke it into five pieces. He grabbed my arm and flung me on the floor and I landed on my face.

“I tried to get up again and he just stood over me. I was so scared I ran into the neighbour’s house for protection.

“The hearing aid was in my ear and when I hit the floor it came out of my ear and shot under the stove.

“I went to my bedroom and barricaded the door with a lot of chairs and went to bed. He pushed the barricade of chairs and came into the bedroom.”

Sir Walter lost Power of Attorney in 2014 and his lawyer Mr. Blandford suggested: “You and your daughter Camilla have put your heads together to ensure he is out of the picture and Camilla has control of the estate.”

He lost POA after an enquiry by the office of Public Guardian and prosecutor Miss Burrows asked: “Is the defendant so incensed that POA was removed he’s gone out of him way to portray his mother as someone losing her memory, losing her marbles.” 

Lady Gilbey said it was nothing to do with her daughter and also dismissed her GP’s evidence of a history of falls. “I’ve never fallen. The only falls I’ve had is when he yanked me out of the chair and flung me on the floor.”

She said “hatred’ was too strong a word to describe her son and daughter’s relationship “Maybe dislike. She’s with me know, she’s a very dutiful and beautiful daughter.”

Sir Walter says his mother has struck him with her walking stick, shouting: “You’re ruining my life,” when he took her car keys.

“It is very important for me to be able to drive. I live right out in the country, I have to drive,” said Lady Gilbey, giving evidence via a videolink.

Sir Walter says his mother struck him on August 24 and 26, last year, forcing him to confiscate her walking stick and telling her: “Mum, you’ve got to stop hitting me.”

However, she insists he was the aggressor. “The way he came into the room in such a threatening manner and when I put my stick up he snatched it in such a menacing manner.

‘I landed on my face and missed the metal stove by a matter of inches. That might have killed me.

“I went to my doctor to show him all the bruising because I thought I’d broken my ribs.”

Sir Walter, 68, of Torwood, Stafford Road, Dornoch denies assaulting his mother, while visiting from the Scottish Highlands, at her Pulborough home in Little Paddock, Bury on August 26, last year. 

Trial continues……………