Sunday 28 July 2024

Stormzy's Illegal Lambo Tinted Windows Rap

Rapper Stormzy will be sentenced for having illegal heavily-tinted windows on his £200,000 Lamborghini after a court rules if he was using a mobile phone while driving his Rolls Royce Wraith.

The award-winning musician, 30, did not appear at the Lavender Hill Magistrates’ Court hearing,
where he was listed under his real name Michael Ebenezer Owuo Jr. 

He pleaded guilty via his lawyer Humzah Ilyas to a charge of using a motor vehicle in a condition likely to cause danger of injury, namely front driver and passenger side tinted windows that allowed only 4% light.

This relates to Stormzy driving his red four litre Lamborghini Urus in Coombe Lane, Kingston-upon-Thames on October 17, last year.

His address is a five bedroom £2.5m house in nearby Coombe Lane West.

“He has pleaded guilty on the windows and we will deal with that at the conclusion of the trial,” announced bench Chairwoman Deborah Draksmith.

The Croydon-born BRIT Award-winning artist pleaded not guilty to driving his grey £225,000 6.6 litre Rolls Royce Wraith in Addison Road, West Kensington on March 7, this year while using hand-held mobile phone.

Prosecutor Alice Holloway told the court: “This defendant is not here today and there are two matters. One is driving a vehicle in a dangerous condition with excessively tinted windows.

“He has pleaded guilty to that offence after initially pleading not guilty and the trial was listed for today.

“There is also a mobile phone driving offence and that is a not guilty plea and today’s hearing is to fix a trial date.”

Stormzy’s lawyer asked for permission to potentially change the October 16 trial date to fit his client’s busy schedule.

“I do not have dates to avoid for my client given the nature of his job,” said Mr Ilyas. “Mr Owuo is an international musician and if there is a tour or show it creates incredible difficulties for him.”

Ms Draksmith announced: “The bench are happy to grant that application, but you must inform your client that should he not turn up on the day of the trial it will go ahead in his absence.”

Friday 26 July 2024

Mum's Drink-Drive Crash

A mother-of-two crashed into another car while over twice the drink-drive limit and with a pair young children in her vehicle.

Ramune Gaigalaite, 37, was seen swerving all over the road and into the path of oncoming traffic before the collision.

“Police officers noted she smelled of alcohol, her speech was slurred, her eyes were glazed and she was unsteady on her feet,” prosecutor Pamela Ciesla told Croydon Magistrates’ Court on Friday.

Gaigalaite, of Rokewood Apartments, High Street, Beckenham pleaded guilty to driving a Vauxhall Mokka in nearby Westgate Road on June 13 with excess alcohol in her breath.

Her reading was 85 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

She also pleaded guilty to being drunk while in charge of two children, namely boys aged five and seven years-old, who cannot be identified.

“She was witnessed by officers driving erratically,” explained Ms Ciesla. “She was all over the road and crossed the centre line into oncoming traffic and collided with a black VW Golf.”

Gaigalaite failed a roadside breath-test and was arrested.

“She seemed incapable of keeping control of the children and the police officers had to ensure they did not step into the busy road.

“The offence is aggravated by carrying passengers and being involved in a collision.”

The first-time offender’s lawyer Bruce Reid told the court: “They are not the most serious offences, although I choose my words carefully because there are aggravating features to the excess alcohol charge.

“She was feeling overwhelmed and was drinking at home although she says alcohol is not a problem for her.

“She was under extreme pressure, looking after the children.”

Gaigalaite was bailed to return for sentencing on August 23 and bench Chair Beverley Thomas told her: “For these offences we need to know more about you and your situation.

“We will obtain a pre-sentence report from probation, which will be very important and the court will take all your circumstances into account.

“We are going to impose an interim disqualification from driving and that starts now.”

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Ex-Boyfriend Facing Multiple Charges

A man accused of violence within an alleged controlling domestic relationship has appeared in court.

Dave Newman, 48, of Samos Road, Penge - now living in Biggin Hill - appeared on bail at Croydon Magistrates’ Court.

He is charged with three counts of assault, causing actual bodily harm, on the same female on November 16, 2022 and June 16 and 17, last year.

Newman is also charged with engaging in a controlling or coercive behaviour within a relationship between October 1, 2022 and December 31, last year.

This is alleged to involve which friends the victim could see, threatening to hurt himself or his dog, calling the complainant degrading names, preventing her ending the relationship and visiting her in contravention of a civil injunction.

Newman is also charged with the sexual assault of a female on November 10, last year and being in charge of a dog, namely an American XL Bully, dangerously out off control on the same day when a friend of the woman was injured.

He is also accused of the intentional strangulation of that same male on November 14, 2022.

Newman was bailed on condition he does not contact the complainants or visit their addresses and will appear at Woolwich Crown Court on August 16.

Monday 22 July 2024

Stolen 1966 Daimler: Man In Court

A man accused of selling a stolen luxury Jaguar Daimler has appeared in court.

Edward Brown, 47, of Cobden Road, Luton, Chatham indicated not guilty pleas to the charges against him.

He appeared on bail at Croydon Magistrates’ Court and elected jury trial.

Brown will next appear at Woolwich Crown Court on August 16.

He is charged with handling stolen goods between June 3 and 6, 2022, namely the green 1966 2.5 litre Daimler belonging to Lee Jarlett.

He is also charged with fraud by false representation on or about June 6, 2022, namely selling the vehicle for £2,000.

The court heard the car was stolen after a burglary. 

Saturday 20 July 2024

Bench Pest: Suspect Hunted By Police

A woman was molested by a mystery male as she sat on a bench outside Maidenhead railway station.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this image of their suspect.

Investigating officers are requesting the assistance of the general public to identify him.

They are treating it as an offence of sexual assault.

On Sunday, June 30 at approximately 8.00pm a woman was sitting on a bench outside the station when she was approached by a man who touched her inappropriately and made a remark.

Officers believe the man in the CCTV image may have information which could help their investigation.

If you recognise him or have any information please contact BTP by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 589 of 30 June.

Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Thursday 18 July 2024

His Majesty's Pleasure: Train Pervert Locked-Up

A train pervert, who twice pleasured himself in front of lone female passengers on the same day, is starting a prison sentence of two years and eight months.

James Gathercole, 39, deliberately placed himself in the eyeline of the 27 year-old and 19 year-old victims on suburban services in south-west London.

He pleaded guilty at Inner London Crown Court to two counts of exposure and also received a ten-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

The court heard Gathercole committed both offences on Sunday, May 26.

The first occurred at 3.20pm on a train from Motspur Park Station to Wimbledon Station.

He sat opposite the 27 year-old and proceeded to masturbate and expose himself.

Later that evening at 7.20pm Gathercole boarded a train at West Sutton Station towards London Blackfriars and sat near the 19 year-old.

Again he proceeded to pleasure himself before getting up and walking through the carriage.

 After viewing CCTV and a clip that one of the victims recorded, the investigating officer was able to identify Gathercole as the suspect.

Investigating officer DC Potter said: “Gathercole has acted in a disgusting manner choosing the young women to target.

 "Gathercole will be able to consider his actions while serving time for his crimes.

“The SHPO will ensure he is not able to target anyone again and should allow for him be able to learn from his actions.

 "We take all reports of sexual assault seriously and with the full support of victims in such cases this shows the positive results we are able to achieve."

The SHPO prevents Gathercole from :

Traveling on the Underground railway network or enter any railway Station unless he has notified his allocated offender manager.

Approach, follow, touch or make any attempts to communicate with any lone female (previously unknown to him).

Undo, loosen, or remove, totally or partially, any item of clothing below the waist, whilst in any public place.

Touch himself in any way that would be considered lewd or obscene.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Pervert Planted Sickening Child Abuse Images On Trains

A sick pervert deliberately planted disturbing print-outs of young children being abused on train services.

Steve Blackthorne, 38, of Winchester, Hampshire left bundles of printed A4 sheets containing the images – traumatising unsuspecting witnesses who found them.

He received two years imprisonment, suspended for two years and must comply with a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

Blackthorne pleaded guilty to the making and distribution of indecent photographs / pseudo-photographs of a child.

He must complete 150 of unpaid work and pay £650 costs.

Winchester Crown Court heard how on Sunday, January 23, 2022 a train guard was handed six pages of A4 sheets by a passenger.

They had been left behind by Blackthorne when he departed the service at Basingstoke.

The pages contained horrific indecent graphic images of children: 16 Category A (the most severe), five Category B and 16 Category C.

The images left the guard in tears and he alerted British Transport Police (BTP) who met the train at Southampton station.

Just a few days later, on Monday January 31 a member of cleaning crew discovered a further batch of images when he pulled down a folding table. 

Horrified and upset by what the pages contained he immediately reported it to his manager who in turn called BTP).

The six pages again contained 16 Category A, five Category B and 16 Category C indecent images of children.

A CCTV search identified Blackthorne as the passenger who had left behind the print outs.

On Monday, March 14 officers swooped on Blackthorne at Basingstoke station and arrested him. 

A search of his mobile phone found 60 Category A, 27 Category B and 81 Category C images.

A laptop he was carrying was also seized and upon examination was found to contain two Category A and three Category C images.

A search of his home address produced another laptop which held a further 10 Category A images.

In police interview he admitted printing the images out at work from a work computer.

Investigating officer DC Phil James said: “Such was the level of Blackthorne’s depravity that the images he had collated left those who inadvertently happened upon them deeply traumatised.

No one in their right mind would ever willingly choose to see these sickening images.

Blackthorne showed no shame in his perversion even transferring the images to a work computer so he could print them out at work to look at at his leisure.”

Sunday 14 July 2024

Sutton Station Sexual Assault: Do You Know This Man?

Police are hunting this mystery man after a female passenger waiting for a train at Sutton railway station was molested.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this image in the hope he can be identified by the public.

At approximately 1.40pm on Thursday, June 6, the woman was waiting for a train when she was approached by an unknown male, who began making her feel uncomfortable. 

As she moved to leave the area, the man sexually assaulted her.

Officers believe the man in the image may have information that could help the investigation. 

If you recognise him or have any other information that could help, please contact British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 389 6 June.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Friday 12 July 2024

Passenger Knocked Unconscious Onto Track

A train passenger was punched out cold onto the track when fighting broke out at a Surrey railway station.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released these CCTV images of two suspects.

Investigating officers are appealing to the public to assist them in identifying the mystery males.

At approximately 8.09pm on March 8 four men were at Horsham railway station when they had a verbal disagreement. 

The dispute became physical and a fight broke out and one man was punched in the head, causing him to fall on the tracks and lose consciousness.

Officers believe the men in the CCTV images may have information that could help their investigation.

Anyone who recognises them, or has any other information, is asked to contact British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 2400066938. 

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Super Fare Dodger Caught At St.Pancras

St.Pancras International
A super fare dodger, who saved thousands of pounds by commuting into the capital with forged train tickets, has received a suspended prison sentence.

Construction worker Rory Stickles, 46, who was employed by Network Rail via an agency saved at least £27,959 in fares when travelling from his Kent home to St. Pancras.

At Inner London Crown Court he was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment, suspended for two years and ordered to pay a £10,000 fine.

Stickles, of Wakefield Way, Hythe claims he bought the tickets from an unidentified person and did not know they were forged, but conceded they were not legitimate.

An expert calculated the potential loss could have been as high as £85,546.

He pleaded guilty to one count of fraud by false representation, plus nine counts of possession of an article for use in fraud.

Stickles' dodge came crashing down at 9.20pm on January 26, last year when his ticket was examined at the St. Pancras International railway station barrier.

He presented a staff ticket, which was out of date. 

Upon further inspection, the member of staff noticed further inconsistencies and believed it to be fraudulent. 

The member of rail staff then showed the ticket to British Transport Police officers and explained the situation.

Stickles was searched on the spot by police and found to be in possession of nine tickets and passes believed to be fraudulent. 

The tickets dated back to 2019, amounting to four years’ worth of journeys made fraudulently between Folkestone and St Pancras International. 

These were seized, checked, and confirmed to be counterfeits. 

Investigating officer Police Constable Matthew Spencer said: “Stickles’ fraud covered four years resulting in a significant loss of revenue to Southeastern. 

“He believed he was above other rail passengers in not having to pay the full fare. This is not a victimless crime, with losses like this impacting the honest fare-paying public.

“We will not tolerate fraud on the rail network and we will do everything in our power to bring offenders to justice.”

Monday 8 July 2024

Dope!: Drug Dealer Trapped By His Own Joint

A dopey drug dealer, caught smoking a joint outside the nation's busiest railway station, has been locked-up after 25 heroin wraps were found on him.

Dexter Sharpe, 38, also had over £2,000 cash and is now starting a prison sentence of five-and-a-half years.

Investigating officer DC Emma Martin said: “Sharpe’s sentence reflects the severity of his crime and how serious the courts regard such offending.

“Drugs are a blight on communities and this is yet another example of our intervention removing more drugs that were destined for the streets.

“Anyone involved in the transportation of drugs on the rail network should beware – we have eyes everywhere - you will be caught and face the consequences.”

Sharpe, of Timsbury Walk, Wandsworth pleaded guilty to possession, with intent to supply class A drugs and possession of cannabis.

Inner London Crown Court heard Sharpe was stopped by officers and detained for a search after he was caught smoking a joint outside Clapham Junction station on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.

He was arrested and while in custody an amount of cannabis was also found among his belongings and the heroin was estimated to have a street value of £500.

In police interview Sharpe claimed an incriminating mobile phone phone, the cash and heroin did not belong to him, but refused to explain how he came to be in possession of them.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Mystery Trackie Suspect Wanted

A tracksuited female is wanted by police after a fellow passenger was hospitalised after being deliberately shoved to the floor at Ilford Station.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released this CCTV image of their suspect and are appealing to the public for their assistance in identifying her.

At around 9.10am on Friday, June 14, the female victim was approaching the barrier line at the station when an stranger pushed her to the ground in an unprovoked attack.

The victim sustained bruising to her arm and attended hospital.

Officers believe the woman in the CCTV image may have information that could help their investigation and are appealing for anyone who witnessed the assault to get in touch.

Anyone who recognises her, or has any other information, is asked to contact British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 177 of 14 June.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Banged Up: "Dangerous Sexual Predator" Who Targeted Teen

A “dangerous sexual predator”, who persistently stalked a young teenage woman on the transport network one night, has been caged for eight years and three months.

Claudiu Rizea, 39, pursued the 18 year-old across central London in the early hours, grabbing and molesting her.

He even tried to follow her into toilets at Baker Street Underground Station and was eventually arrested as he followed her onto the station platform.

Rizea, of Stanley Road, Harrow pleaded guilty at Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court to sexual assault and indecent exposure.

He was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life

The victim was on her way home on Friday, September 8, last year when Rizea approached her outside Euston station and offered her a cigarette. 

He then followed the young woman to Westminster before approaching her again and attempting to hug and kiss her before exposing himself to her when she reached Baker Street Underground Station.

She moved away only for Rizea to then drag her out of the station and sexually assault her.

The victim managed to escape and make her way back into the station only to be repeatedly approached by Rizea, who grabbed her arms and hair and again tried to drag her away.

She  managed to get to safety by locking herself in a cubicle at the station toilets. When Rizea attempted to enter he was prevented by a member of rail staff.

As she made her way back to the platform she saw Rizea walking towards her and alerted station staff who called police and arrested Rizea.

Investigating officer DC Gemma Lee said: “This was a terrifying and sustained attack on a young woman who has been left deeply traumatized by the incident.

“Despite her repeated attempts to flee, Rizea remained undeterred and determined to carry out his hideous and sustained sexual attack and subject her to further distress by following her across the city.

“Rizea is a dangerous sexual predator, who, thanks to the bravery of this young woman is now behind bars where he belongs.”

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Cell Sex Charge: Female Prison Officer In Court

A female prison officer, accused of having sex in a cell with an inmate at HMP Wandsworth, was arrested at Heathrow Airport boarding a flight to Madrid, a court heard yesterday.

Linda Katherine De Sousa Abreu, 30, appeared in custody at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court in west London, where she bailed to appear at Isleworth Crown Court on July 29.

However, the Portuguese national insists she was not fleeing justice and had informed her prison bosses she was flying abroad.

De Sousa Abreu, who was described in court as a “young mother”, wore a police-issue light grey custody sweatshirt and bottoms during the twenty-five minute hearing.

The small courtroom was packed with reporters and camera crews surrounded the building waiting for De Sousa Abreu to leave.

Her dark hair, which sports a streak of blonde highlights on the left side, was tied up and she only spoke to give her name, date of birth and address and nod “okay” to the magistrates when granted bail.

De Sousa Abreu repeatedly closed her eyes and appeared to take deep breaths when she first entered the secure security glass-panelled dock and heard the charge read to her, but showed no other emotion.

She has been charged with one count of wilfully misconducting herself or wilfully neglecting to perform her duty while the holder of a public office between June 26 and 28, this year.

Namely, that while employed in public office as a HMP Wandsworth Prison Officer wilfully and without reasonable excuse or justification misconducted herself in a way which amounted to an abuse of the public’s trust in the office holder by engaging in a sexual act with a prisoner in a prison cell, contrary to Common Law.

She walked free from court on bail on condition she sleeps every night at her half a million pound two-bedroom purpose-built leasehold flat at Kenneth Younger House, Clem Attlee Court, Lillie Road, Fulham.

De Sousa Abreu must also surrender her Portuguese passport which has already been seized by police; not apply for or be in possession of any travel documents; surrender her Portuguese government-issued identity card; not enter any UK travel port and obey an electronically-tagged night time curfew between 9pm and 7am.

“There is a real risk of failing to surrender in that there are links, contacts and means to travel abroad,” said prosecutor Niamh McDonagh, who did not object to bail as long as there were strict conditions.

“Ms De Sousa Abreu was apprehended at Heathrow Airport, where she was for a flight to Madrid. I believe she has family there.

“Her Portuguese passport was seized by the police when she was apprehended. She is a Portuguese national, with a Portuguese passport.”

De Sousa Abreu’s lawyer Gayathri Yogarajah told the court: “There are concerns that she will fail to surrender, but there was no intention of fleeing. She contacted the prison to say she was travelling outside the country and she is a young mother.”

The charge is indictable-only to the Crown Court and De Sousa Abreu was a not asked to enter a plea.

“These matters before us today are indictable only so have to be heard at the Crown Court,” announced bench Chairwoman Julie Cooke. “It is Isleworth Crown Court on July 29.”

De Sousa Abreu was arrested last Friday after footage from a cell at HMP Wandsworth was circulated on the internet and she was charged on Saturday.

The HMP Wandsworth footage featured a bearded prisoner, wearing dark grey shorts and a light grey t-shirt seemingly engaged in sexual activity with a dark-haired uniformed female prison officer.

The footage was apparently recorded in the cell by another inmate, who gives a running commentary.

HMP Wandsworth in south-west London is a Category ‘B’ Victorian prison with a 1,371 capacity, which opened in 1851.