Diana Marquis, 51, (pictured) of Songhurst Close, Croydon is a mediator with the Wandle Housing Association and sorts out problems between neighbours, but lost her cool during a row over her and the couple's respective children.
She will now have to attend diversity awareness classes as part of her punishment.
"I will kill everyone. I will go to prison for my children, I will protect my children," she told a teaching assistant at West Thornton Academy School, Rose Court Road, Croydon.
Mother-of-three Marquis, denied, but was convicted of assaulting Isobel Hodson , who is in a civil partnership with Stephanie Richards and assaulting another parent who became involved in the row, Debbie Cooplestone on June 20, last year.
She was also convicted on three counts of threatening behaviour towards the couple and headmistress Jo Simmonds on the same occasion and harassing the couple between June 13 and June 20 at the school by abusing them with homophobic language.
Up to twenty-five children, aged between five and eleven years-old, many in tears, witnessed the row, which also included Marquis shouting at the head in the reception area: "I'm gonna take that smile off your face."
Prosecutor Miss Eka Kalunta-Ike told Croydon Magistrates' Court: "Ms Richards has described four incidents where she has been verbally abused by the defendant, who has used homophobic language in the hearing of other children, including hers.
"When Ms Richards collected her children from the school on June the thirteenth the defendant shouted at one of her children and the child started to cry.
"The defendant then swore at Ms Richards, referring to her as a: 'F***ing lesbian'."
A week later Marquis again arrived at the school in an aggressive mood. "She abused the couple, calling them: 'Dirty f***ing lesbians.'
"Another parent, Debbie Cooplestone, challenged her about her behaviour and was assaulted.
"The assault involved the defendant sticking her right index finger in her right nostril, causing her discomfort."
The parties left, but almost immediately returned at the school's request for clear-the-air talks, which quickly went downhill.
"Marquis shouted and swore at the couple and spat at Ms Hodson's face," explained Miss Kalunta-Ike. "Ms Richards admits she attempted to punch the defendant, but she ducked out of the way.
"The defendant had to be restrained and escorted inside by school staff and was taken to the headmistress's office.
"It is unfortunate the children were present while homophobic remarks were made and the victims in this case feel humiliated and degraded."
Teaching assistant Peter Kerwood told the earlier trial Marquis was annoyed with two other children as she arrived to collect her own son.
"She came over and started shouting at them. It was very aggressive and I jumped in as I felt Mrs Marquis' behaviour was not acceptable.
"I moved her back a safe distance, but she was still aggressive, saying things under her breath, she was clearly not happy with me."
Marquis was unhappy about the way the school handled a fight between her son and the same-sex couple's daughter, suggesting there was an organised conspiracy against her.
She told the court: "Their son has been to my house for tea. We have each others phone numbers and I have no issue with their sexuality.
"I approached her with respect. I was not angry."
Marquis was placed on a twelve month community order, with the diversity course a required activity, ordered to perform 200 hours community service and pay each assault victim £100 compensation.
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