Anthony Bailey, 23, made threats to the girl and told her if the truth ever came out she should say she had sex with his innocent brother.
Engaged Bailey, of 6 Dunheved Road West, Thornton Heath, whose fiancé is due to have triplets in three months time, was convicted of raping the girl at an address in Rutherwick Rise, Coulsdon on November 26, 2011.
Croydon Crown Court Judge Jeremy Gold QC told him: “You befriended her and that friendship led to full sexual intercourse.
“You did not use force and she did consent, but you took advantage of her vulnerability to groom her over the proceeding months and committed this offence.
“She was infatuated with you and not mature enough to deal with your sexual advances.
“You were not sexually inexperienced, but maybe you would not have found it easy to socialise with people your own age.”
Prosecutor Mr. Nicholas Alexander told the court: “The aggravating features are that there were threats to the victim if she reported the incident and she was told to say it was the defendant's brother.”
Bailey was cleared of a further three counts and his defence said he was not a “predatory paedophile” but an: “intelligent hard-working man who will find a lengthy prison sentence devastating.”
He was ordered to sign the sex offenders register and a Sexual Offences Prevention Order was made restricting his contact with children.
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