Darren Laverty, 49, of Maes Hyfryd, Beaumaris, Anglesey, who was said to have tweeted to Ms Poulton or about her over 300 times was due to stand trial in September.
However, at Kingston-upon-Thames Court last week the Crown Prosecution Service announced there was no realistic chance of securing a conviction.
The second woman is 34 year-old Esther Baker, who in 2015 waived her right to anonymity to claim she was abused by a former MP as well as a judge and a peer.
She said abuse occurred at an apartment in Dolphin Square, Westminster and Staffordshire woods when she was aged between six and eleven years-old.
Father-of-three Laverty blogs about Wrexham’s Bryn Estyn children’s home, which is at the centre of an abuse enquiry.
He has always fought the charges and now not guilty verdicts have been entered in relation to both women.
He had been charged with one count of stalking, involving serious harm or distress, between January 30, 2015 and May 12, last year, causing Sonia Poulton serious alarm or distress, which had an adverse effect on her day-to-day activities.
The 52 year-old writer and broadcaster is a regular guest on ITV’s ‘This Morning’, often commenting on issues involving children.
Prosecutor Miss Amanda McCabe told Wimbledon Magistrates Court during Laverty’s first appearance: “The complainant is a journalist and after the Jimmy Savile enquiry she began reporting on it and receiving abuse from people, and the police say one of them is the defendant.
“She feels this is a sustained campaign against her and she’s harassed by the defendant. Most of this has taken part via twitter.
“The defendant tweeted either about or to the complainant on approximately three-hundred occasions, causing her to suffer alarm and distress.
“If convicted the defendant is likely to receive a custodial sentence.”
Laverty was separately charged with stalking Ms Baker, involving serious harm or distress, on April 14, last year by speaking about her on social media.
After the case was dropped Ms Poulton said: “It’s a very serious error and unfortunately for those responsible I have it in black and white.
“The CPS are blaming the Met Police and vice versa. I have filed a complaint and taken legal advice.
“For four years I have been stalked. I have been threatened with murder, accused of being a paedophile, my employers have been contacted and told I was responsible for the murder of child abuse survivors.
Screenshots of my home were put on social media as the gang encouraged people to come and finish me off.
“I have a panic alarm in my home and a personal alarm. Four hundred pages of evidence resulted in the CPS charging a man last year.
“Today it is all over twitter that the charges have been dropped and yet the CPS have not informed me of this.
“The Metropolitan Police made it clear to me that something had taken place behind the scenes.
“Another woman, also the victim of this man, has also been let down. We are dealing with connected people with serious sex attacks in their history and influential links.
“I, and this woman have been thrown to the wolves. More information will be revealed.”
Ms Baker said: “Unfortunately I’m still waiting for the CPS to have the basic courtesy to let me know instead of me finding things out on twitter. I am, however planning to appeal their decision.
“I can’t see any reason why he should get away with what he and his friends have been doing for so long.”
I am a victim of Darren Laverty, so was my partner of 37 years. Laverty and his identified gang of SuperTrolls including two high profile figures stalked and harassed us 24/7/365x2 and managed to get us arrested in November 2015 on subsequently proven false allegations. We had been on bail for 50 weeks and the Dorset police knew we were not guilty two weeks into our bail. We were investigated as potential paedophiles simply because we are homosexuals, but my partner died from the stress and anxiety of all the abuse six months ago. Our GP has confirmed the stress caused by these SuperTrolls and indeed the Dorset police caused his sudden death from a massive heart attack after no charges were brought in November 2916 and after we were given 'confidential' information by the police. Not confidential anymore, that information was that we had been used as pawns to lure the welsh/dutch ringleader out of Holland when they intended to arrest her. You can find lots of information herehttps://werefused2bassimilatedtheninvestigated4paedophilia.wordpress.com/2017/05/26/darren-laverty/
I posted links to my laverty and other blogs earlier. Wordpress have just taken my site down. Nothing illegal on it, all stuff already in the public domain but put together as a concise chronological blog with lots of dvidnce people have not seenbn before. I tell you now, these people do have very high connections. Mark Williams-Thomas old friend is Dorset police and crime commissioner Martyn Underhill suspended as ADCI from Sussex police in 2009 for sex on duty with a colleague, then he moved drown here to become police and crime commissioner, he is a self confessed freemason, and they both have very thigh contacts. MWT is financed by Simon Cowell, they are afraid of my joining all the dots, the police have it all though and they are investigating. This was confirmed in a high level meeting with another victim and the police last friday. They are all scurrying around trying to take us victims down to stop us revealing the truth. They know they are responsible for the death of my partner and know what is facing them.
Calling Darren Laverty a Blogger is like calling Fred West a good parent. I take it you have read some of his online vomitus?
The stuff that freemasons get away with is unbelievable. Rape, murder, child abuse, occult ritualistic abuse including the rape and torture of children and sacrificial killings. I could go on and on.
Laverty is a narcissist, is a consummate liar, a fantasist and has a long history of false allegations and abusive behavior. He also has a long history of not being challenged over his lies to official inquiries and his reputation for avoiding prosecution for his behaviour is well known in North Wales. He seems to be driven by his obsessive and damaging grudges. He made allegations against a teacher at Ty'r Felin in North Wales, John Roberts that were shown to be false as he had left the children's home before Mr Roberts even started working there in 1979.
He also swore on oath at the North Wales Child Abuse Inquiry at Ewloe of 'Torture' he had 'Witnessed' at the Bryn Estyn Children Home in Wrexham, where another boy, Peter Wynne had claimed that he had had his face 'rubbed into broken glass from a shattered chandelier', which were later shown to be untrue. 'For Darren Laverty had not been present in the dining room on the occasion recorded in the Bryn Estyn log book. Indeed he had not been at Bryn Estyn at all …... He had left the home on 6th April 1983, a full nine months before the dining room incident had taken place.'
A Timeline of Abuse Allegations in North Wales which features Laverty throughout and makes interesting reading.
The same Darren Laverty to egged Steven Messham on in an attempt to get him to suicide on Twitter? That Darren Laverty?
This is what Darren Richard Laverty did to myself and my partner of 37 years. He contributed to what our GP of 18 years told the police killed my partner Robert
Darren Richard Laverty, memeber of Welsh woman Janette Scharenborg's SuperTroll Gang that include Mark Williams-Thomas contributed to the death of my partner of 37 years in November 2016. All evidence currently with police. Our GP of 18 years has told the police the 24/7/365x2 cyberstalking and SuperTrolling of us IS the reason for his massive heart attack that killed him in minutes.
This is my blog about the MONSTER OF BRYN ESTYN https://stalkersdotblog.wordpress.com/author/2017stalkers2018/
Royden James Jones of the outlaw blog has removed yet another pdf file from his website, still in google cache here though, ainteresting stuff about Darren Laverty
"Darren Laverty (aged 14) placed at Bryn Estyn where he quickly becomes the most despised resident that ever stayed there, being viewed by both staff and other residents as a 'manipulative, brutal and cruel bully'"
Lots lots more about him here
Jones has been removing a lot of pdf files from his blogs that he allegedly denies having on there.
Being a professional liar takes its toll. Dazzle is looking haggard and more bitter and twisted than ever. Ugly inside and out
Chris Hobby is as bad as Darren Laverty. Do you emember what you did to Robin Cracknell you hypocrite?
Absolutely irrelevent, we are discussing the MONSTER DARREN RICHARD LAVERTY, and this is distracting from the facts of the article here.
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